Gold Assistant

Chapter 614

Chapter 614
"I don't know who the murderer is? Could it be Qin Hong or Zhan Jingyun?"

Right now, they hate Zhan Jingni the most.

"I'm going to inform Brother An, hoping to get some news from them."

The next day, the fire at Shi's family's birthday banquet became the headline news of the day.

However, the cause of the fire is unknown.

This made the people who eat melons a little dissatisfied.

But even so, the media have nothing to do.

After all, it was the Shi family, so it was good that the fire could be reported.

It didn't take long for melon eaters to find bright spots in the published photos.

The figures of Chen Ting and Xue Yao standing together were circled, as well as Liu Li and the others.

[Eh, why did I, Mo Li, also attend this birthday banquet? ]
[Look at the person standing behind Mr. Shi, is it another assistant of my Moli? ]
[Oh my god, according to the media's introduction, that's the little princess of the Shi family, and my Moli's assistant is actually the little princess of the Shi family! !I don't know what the identity of the assistant is.

It seems that I, Mo Li, and the little princess of the Shi family respect her very much. ]
[Wow Kaka, I, Moli, are different! !Akimbo and laughing, hahaha! ! ]
[Why don't you discuss the fact that I Ting and I Yao look at each other affectionately?They are so right, shy! ]
[We ignored it on purpose!The wound of broken love that was opened by you is so painful, I can only order a cake to heal the wound. ]
Because of these photos, the affairs of Shi Xiaonan and Roy were exposed.

The media reporters specially made additional reports for a few days.

Because the family status of the two is not low, and the woman is pretty, the man is handsome, and they are in a foreign relationship, which makes the melon eaters very satisfied.

In this way, the small purpose of letting the public know who the little princess of the Shi family is is achieved.

It also prevented some people from using her identity to fish in troubled waters.

Qin Hong looked at the news with a complicated expression.

I didn't expect the assistant I despised at the beginning to be so amazing.

No wonder the inspection department will speed up the inspection of Gu Yunhuayan.

Huayan is officially launched today.

I heard that it was snapped up within three hours of opening.

Those who snatch it show off on the scarf or circle of friends.

If you don't grab it, you have to queue up earlier tomorrow.

Although he was removed from the position of president, Qin Hong is still very concerned about the situation of Huanxi.

When the stock price fell before, he used most of his property to buy the stock of Huanxi, hoping to obtain a controlling stake in this way and regain the position of president.

Qin Yi is just a vase put on stage by those shareholders.

Qin Hong glanced at the happy website on the screen.

Today is also the day when Cherry Blossom Water is sold.

Usually, as soon as it is put on the shelves, it will be sold out in less than 2 minutes.

But now also after three hours, there are still 50% of the quantity left on the shelves of the website.

I didn't expect Huayan's influence to be so great!

Fortunately, the shares of Huanxi have not been affected for the time being due to the last round of decline.

But he was happy for less than 3 minutes.

The remaining quantity of Cherry Blossom Water on the Huanxin website turned out to be 60%.

He immediately called to ask what was going on.

But I was told that the person who bought it originally returned the product, so the remaining quantity changed back.

It didn't take long for the remaining quantity to become 90%.

And Huanxi's share price fell by the limit again.

Qin Hong felt like a knife was constantly cutting his flesh, and the knife was still very blunt.

He sat in front of the computer all day.

In the evening, Zhan Jingyun walked into the room carrying a few bags of things.

"Brother Hong, it's getting dark, why don't you turn on the lights?"

Qin Hong saw the things in her hand, and said in a somewhat unfriendly tone: "Why are you shopping again?"

Zhan Jingyun quickly put down the things in her hands, sat on Qin Hong's lap, and said with a smile like a flower: "The seasonal discount is very good.

By the way, Brother Hong, when I swiped the card today, the clerk said that the card limit is not enough, so you call the bank and tell them to increase the limit. "

"Can't you save some money?! Today's life is different from before."

"Save it?"

Zhan Jingyun immediately stood up, looked down at Qin Hong, and snorted coldly.

"Hmph, back then you asked me to hand over all the money to you to buy shares in Huanxin, saying that you would return to Huanxin and promised to support me.


How many days have passed now, do you want to regret it? ! "

Qin Hong, who originally wanted to get some more money from Zhan Jingyun, immediately endured it when he thought of this.

He was laughing, and when he was about to say something, a notification came from the computer that the mail had arrived.

"Uh... Let me check the email first, it may be important work."

Unexpectedly, when he clicked on the email, the photo of Zhan Jingni when he died immediately popped up.

When Zhan Jingyun saw it, she immediately screamed out.

"To shut up!"

In fact, Qin Hong was also frightened.

Who on earth sent such photos to scare them.

But he pulled the mail down with trembling hands, and when he saw a sentence, he was even more frightened.

[The task has been completed, please send 300 million to the designated account.Otherwise, your murderous behavior will be exposed. ]
Attached is their registration information on the dark web and a task list.

It contains Zhan Jingni's information, and the mission is to kill.

Qin Hong and Zhan Jingyun looked at each other in blank dismay.

Then immediately looked at each other vigilantly.

They were removed from the position of president before, and later they found out that Zhan Jingni asked someone to post the things on the Internet.

In a moment of anger, he ran to the dark web and set up a mission, trying to buy Zhan Jingni's life.

But there was no price tag, and the task was canceled before it was released.

The two said at the same time: "Have you reissued the mission?"

"I didn't!" Then they denied in unison.

"Then what's going on? You were the one who said that the task would be released that day."

Qin Hong tapped on the computer screen.

"I just made a suggestion, and this email is for you, who else is it if it's not you?!" Zhan Jingyun took a step back.

Qin Hong looked at Zhan Jingyun with a dark face, "When you registered the information, you filled in my email address.

The 300 million, you pay. "


The two started arguing there.

On the other side, Xue Yao opened the mailbox that had not been used for a long time, and also saw the email that Qin Hong had received.

It was only then that she remembered that a virus had been installed in Qin Hong's and Qin Yi's computers before, but she didn't expect that it was still working now.

Xue Yao ran to 601 with her laptop.

"Teacher, look! It's really Qin Hong who went to the dark net to buy the murderous Zhan Jingni, he is too ruthless."

Chen Ting looked at the email and frowned.

"Their task list has not been filled out yet, and it will not be released according to the normal process.

How could anyone still receive this task? "

"Ah? That means Qin Hong was blackmailed?"

Chen Ting nodded, "This kind of task list that hasn't been released will not be saved on the website. The person who sent the email should have taken a screenshot on Qin Hong's computer."

(End of this chapter)

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