Gold Assistant

Chapter 630 Forget about this person

Chapter 630 Forget about this person
"Liu Li and An Mo are indispensable in the film, using two different lines of light and dark to tell the story of helping the female president accomplish her great cause.

The two of them are role models for young actors today.

Now there are many young actors, for the sake of short-term interests, a large number of dramas or variety show announcements, sometimes sacrificing quality for quantity, resulting in some low-scoring films with extremely poor acting skills.

Therefore, the hard work and excellent acting skills of these two should be encouraged.

That's why we decided to award the Queen of Two Actresses. "


Ling Yixin also watched the interviews of the judges just now.

She also knew that Xiaobai and Xiaoxian did this for Liu Li and An Mo.

"But I'm worried that the two of them will get into trouble in the future.

I don't know where they got the photos of those contracts. It would be bad if they hurt other companies. "

Xue Yao rubbed Xiaobai's hair again, and said with a smile, "Sister Xin, don't worry, Xiaobai knows what she's doing."

Xiao Bai immediately nodded.

"The Huaxing contract is real."

An Mo asked in surprise, "How does Xiaobai know it's true, and where did you get those photos of the contract?"

"Brother Kang gave it."

Everyone: "Ah."

From Xerox Kang?
Xiaobai nodded again, took out his mobile phone to make a call, and then turned on the speakerphone.

This is the fastest way to solve things.

Shi Lekang's lazy voice came from the other end of the phone, "Hi, it's Xiaobai."


"Xiaobai, Cai Shichun's scarf just now is in good shape.

Hehe, why didn't I think of this trick of misfortune. "

When Shi Lekang said this, everyone understood that it was really the photo he gave.

Xue Yao asked, "Brother Kang, why did you give these photos to Xiaobai?"

"Uh..." Shi Lekang felt guilty when he heard Xue Yao's voice. "Aren't you and Ah Ting busy with the wedding? So I didn't want to bother you, but asked Xiaobai for help."

Then he described what happened.

It turned out that in the money laundering case, people from relevant departments discovered that there was a problem with Huaxing Company, but they couldn't find out where the problem was.

The investigation of Huaxing has been in a "stalemate" state.

However, the market in the film and television industry has begun to decline, and if it is not dealt with as soon as possible, it may lead to a collapse.

The relevant departments had no choice but to announce the end of the money laundering case, and changed the investigation to be carried out secretly.

"Is the problem discovered are those contracts? Now that we have obtained them, why don't we just come and arrest them?"

Shi Lekang on the other side of the phone sighed.

"The photos of these contracts were not obtained through formal channels, and there is no way to verify whether they are true or not, so my brother asked me to help and see what can be done."

"Your brother?"

Xue Yao thought for a while, isn't one of them in the anti-drug and the other in the special task force?

How did it get involved with taxes again?
"Well, it's my elder brother."

Everyone: "Oh."

It turned out to be the Guojian Leguo who had never appeared.

If Shi Lekang didn't mention it, they almost forgot about this person.

In this way, Shi Lekang's family is quite powerful, he is a proper second-generation official.

"After thinking about it, I think this matter can be exposed through the Internet, and then the relevant departments will be stationed in Huaxing Company to investigate this matter due to the pressure of public opinion."

Xue Yao was very puzzled, "Didn't you send people to the money laundering case, and didn't find anything?"

"There is a specialization in the art industry. This time, the people who specialize in tax inspection are sent here, and they are well prepared. They should be able to find out some things."


Now that it was clear that Shi Lekang asked Xiaobai to do this, everyone didn't say anything further.

"Okay, kids need to sleep well to grow taller, so hurry up and go back."

The next day, Xue Yao was going to try on the clothes for the wedding banquet in City B.

Because the wedding arrangement is a bit urgent, there is no way to order a new dress directly.

Later, with the help of Mrs. Tao, they found a century-old embroidery shop.

There are many skirts and gowns that have been made in advance, and they can be worn with a little modification.

When choosing clothes, Mr. Chen also went with him.

He said that he also wanted to make a few new clothes, but he was actually worried that Chen Ting and the others would just choose them for convenience.

Sure enough, as he expected, Xue Yao and Chen Ting were looking at ordinary styles.

"No, as the granddaughter-in-law of our Chen family, how can I choose those ordinary models?" Mr. Chen tapped the ground with his cane. "Old Wei, what you have done is too unreasonable."

The old Wei Fu in the store beside him smiled.

"The time you want is too urgent. At present, only these are ready-made. If you order early, I can embroider one by myself."

Mr. Chen immediately glared at Chen Ting, "It's all your fault, if you have someone you like, you didn't tell me earlier."

This matter was really wronged, but Chen Ting could only smile helplessly.

"Grandpa, it's only for one time anyway, so there's no need to be so troublesome. These outfits are very pretty."

Xue Yao pointed to the few clothes she tried on just now.

"What do you know?" Mr. Chen knocked on the floor again.

"The quality of the skirt and gown represents how much the two families attach importance to this marriage.

When the time comes, you and Ah Ting will invite important people to your wedding, so you can't let them laugh at you. "

Xue Yao pouted and acted coquettishly, "It's enough for Grandpa and Uncle Mo to treat us well, why bother with so many other people."

When she was trying on clothes just now, she suddenly remembered that there was a set of skirts and gowns in the small space.

She even forgot which small world collected it.

Because it is just ordinary clothes, it has been kept low in the box.

But the style of the skirt and gown is also very good, but I don't know how to take it out.

It will take a while to explain where it comes from.

Old Master Chen sighed softly, "When your grandma and I got married back then, due to limited conditions, she didn't wear a skirt.

Even if we got better conditions and made many good cheongsams for her, it still couldn't make up for the regrets of the year. "

Having said that, Mr. Chen glared at Chen Ting again.

This made Chen Ting a little confused.

It's just that he couldn't be cold-faced when facing the only elder.

Xue Yao immediately said: "Grandpa, why are you glaring at Shishi again? This matter has nothing to do with him."

"When his father and his mother got married back then, your grandma wanted to make up for the regret about the skirt and gown. Who knew Ah Ting was already in his mother's womb at that time.

He grew rapidly in the early stage, and by the time of the wedding banquet, the skirt and gown that he had made no longer fit, so he had to change into a wedding dress in the end. "

Didn't expect such a thing to happen back then.

No wonder when he was young, his grandfather and father would find fault when they came back from other people's wedding banquets.

Old Master Chen looked at Xue Yao, "When society is progressing, many traditions are gradually being forgotten.

But skirts and gowns are of great significance to newcomers and should be passed down from generation to generation.

The weight of the skirt is not only because of its high value, but also because it contains many blessings, so it is worth cherishing for a lifetime. "

(End of this chapter)

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