Just became a beast, someone built a sect on my hill

Chapter 105 Xiaolinshan... Why is it the focus?

Chapter 105 Xiaolinshan... Why is it the focus?
"Master Yin, you are finally back~~~"

A soft and charming voice sounded, and a "delicate" woman made of water emerged from the mountain stream.


Wang Ye responded lightly.

He didn't have the slightest emotion towards the mountain peak where he would bury his head...and be lost....

"Wuuuu...Master Yin, you don't know...how miserable I have been during the time you left...Wuuuu."

Shuiling Dingjia covered his face, his water-blue eyes... burst into rivers of tears.

pia, pia!

The "teardrops" flowed down the river and slapped on the surface of the Hushan creek, making a sound.

With this operation, Wang Ye immediately laughed angrily: "Could you fucking fake it a little more..."

Nima, women... are really made of water!


What doesn't exist is just a part of the body composition.

Take it away, take it away.

And Shuiling Dingjia suddenly widened his eyes, reacting violently, shaking the water peak, trembling and trembling, as if inconceivable:
"Zhu Yin, you are so amazing, you can tell it's fake right away."

Unlike that stupid man, my old lady is covered in water... Hmph, I don't want to go in!
I don't even know how to get up!

Wang Ye's tiger head is covered with black lines: "..."

Do I look like a mentally handicapped... What's so great about this?
"Cough cough, it's done." Wang Ye coughed twice, his face gradually became serious, and it was enough to make a few jokes.

Then, he said solemnly:

"Did anything important happen during my absence?"

"Hmm..." Shui Ling Dingjia saw that Wang Ye was serious, and stopped laughing, and corrected his attitude: "There is nothing important, but a stupid man came several times."

"Stupid man?" Wang Ye frowned and asked, "Who is it?"

"It's the one from the Western Sichuan Mansion..." Shui Ling Dingjia thought about it for a while, as if he really didn't know who the other party was: "Well, the manager or the general leader or something. Like the little old man, he also cultivates incense."

"But...seems like he's not the biggest one now."

"It's the God of the Western Sichuan Mansion." Wang Ye probably understood what Shui Ling Ding Jia meant, and said.

"Oh, it should be Fushen." Shui Ling Dingjia nodded and said, the stupid man in his impression seemed to introduce himself like this.

"It's not the biggest... what do you mean?"

Wang Ye said, why did he feel that his speaking skills were a little weird.

Not the biggest?So who is the biggest?Is it as old as me?
Well... the way is crooked.

Wang Ye thought about Shui Ling's meaning, and then said: "Has he resigned from the post of Palace God? So...not the biggest..."

But Shui Ling shook his head: "I don't think so, he's still the Palace God, according to what he said...he's like a idle job now, oh, I remembered."

Shui Ling recalled, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and said excitedly: "He said that a lot of big shots from southern and northern Sichuan have come to the Western Sichuan Mansion recently, and they parachuted over... He, the little mansion god, was naturally taken out of the picture haha..."

When it comes to the stupid man being eliminated, Shui Ling seems to be gloating in it.

"Oh, yes. He's free now, and he always comes to see me... Ahem, no, he always comes to visit you. So, he may come again in a few days!"

look... you?

Although Shui Ling's previous words passed by in a flash, Wang Ye still noticed it.

Hey guys... is there some 'py' deal going on here?

Of course, Wang Ye suppressed this little curiosity for the time being, and began to analyze the information in Shui Ling's words.

Southern Sichuan...North Sichuan...A lot of great people came.

Aren't these two places exactly where the war broke out?

On the way back, Wang Ye encountered many refugees, from southern Sichuan and northern Sichuan, who poured into Western Sichuan Prefecture.

This also confirms the fact that there is no monster invasion in western Sichuan!

As for why Chuanxi was able to survive the disaster, it is somewhat unknown.

So, is the war serious enough?
Could it be that... the two prefectures, including the Zhili forces in Bazhou, have moved to the western Sichuan prefecture?
This is a sign that Western Sichuan Prefecture will be formed into a new line of defense!

Thinking of this, Wang Ye suddenly shuddered.

The tiger hair all over his body trembled baldly twice.

Good guy... I haven't seen you for a few days, Xiaolin Mountain... Sichuan West Mansion has directly become the focus of the war!

This... seems to be getting more serious.

Of course, what Wang Ye was referring to was not war, but his own safety!
Demons, demons, and humans, the three major forces, thousands of powerful.

Is it really appropriate to squabble by your side?

Don't you really think it's dangerous?

Hearing the news of the war, Wang Ye's sense of crisis became even stronger, and it was time to build a wave of defensive measures before it was too late.

"Xiao Bei, let's go!"

Wang Ye twisted his tiger's head, and said to Xiaobei, the civet cat with his buttocks up.


Civet cat Xiaobei nodded, twisted his slender waist, pouted his tall buttocks, and walked forward behind Wang Ye.

"Congratulations to the master!"

Shui Ling half bowed and said, looking at the pure white civet cat behind him.

Skin is smoothed and radiant.

There is an indescribable hook...

"This civet cat... is becoming more and more charming, has it been exploited..." Shui Ling secretly guessed in her heart.



In a gutter a hundred miles away from Xiaolin Mountain.

A few human voices.

"Papa, come over for a meeting!"

A series of clapping sounds sounded from a silver mirror.

A certain movement was played on it, and then changed instantly, turning into a handsome face.

The face is slightly thinner.

White and cold.

Nangong Fengting, the head of the Jing Kingdom.

The Mirror Country belongs to the Hexi Twelve Nations Alliance, an alliance composed of twelve small but sophisticated countries.

This time, the Twelve Nations Alliance dispatched a large number of demon cultivators as special operations forces of the Demon Alliance to attack the Hedong Dynasty.

Like Mirror Country, ten mirror demon cultivators were dispatched, and Donggong Fengting personally led the team.

This is the sharpest and most powerful force of their mirror country.

Team number, "Ambush on all sides".

The surrounding nine mirrors floated over, each with a face, gathered together.

"Because of Yinxin, Qingxin, and Heixin's accidental deaths in Western Sichuan Mansion, the Yaoshan forces that were ambushing were disbanded in advance. Therefore, according to Bai Xin's meaning, Western Sichuan Mansion needs us to try and break through!"

Nangong Fengting transformed again on the mirror, the handsome face was no longer there, but changed into a map.

on the map.

South of Sichuan and North of Sichuan are shrouded in black, which means being captured by the allied forces of demons.

And the West Sichuan Mansion in the middle is blue.

It means the territory of the Hedong Dynasty.

And the position should be slightly behind, combined, it looks like a sandwich castle.

Right in front of Chuanxi Mansion, a red dot suddenly lit up on the mirror.

That red dot is, surprisingly, Xiaolinshan!
(End of this chapter)

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