Gold Assistant

Chapter 639 Jealous of My Advantages

Chapter 639 Jealous of My Advantages
In the end, Ah Si took photos under Chen Ting's oppression, and began to sit at the table and watch movies all night.

Fortunately, it was edited, otherwise he might need to drink ice water all night.

Early the next morning, Xue Yao suddenly woke up from her dream.

Since the sealed memory was unlocked, she hasn't had a nightmare for a long time.

It's only 5 o'clock.

But she tossed and turned in bed, unable to fall asleep.

So get up and make breakfast.

She guessed that Chen Ting and Xiao Bai would wake up soon, so she came to 601 with breakfast.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Ah Si sitting in front of the computer as if in a daze.

Unexpectedly, he really obediently watched all night.

After seeing Xue Yao, he didn't rush to claim credit, which proved that he didn't find that Ah Yan's appearance.

Xue Yao brought the breakfast over, and said softly, "Si, eat something first, then go to sleep, and I'll watch the rest."

Ah Si slowly raised his head, and when he saw Xue Yao, big tears suddenly fell down.

Seeing him like this, Xue Yao immediately panicked.

We have known each other for so long, and I haven't seen Ah Si cry very much. Most of the time, I was wronged and looked at them pitifully, or pretended to cry without tears.

It's the first time I've seen you cry so sadly now.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

Xue Yao quickly took out a tissue and wiped his tears.

Ah Si immediately hugged her waist, crying loudly.

Chen Ting packed up and walked out, just in time to see this scene, he asked Xue Yao with his eyes.

what happened?
Xue Yao shook her head, expressing that she did not know.

At this time, Xiaobai, who heard Ah Si's cry, came out rubbing his eyes.

He looked at Ah Si in surprise.

"Brother Ah Si, why are you holding your sister and crying?"

Hearing the sound, Ah Si immediately let go of his hand, and embarrassedly picked up the tissue next to him and blew his nose.

Chen Ting and Xiao Bai came to the table and looked at him seriously.

"I, I may have found the murderer who destroyed our village back then."

Ah Si once said that before the village was destroyed, Tang Boxin went to their village to collect antiques, but in the end he left without buying anything.

It didn't take long for everyone in the village to die. If he hadn't fallen into a trap and was found by Ah Yi and Ah Er later, maybe he would have died together.

But after getting acquainted with Tang Boxin, everyone felt that he would not be the murderer.

So I asked about the past.

Everyone didn't expect that he admitted that he had been to that small village, but he went there to track down Tang Yu.

Because he once heard Tang Yu tell people about the small village in the research institute.

In order to make sure that Tang Yu was really dead, that's why he made that trip.

Chen Ting asked calmly, "What did you find?"

Ah Si immediately opened a screenshot.

"I didn't find that woman named A Yan, but I saw this."

In the screenshot is a bleak man.

Ah Si's hand was pointing at the tattoo on the man's arm.

"I recognize this."

Xue Yao and the three of them listened carefully to what Ah Si had to say.

It turned out that Ah Si, who was naughty when he was a child, liked to run around the village. One day he ran to hide in the yard of the village head's house, hoping that everyone could not find him.

Unexpectedly, I heard someone threatening the village head, as if asking him to help with something.

But then the village chief and the others didn't know if they were afraid of being overheard, so they spoke in some languages ​​that he had never heard before.

Suddenly the voice of the village chief stopped halfway, and there was the sound of something falling to the ground.

The curious Ah Si looked through the gap in the house.

A tattooed arm was seen choking the village's neck.

That tattoo is very special, so Ah Si remembers it very clearly.

"Later when I went out to play, I accidentally fell into a trap and didn't go out for a few days. After Ah Yi and the others rescued me, I saw the village that was wiped out."

Chen Ting thought for a while, "So you suspect that they are the same person?"

"Well, I searched for a lot of tattoo designs later, but none of them found the same one, so I'm pretty sure he's the same person who strangled the village chief's neck."

About Ah Si and the tattoo, Chen Ting still remembered it clearly.

At that time, Ah Yi and Ah Er were still nervous, thinking that Ah Si was going to fail in school, and consulted many psychologists on how to take care of children in the rebellious period.

Xue Yao looked at the person in the screenshot, because it was not very clear, so she squinted her eyes for a long time, and after a while she exclaimed.

"Ah, it's him?"

"Xiao Yao has seen him too?"

Xue Yao nodded, "He seems to be Xu Yan's bodyguard, and he accompanied her to deliver skirts and gowns to Xiuzhuang yesterday."

Because of the expression on his face, it looked like everyone owed him money, so the face-blind Xue Yao was quite impressive.

"Then Xu Yan must be the Ah Yan in Tang Yu's mouth, but why do they have an intersection?

And why did they sell that skirt to Xiaoyao? "

Most importantly, how did they get that set of skirts and jackets that do not belong to this small world?
After hearing this, Ah Si said with anger in his eyes: "Master, I'll check them out. If they dare to harm Young Madam, I will definitely not let them go!"

Chen Ting patted his head hard again.

Ah Si was taken aback.

He immediately turned his head and looked at Xue Yao pitifully.

"Young madam, the young master hit me again."

"Do you now know how pitiful I was as a child?"

"That's how they are. If they disagree, they shoot me."

"If I hadn't been extremely smart, I would have been photographed stupid by them."

"I know that everyone is jealous of my many advantages. I am handsome, smart, and have long legs."


Hearing that he regained his energy to file a complaint, Xue Yao's tense heart relaxed.

Ah Si should have such a funny look.

The look of bitterness and hatred just now is really not suitable for him.

Chen Ting said coldly from the side: "You don't need to worry about this matter, I have another task for you."

Ah Si, who was still thinking about it, stopped immediately.

"What task? How long will it take?"

"I promised A Ling and Dongdong that I will have dinner with them tonight."

"If it takes too much time, I can't go."

"After all, they have been out for so long, and they finally came back, just want to take a rest."


Chen Ting resisted the urge to slap him on the head again.

"Go to the research institute, there should be a secret underground laboratory there."

When Ah Si heard this, he immediately made a calculation in his heart.

Although the research institute is in the suburbs, it is still within the scope of city B, so it doesn't take too much time to go back and forth.

"it is good."

Chen Ting opened a certain video, pointed to a corner and said.

"This place is a blind spot for monitoring, and I found that when they often go from here to there, they will disappear for a few hours.

So the underground laboratory is likely to be in this place.

This is the structure diagram of the research institute, you can take it and have a look.

Also pay attention to safety, after all, it has been deserted for so many years. "

Ah Si transferred the structure diagram to the mobile phone, nodded vigorously, "I will pay attention."

(End of this chapter)

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