Chapter 135

Jiang Xiaoli took Naidong and Huameng out, and Huanian couldn't stay idle, so he followed.

When he arrived at the field, Hua Nian was surprised: "Is this our ancestral land?"

Naidong glanced at the map in his hand and said, "That's right."

Everyone knows that Luoyuan's land is barren, but when standing in the field, the barrenness becomes more intuitive, and the cracked land is even more shocking.

Hua Meng squatted down, squeezed a handful of soil with his big hands, and the soil flowed away from Hua Meng's fingers like sand.

Hua Meng clapped his hands and said, "Here, let's sow the seeds, will the seedlings emerge by then?"

Hua Nian said: "Yes, don't waste our seeds then."

After all, there are countless things brought from the holy capital.

Jiang Xiaoli frowned slightly, and said: "The barrenness is not the biggest problem, the biggest problem is that there is still a devil in this land."

Hua Nian was silent for a while, and said, "Then what should I do?"

Naidong seldom speaks, Hua Meng simply sat down on the ground, Jiang Xiaoli thought for a while and said, "Let's go, let's find the water source."

"Water source?" Hua Nian and Hua Meng looked at each other, and Hua Nian said: "But, Luoshui has dried up, where can we find the water source?"

Hua Nian said strangely: "Besides, why is it so troublesome? If you need water, it's definitely not enough to hit a raindrop directly?"

Jiang Xiaoli said: "Then why don't you call now?"

Hua Nian raised his eyebrows and said, "Look at me."

The Falling Rain Art is just a very common spell, and some people will not learn it just because the Raining Art has no power.

However, although Hua Nian has a relatively eccentric temper, but because he was not very talented since he was a child, he has practiced the skills he can learn thousands of times early.

This rain will definitely happen, just so he will.

There is absolutely no gorgeous brilliance flowing in the rain, and after a while, a dark cloud moves from the sky.

Although the dark cloud was not very big, it was enough to cover the land where Jiang Xiaoli and the others were standing.

"Look, Xiaoli, Hua Nian still has some skills." Hua Meng pointed to the dark cloud in midair and said.

Hua Nian was a little proud, and when he pinched his handprints, light rain fell down.

"Look, isn't that all right?" Hua Nian said with a smile.

Jiang Xiaoli didn't answer Hua Nian's words immediately, she just stretched out her hand, and a few drops of rain fell on her white palm.

Hua Nian didn't understand why Jiang Xiaoli did this, and was about to ask a question, when Jiang Xiaoli moved his hand to his eyes.

"Look." Jiang Xiaoli said.

"What's wrong?" Hua Nian was puzzled, Hua Meng and Nai Dong also came over, Hua Nian was surprised: "My God, how could this happen?"

The few drops of rainwater in Jiang Xiaoli's palm looked no different from ordinary rainwater at first glance, but if you look closely, you will find that there are traces of black things flowing in the rainwater.

Hua Nian stretched out his hand, filled a few drops, looked at it, and dared not say: "How can there be such a strong demonic energy in this rain."

Jiang Xiaoli nodded, and said, "Luoyujue itself is the water vapor that gathers around and condenses into rain, so it's not surprising that there is also magic energy in this rainwater."

Hua Meng said: "Then what should we do now?"

Naidong looked at everyone and said, "Let's find a water source."

Jiang Xiaoli nodded, "Yes, the only way is to find a water source, find a water source that is not contaminated by demon energy."

Hua Nian and Hua Meng looked at each other, and Hua Meng said, "But, can I find this?"

Jiang Xiaoli said: "Luoyuan, the source of Luoshui, look for it, you can always find it."

Hua Meng patted the dirt on his body and said, "Yes, if we can't find it, we have to look for it, otherwise we will really starve to death here."

Jiang Xiaoli and the others searched the surrounding area, searched the nearby valleys, but found no water source nearby.

Hua Nian suddenly yelled, everyone was taken aback by Hua Nian, Hua Meng said with disgust: "Hua Nian, what's wrong with you, you were taken aback."

Pointing to the valley below, Hua Nian said pleasantly, "Xiao Li, look, it's cooking smoke, and if there is cooking smoke, it means there must be someone down there."

"There must be a source of drinking water nearby." Hua Meng squinted his eyes and said happily, "Hua Nian, your eyes are quite good, Xiao Li, look, there is really smoke from cooking."

Jiang Xiaoli said: "Come on, let's go and have a look."

There are many mountains in Luoyuan, and the terrain is uneven. The people in the valley seem very close. Although Jiang Xiaoli and the others have used the lightness technique, when Jiang Xiaoli and the others walked down the mountain, half an hour had passed.

"Oh, I'm so tired, I can't do it anymore, I'm so exhausted." Hua Nian said out of breath, with his hands on his hips.

Hua Meng patted Hua Nian on the shoulder and said, "The village is not far away, let's go quickly."

Hua Nian grinned, grinning his teeth and said: "Big man, you should be lighter, ouch, when I have a spirit stone, I must go buy some flying swords and come back. I am really exhausted."

Jiang Xiaoli looked at the small village not far ahead, but he didn't rush forward, Hua Meng stopped and asked suspiciously: "Xiaoli, what's wrong?"

"Strange." Jiang Xiaoli said: "We went all the way to Luoyuan, and all we saw was desolation, but why is there a small village here?"

Hua Meng said: "Hey, I thought what was going on. Although this Luoyuan is desolate, it was once a prosperous main city similar to the holy capital. Although most people have moved away one after another, there are still stars. Little villages, what’s so strange about that.”

Hua Nian chased after him, panting and said: "The big man is right, Xiaoli, don't worry, don't worry, it's okay, even if there is something..." Hua Nian patted his chest and said: "I'll protect you!"

Hua Meng laughed, and even Nai Dong, who didn't talk much, twitched the corners of his mouth slightly, and Jiang Xiaoli felt a trace of warmth in his heart, and said, "Everyone, be careful, let's go."

The further they walked, the more clearly Jiang Xiaoli and the others could see the village.

This village is not big, there are scattered houses here and there, and there are no more than a dozen houses in total. It seems that there are only a dozen families in this village.

"Is anyone there?" Hua Meng raised his voice, "Is there anyone in the village?"

No one answered, only empty echoes and somewhat gloomy winds responded fiercely.

Hua Meng scratched his head, returned to Jiang Xiaoli and said, "It's strange, I saw someone with cooking smoke just now, why can't I see anyone now, where are all the villagers here?"

Hua Nian said: "It's very strange. Just now on the mountain, I saw cooking smoke in the valley."

Jiang Xiaoli looked around and said, "Look around."

The village is very quiet, but it is because it is so quiet that it looks a little weird.

(End of this chapter)

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