Gold Assistant

Chapter 628

Chapter 628
The white-haired old man smiled and squinted on the stage.

"Okay, time is of the essence, let's announce the winner of Best Actress now, I believe everyone can't wait."

Then the big screen turned around in the list of nominees.

Before, because Lin Xia announced that she would not accept the award and withdraw from the election, the biggest opponent was gone, and they were all secretly glad that they could pick up the cheap ones, but now they all looked at the screen with dark faces.

Unexpectedly, they were put together by the gold award judges again.

It seems that there is no need to think about the best actress.

Now it depends on whether it is Liu Li or An Mo who gets it.

But there is only one award, no matter who wins the award, there will be a good show to watch.

Liu Li and An Mo stared at the screen blankly.

Looking at the constantly turning list, I began to feel nervous in my heart. I don't know who took the initiative. The two hands were tightly held together.

Fu, the photographer of the conference, keenly took pictures of this scene.

Fans are staring at TV or computer screens.

When I saw the two of them holding hands, a burst of warmth came to my heart.

In this era where everyone knows how to feel warm and cold, and human feelings are as indifferent as paper, let alone friends, sometimes even relatives will stab each other in the back.

But Liu Li and An Mo have always given everyone very positive examples.

They are not sisters but they are better than sisters.

It's just that everyone can't help worrying.

In this movie, their performances are very good, even comparable.

If anyone wins the Best Actress, the other person will be disappointed.

What if the friendship between the two is ruined because of this?
Some people who like to make troubles have already made a draft in their hearts, and they will write an article after the list of winners comes out.

It is said that because one of them won the award and the other lost, then conflicts and cracks appeared.

The white-haired old man on the stage, seeing the expressions of the audience, was also secretly laughing.

It will be fun to wait and see their expressions.

When voting to determine the winner of the award before, there was an unexpected result.

But it will bring good topics to this conference.

At this time, Chen Ting held the list of winners, and after opening it, he showed a surprised expression.

Xue Yao held her face in the audience and stared at him intently.

No matter what expression her teacher has, she is always so handsome.

"The winner of this year's Gold Award for Best Actress and the name of the character—the female spy in An Mo's "The Female President"."

After hearing the news, An Mo was taken aback for a moment.

Liu Li immediately hugged her happily, and kept yelling, "Momo, you've won an award."

The camera immediately gave them a close-up.

An Mo also hugged Liu Li back with a smile on his face.

The expressions on their faces were full of excitement and surprise.

To the disappointment of some people, Liu Li was not lost or depressed because of this.

But Chen Ting on the stage continued to talk: "And the translator in Liu Li's "The Female President"."

The scene became quiet again.

What does it mean?
"The two winners are invited to accept the award together on stage."

Two winners? !

At this time, a person walked out from the backstage, holding a trophy in his hand and handing it to Chen Ting.

Xue Yao reacted first.

She immediately patted Liu Li and An Mo who were standing there in a daze.

"Hurry up and get the prize!"

"Us?!" The two of them came to their senses at this moment, looked at each other and hugged each other again.

"We all won prizes!"

Lin Xia and Li Baoqin stood up and hugged them, with tears in their eyes.

"Go, don't make everyone wait too long."


The two happily supported each other and walked onto the stage.

After receiving the award from Chen Ting, he delivered another speech.

In their testimonials, they all emphasized that they are grateful to their sister Xue Yao who is willing to be a little assistant for them.

This is the first time since the establishment of the Gold Award that the double actress was awarded, which surprised everyone.

But their fans are very happy.

Finally, I don't have to worry about it. When the time comes, should I go to congratulate or comfort first.

Now we can congratulate together.

But some people always like to find a sense of presence at this time.

Cai Shichun V: [Hehe, a certain award was bought by someone, right? It was supposed to participate in the next selection, but it temporarily appeared in this one.

Obviously, both of them are supporting roles, but now they both won the award. If it is not a default, who will believe it, it is too fake. 】

For some reason, after this scarf was released, it was posted on the front page very quickly.

Netizens were very curious when they saw the scarf that popped up out of nowhere.

[The bamboo forest at the door: Who is this...?Why do you speak so sourly? ]
[The scumbag is about to explode: Well, newcomer?Are you kidding?This method is wrong. ]
[Excellent ex, get the hell out: Pfft~ You guys are so bad, she is Cai Shichun who was hidden by Hui Xing. ]
[Beautiful aunt: who? ]
[Wandering Frog: You guys are so bad, I like it!That's the one who said that my relationship with President Tao was a hype. ]
[The scumbag is about to explode: Why was it released so quickly? ]

Xiaobai and Xiaoxian, who were watching the live broadcast of the award ceremony, picked up their mobile phones and wanted to send a comment to congratulate the sisters. They also saw the message sent by Cai Shichun.

"This person is too bad." Xiaoxian pouted angrily. "Does she have nothing to do? Why does she always say bad things about Sister Li?"

"Well, too bad, let her get busy."

Xiaobai nodded vigorously.

Then I turned off the live broadcast, and opened a program on my laptop to connect to the scarf.

Xiaoxian stared at him with bright eyes, and looked at him motionless, not unhappy because she couldn't watch the awards ceremony.

Anyway, the following awards are nothing to look at.

Xiao Bai tapped the keyboard quickly.

After a while, Cai Shichun's bib posted new content.

Cai Shichun V: [Contract with Huaxing Company. (multiple photos)]

Liu Li's fans were discussing killing Cai Shichun's comment section, but they didn't expect her to post a new scarf.

It's just that some people don't understand the content.

But it was quickly answered by some marketing big V.

Yuji Brother A V: [Oh my God, the same person signed two contracts for the same film, but the amount is vastly different. The money laundering case has just ended, so is there a tax inspection now? 】

Entertainment Goldfish Eye V: [Shocked!A well-known actress was hidden by the company in spite of her anger, leading to a shocking case that had been buried for many years! ! 】


Xue Yao, who was sitting at the scene, didn't pay attention to the situation on stage after Liu Li and An Mo won the best actress.

After all, the award that will be handed out later is Best Actor, and it has nothing to do with them at all.

She quietly took out her mobile phone, put it on the spot and secretly brushed the scarf.

I want to read online reviews of the Queen of Two Shadows.

When she saw Cai Shichun's scarf, she was very angry.

How come there are always people who like to make troubles in such a happy time!
When she was thinking about how to fight back without implicating Liu Li and the others, she saw the content of the contract posted later.

After Xue Yao saw it, she was stunned.

This is big news!

(End of this chapter)

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