Gold Assistant

Chapter 617 A Palpitation

Chapter 617

When the credits began to appear, the theater fell silent for a moment.

The music started, and a quiet little girl sat in front of the piano and began to play with her ten fingers.

A period of ups and downs, mellow yet passionate piano sounded.

This is a one-shot shot, and it's a full-body shot.

Although the little girl was a little unskilled and intermittent when she played the piano, it could be judged that she played it by herself.

This surprised the people watching.

Not to mention how good this little girl's acting skills are, it's pretty good that she can play the piano well just because she is young.

Soon someone discovered that she was the little girl in the public service advertisement that had attracted much attention some time ago.

The people who found it all exclaimed in small voices.

This has only just begun, and it has already amazed everyone.

Seeing everyone's reactions, Xue Yao and Liu Li were very happy.

Before Xiaoxian saw Liu Li playing the piano at the Qin family banquet on Xiaobai's computer, she admired Liu Li very much.

Encouraged by Xiaobai, she boldly stated that she wanted to learn piano.

It's just that Liu Li is busy making movies and doesn't have much time.

Finally, Roy, who came to visit the class, found out, so he clapped his hands and said that he would teach.

Anyway, his mission to come to China has been completed, and Huanxi is almost finished, and he can be that happy pianist again.

Under his hand-in-hand instruction, Xiaoxian began to learn to play the piano.

What everyone didn't expect was that after only half a month of study, Xiaoxian was able to play a complete piece of music in a decent manner.

In the end, Zhan Minghui saw it and added such a paragraph in the title.

Really wonderful.

It's just that this is a movie after all, so the plot of the little girl will soon be gone.

Then there was another piece of piano sound, but the figure turned into the young female president.

The lens shoots the past from far to near.

Soon I saw Lin Xia's beautiful side face.

Even under the magnification of the big screen, her face is still very delicate, making it difficult for people to take their eyes off her.

Low voices echoed in the screening hall.

No wonder she dared to play the young female president, such beauty shocked everyone.

She is indeed an immortal goddess.

Then the screen continued with the female president's study, the encounter with her lover Mr. Song, the country's crisis, Mr. Song's death and so on.

There were some weeping and sighing sounds in the screening hall, and everyone felt sorry for the two.

Not long after, the translator played by Liu Li appeared.

There was another beautiful piano piece, and the face of the female president showed some vicissitudes and traces of time.

Next is the female president, who was elected by everyone to lead everyone through the national crisis and establish a new government.

Female presidents attend meetings and banquets in various countries with interpreters.

The translator played by Liu Li has always been by her side dutifully, and also works as a bodyguard.

She speaks various languages ​​fluently, which also amazes everyone.

An Mo also soon appeared, playing the courtesan who deals with different men, but secretly engaged in dangerous espionage work.

Her attire followed the alluring route, which formed a strong contrast with Liu Li's elegance and dignity.

With the development of the plot, more and more familiar actors appeared.

When Chen Ting appeared on the stage, there was another burst of exclamation in the cinema.

It's so handsome!

The young officer he plays is the translator's lover, but he disappears on the battlefield in order to save the female president and the translator.

In the last scene of the movie, the old female president is lying on the bed, watching the founding ceremony broadcast on TV, smiling and closing her eyes.


One second, two seconds, three seconds...

There was silence in the cinema.

When the ending song played, Zhang Ling's ethereal voice, and the cast and crew appeared on the big screen, everyone applauded.

Many industry insiders and celebrities who just came up to watch politely clapped their hands in amazement.

There were also many women who were dazzled by crying, but they wept and applauded excitedly, regardless of the makeup on their faces.

Xue Yao looked at everyone's expressions with great satisfaction.

Whether it is the story, the camera, the actors, the costumes, or the makeup on their faces, this movie is impossible to fault.

The whole movie is that perfect.

After the film ended, the media reporters rushed forward again and surrounded Lin Xia and the others.

"Ms. Lin Xia! The age span of your film is so large, but the makeup on your face is so natural. Did you ask any master for help?"

"What is the final outcome of the translator and the young officer?"

"Did the female spy finally die or retire?"

"May I ask if the costumes you wore in the movie were all designed by Ms. Qiao Le?"

"The props in the movie, can I buy the same items on a certain treasure?"


Listening to the reporters' questions, the crowd surrounded by groups felt very puzzled.

Why do those questions seem to be skewed?
Even though it's still about the movie.

Just as everyone was dealing with the media, Xue Yao suddenly felt palpitations.

She immediately looked towards the projection window in the projection hall.

Chen Ting noticed something strange about her.

Also followed to see the past.

An unusual black shadow seemed to appear in the projection window.

He immediately used his spiritual sense to investigate.

A man was found standing there.

The man wore a mask and a peaked cap on his face, only revealing a pair of fierce eyes.

"It's Su Zhengxin."

Chen Ting said something in a low voice.

Haji and the others, who were still helping to maintain order, immediately tensed up, and quickly ordered the security personnel to lead everyone to the entrance of the screening hall.

Xiaobai pulled Xiaoxian to his side, and notified Chang Yuande by sending a message on his mobile phone.

They're in the next screening room.

After receiving the news, Jian Le'an quietly left with someone.

After Mr. Chen and Mr. Shi found out, they both frowned.

Xue Yao and Chen Ting deliberately walked last.

Both of them held a large number of defensive charms in their hands.

In case Su Zhengxin wanted to hurt the people here, they could throw the defensive talisman in time.

They kept calm and followed Su Zhengxin's every move.

But Su Zhengxin just stood in the projection room blankly, without further action.

This made everyone very puzzled.

Not long after, Jian Le'an's people rushed into the projection room with members of the Special Task Force.

When they first entered, everyone was stunned.

Su Zhengxin's body was covered with bombs, and he held something like a switch in his hand.

After seeing the person coming, a strange smile came out of his mouth.

"I'll give you two hours to let the person who provides L-substance ore come to me.

Otherwise I will detonate the bomb. "

Jiang Pingyuan looked at him like an idiot.

Two hours is enough time for them to evacuate all the crowd, and he will bomb it or not.

At that time, even if he pressed the switch, he would only be able to kill himself.

(End of this chapter)

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