Gold Assistant

Chapter 626 Best Newcomer Award

Chapter 626 Best Newcomer Award
This year's Gold Award is different from previous years.

Maybe it's because the quality of the films participating in this year's selection is really bad, so the judges made a gimmick to make everyone want to watch.

It is to hide and cover up the nominations for various awards, so that no one will know.

Although everyone has already guessed that the hottest winner of this year's award must be "The Female President".

But not knowing the list of nominations for the awards, fans who were originally lacking in interest began to pay attention to this year's gold awards.

The judges of the gold award wiped off a cold sweat after seeing the online response.

"This year's Gold Award will definitely be a success!"

In order not to make this year's Gold Award selection the worst in history, the judges racked their brains to find ways to change the situation, and even made a decision that had never been made before.

As the day of awarding was getting closer, Xue Yao and the others also got busy.

The first step is to choose the gown to wear on the red carpet.

This time, at the strong request of Liu Li and An Mo, Xue Yao wanted to accompany them on the red carpet.

"Walking the red carpet is your business, why do you have to drag me?"

Xue Yao looked at the two younger sisters suspiciously.

She is just a small assistant, and she didn't participate in the movie, nor is she qualified to walk the red carpet.

An Mo stepped forward and took her hand, coquettishly.

"We want to be a little bit special. Last time I walked with Lili, let's do something different this time."

"Then you can find a man to accompany you." After she finished speaking, she smiled, "I don't mind lending you Shi Shi to walk the red carpet."

Liu Li stepped forward, looked at her sincerely and said, "I want to go with my sister."

Xue Yao looked at the two of them and nodded helplessly, "Okay, if the Gold Award Conference agrees, I will go with you."


An Mo jumped up happily, and immediately turned to Qiao Le to ask for Xue Yao's dress.

"Don't be so happy, the general assembly may not agree."

Liu Li smiled mysteriously, "Don't worry, sister, there will be a way."

Soon it was time for the awards.

At the scene of the gold award, many media came.

A few days ago, the relevant department announced that the money laundering case had been closed, and those who should be arrested are already in prison, and the upper-level personnel of many companies have also been purged.

Many films that were suspended have also restarted.

The entire entertainment industry began to come back to life.

Although most of the awards tonight will fall into the pockets of the crew of "The Female President", it does not prevent everyone from walking the red carpet.

At least let fans know that they are not implicated in money laundering.

That's why there are more big names coming tonight than in previous years, and some people came back from overseas filming locations.

Since the list of nominations was tightly held by the judges, everyone was still guessing about the situation of each award before the award ceremony.

Especially the whereabouts of the actor and actress, there is still a lot of controversy.

Because of the special situation of "The Female President" cannot participate in these two awards, everyone's debate has become more intense.

Some netizens even suggested that this year's films that are eligible to be selected as best actor and actress have no outstanding acting skills, so it is better not to judge this year.

Otherwise, it would be embarrassing to just select them.

This statement was also supported by many people.

Some actors who are eligible to be nominated, after seeing such public opinion, laughed at themselves and said that if they won the award, they would give up the award when they came on stage.

Maybe that would get some appreciation.

The host of the outfield held a microphone and introduced the situation on the red carpet to the camera.

Every time an actor passes by, he will tell the movies that the other party has participated in like a few treasures.

Let the audience in front of the TV or computer listen with gusto.

At this time, he held the microphone and said happily: "A lot of celebrities have already taken their positions just now, this time there are many people who have been abroad for a long time, or who have been semi-retired and haven't shown up for a long time.

Although they didn't have any entries this year, they still supported this grand ceremony very much. "

It didn't take long for him to see the instructions from the off-site staff.

The host suddenly showed a sunny smile, "The most anticipated movie tonight is "The Female President". Now everyone welcome the crew of "The Female President" with me!"

The cameraman immediately zoomed out, facing the people who were about to enter.

The host continued: "As the most popular movie "The Female President" this year, I think everyone will only be curious about how many awards they can win together."

People are speculating about it online.

[Coke without ice: Best Movie will definitely not run, neither will Best Newcomer, and Best Supporting Actress is also ours! ]
[Little book boy shaking a fan: Best photography, best costume design, and best director won’t run away, the clothes inside are so beautiful, I want a cheongsam. ]
[Googling: There is a special gift in your locker. ]
[A needle salt: I am a single dog who came to see the awards, but was hurt by the upstairs and the upstairs. ]
[Little gossip Wei: This is a serious awards ceremony, reject any form of show of affection! ! ]

The three of Xue Yao walked gracefully on the red carpet wearing the special cheongsam provided by Qiao Le.

After Min Shasha's skillful hands, the three of them showed different beauties.

"Crack, click..."

The reporters kept pressing their cameras to take pictures.

The three of them stopped from time to time on the red carpet to allow everyone to take better photos.

Xue Yao, who stood between Liu Li and An Mo, did not lose to them at all.

When she appeared on the stage, she was even more amazing than many artists.

Although Xue Yao is not an artist, as the CEO of and the identity of Chen Ting's fiancee was exposed, she attracted a lot of attention.

Coupled with her own appearance and temperament, her popularity on the Internet is even more popular, even more popular than many popular florets.

Then the other actors of the crew also appeared one by one.

After walking the red carpet, everyone sat down at the place arranged by the conference.

Lin Xia and Li Baoqin were already seated.

Besides them, Xue Yao found Li Jinghui and Mu Xuan in the back row.

The halo of the protagonist on the heads of the two is still so dazzling.

"Sister, let's sit down first, and the awards will start soon."

Liu Li thoughtfully took the shawl and put it on for Xue Yao.

Xue Yao sat down quickly.

After a while the lights dimmed.

The films shortlisted this year began to play on the stage.

Awards were then handed out.

Sure enough, the best photography and the best costume design all fell into the hands of "The Female President".

Soon it will be the best newcomer award.

Lin Xia, who was the award presenter, walked out gracefully from the backstage.

Everyone looked at the big screen together.

Above is the list of participating candidates.

"The winner and character name of this year's Gold Award for Best Newcomer is—the role of translator in Liu Li's "The Female President"."

The clip of the interpreter was immediately played on the screen.

Because he had already guessed the result, Liu Li was only slightly taken aback when he heard his name being announced on stage.

Immediately, she stood up gracefully, hugged An Mo and Xue Yao one by one, and walked slowly onto the stage.

(End of this chapter)

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