Gold Assistant

Chapter 634 Special Embroidery Technique

Chapter 634 Special Embroidery Technique

Xue Yao/My goddess is awesome V: [One of the quintessence of Huaguo, let's enjoy it together! (Small video)]

Xue Yao, who hasn't posted a scarf for a long time, was quickly posted to the homepage as soon as this video was posted.

[Coke without ice: Wow, that embroidery is beautiful, what are you going to use it for?Red fabric, can't it be a wedding dress? ]
[Pricking salt: It's rare to see a new scarf, but what about the assistant's shooting skills, why is it still so scumbag?Did you shake your hands at 01:15? ! ]
[I want to be happy: ah, this is my sister-in-law's wedding dress? I just embroidered it now, so is the wedding not so fast? ]

Xue Yao brushed her scarf while waiting for people, and gave them likes when she saw interesting content.

At this time, Master Wei's apprentice walked into the embroidery village with two people carrying large boxes.

Xue Yao quickly put away her mobile phone, and looked at the people who came in.

The other party is a man and a woman.

The woman walked in front with a smile, while the man followed behind with a blank face, as if the whole world owed him money.

Looks like a bodyguard.

Hajime, who was sitting next to him, was also watching them, and when he saw the man, he felt a little bit of danger.

Hajime's body tensed up, and he focused on the man without a trace.

Master Wei put down what he was doing and greeted the people who came in.

After the two parties got to know each other, they opened the box and took out the gown that they had agreed upon.

The woman introduced herself as Xu Yan, and the man just stood aside silently, neither introducing herself nor speaking.

Xu Yan said with a smile: "After the dragon and phoenix gown was made, it has been stored at home, but all the family members have chosen Western-style weddings these years and have no chance to wear it.

I just heard that Ms. Xue has this need. We discussed it and decided to give it to those who need it most. "

"Thank you." Xue Yao looked at the skirt and jacket carefully.

As Master Wei said before, the gold and silver thread embroidered all over the red silk and satin, 100% coverage, it is a gown.

Although it doesn't seem to be as good as the one in her small space in terms of style or material, it is still a good product.

Master Wei reminded: "Miss Xue, go and try to see if it fits well, so I can adjust it then."

"is it okay?"

Xue Yao asked politely.

"Of course." Xu Yan quickly sent the clothes over.

After Xue Yao and Master Wei left, Xu Yan glanced at Ah Yi who was waiting beside her, and said to the people around her in a small voice: "Are you sure?"


"Well, let's get ready early."

Ah Yi frowned slightly, the language they used was very strange, I don't know where the dialect was.

He was a little annoyed, why didn't he record it just now.

Thinking of this, he quietly turned on the recording function of the phone, but the other party stopped talking.

After changing her clothes, Xue Yao came out of the fitting room, and turned around in front of the mirror a few times.

Sure enough, people rely on clothes.

Dressed in an imperial gown, she felt a lot more expensive.

She took out her mobile phone and took several photos in the mirror, which she will show to Chen Ting later.

Master Wei put on the glasses, stepped forward and carefully checked whether they fit her.

"This dress is just the right size, no need to fix it."

Xue Yao accidentally pressed the phone again, and the flash of the shot was refracted from the mirror and flashed into Master Wei's eyes.

"Ah, I'm sorry! Is Master Wei okay?"

Master Wei opened his closed eyes and said with a smile, "It's okay, it's okay. Huh?"

Suddenly he remembered seeing the picture just now.

He raised Xue Yao's sleeve excitedly, "This dress seems to use a special embroidery technique, and it will have different changes under the light. I haven't seen it much, is it a new technique?!"

In the lobby just now, when he checked the texture and materials of the clothes, he didn't notice this.

Does it have to be refracted by light to show the special features of this embroidery?
"Master Wei hasn't seen it either?"

Xue Yao raised her sleeve and looked at it.

Sure enough, looking at it from different angles, the dragons and phoenixes on the clothes seem to be flying.

Before she heard Mrs. Tao talk about it, she knew that Master Wei was an embroidery idiot.

It is said that in order to learn Su embroidery, he even went to the embroidery village in Sucheng and worked as an apprentice for five years.

Master Wei conjured up a portable lamp out of nowhere, illuminated it on the clothes, and stroked it gently with his hand.

"The dragon and phoenix embroidered with this technique will be more three-dimensional. Unfortunately, just looking at it this way, there is no way to understand how it is embroidered."

He put down the portable lamp with some reluctance, thinking of Xue Yao's question just now, he said hastily: "Although I have lived for so long, there are still many techniques that I haven't seen before."

Seeing his obsessed look, Xue Yao smiled and said, "Master Wei really loves embroidery."

"Yeah, I met my wife because of embroidery, and I will keep working hard for her."

Yeah, that sounds like a story!

I believe it will be very touching. I will ask Mrs. Tao another day to inquire about it.

At that time, the material can also be provided to Xia Tian.

Recently, she has been complaining that she has no inspiration and can't even type words.

After returning to the fitting room and changing out of clothes, Xue Yao remembered the embroidery book she found when she was looking for gold and silver threads in a small space.

Many different embroidery techniques are recorded in it.

I was still thinking about how to deal with it.

If it is handed over to the relevant department, where is the editorial reason found?

Now it's time to give it to Master Wei.

After she came out of the fitting room, she took out the prepared gold and silver thread and a thread-bound book in the recycle bag.

"This is the gold and silver thread I found. I hope Master Wei can use them on Lili and Momo's wedding dresses."

Master Wei took a look at it, and was very happy, "Where did this come from? The quality is so good! Can you give me the contact information of the other party?"

Xue Yao froze for a moment.

"Sorry, this is what a friend found in the warehouse at home, and that's all."

"Ah, that's such a pity." Master Wei caressed those silk threads lovingly. "Miss Xue, don't worry, I will make good use of these silk threads."

Xue Yao handed over the thread-bound book, "And this one, I found it together, I believe that Master Wei will definitely make the techniques in it flourish."

"Embroidery book?" Master Wei took it with both hands, flipped through it, and said with some regret: "The records in it are Suzhou embroidery, and there is not much difference from the ones that have been passed down now."

"Ha, that's it." Xue Yao was a little embarrassed.

When I first saw it, I found that there were so many techniques, and I thought it was very rare.

"Let's keep this book with Master Wei, we can't understand it anyway."

"Okay." Master Wei replied, but he was still flipping the embroidery book in his hand.

Although the above technique is common, he has never seen the font of the explanation, and there may be new discoveries.

(End of this chapter)

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