Supreme Space Puppet Master

Chapter 296 Bloodbath of the Holy Capital City

Chapter 296 Bloodbath of the Holy Capital ([-])

There is always a lot of treasures in the auction hall.

In order to protect Chongbao from prying eyes, everyone knows that there are unique restrictions on the auction site.

This prohibition is like a huge net, it isolates the prying eyes of the spiritual consciousness of the venue, but also, what will happen after this venue, or what is happening now.

People in the auction venue will not know.

Because of the barrier of prohibition.

At this moment, the door is open.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaoli understood everything, what was the faint feeling in his heart that was wrong before.

Yu Qing jumped out to bid for the space debris, in fact, not only for the space debris itself, but also a trick.

An excuse to hold back all Taoist practices at the venue.

A trap that can wipe out all the main monks of Qianyuan.

The Qianyuan Chamber of Commerce is the largest chamber of commerce on the Qianyuan Continent. The annual auction will naturally attract a large number of monks. Moreover, these monks are often the mainstay of their respective families, sects, and forces.

In other words, the magic army actually only needs to wipe out all the Taoist cultivators in this auction. In fact, the Qianyuan Continent occupies half of it, but it is almost the same.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaoli's face was ugly, Yu Qing saw Jiang Xiaoli's face, smiled slightly and said: "It seems that you finally understand."

"Yes, I understand." Jiang Xiaoli took a deep breath, "It's just a pity, I understand too late."

Young Master Xiao and Xiao Luo supported Shopkeeper Xiao, Young Master Xiao's eyes were a little frightened, he looked at Jiang Xiaoli and said, "Jiang Daoyou, what's going on here?"

"As you can see, this person." Jiang Xiaoli's eyes fell on Yu Qing, "He is a demon, and we are surrounded."

Regarding this answer, in fact, everyone already had a bottom line in their hearts, but after listening to Jiang Xiaoli's words, everyone's hearts were still chilled.

"What to do, what to do, what to do now?" There was a commotion in the crowd for a moment, and many monks were a little confused for a while.

Many monks have even started to rush towards the gate, but what awaits them is the ruthless blade of the demon soldiers.

"Want to run?" Yu Qing smiled.

Jiang Xiaoli knew better than anyone else that there was basically no possibility of escaping from Yu Qing's grasp.

This point was not only thought of by Jiang Xiaoli, more and more monks began to understand that if they want to live, there is no other way to choose but to fight.

But there are people who understand in this world, so there are also people who are confused. In other words, there are many people who would rather be confused than understand.

Because they are not willing to accept the result that they are not willing to accept.

However, what can we do if we are unwilling to accept the result in front of us?

You can only deceive yourself and others, you can only blame others.

I don't know who started it, but some monks began to complain about the Qianyuan Chamber of Commerce.

They said that if it wasn't for the Qianyuan Chamber of Commerce's insistence on holding this auction, it would be impossible for them to be trapped here and be dumped by the demons so uselessly.

These words fell into everyone's ears in small pieces.

Hearing these words, shopkeeper Xiao's face turned pale again, Jiang Xiaoli frowned slightly, but the smile in Yu Qing's eyes grew stronger.

Yu Qing's eyes overflowed with a deep smile, he slowly raised his steps, and walked in the direction of shopkeeper Xiao.

Shopkeeper Xiao's pupils shrank, and a bad premonition suddenly flashed in his heart, and he saw Yu Qing raised his hand, and patted him heavily on the shoulder, "Good job."


All the blood on Shopkeeper Xiao's face completely receded, and he knew what consequences Yu Qing's words would cause.

Sure enough, as soon as Yu Qing said this, everyone's eyes on shopkeeper Xiao changed.

"Shopkeeper Xiao, it's you, it's you!"

"Master Xiao, you are actually a traitor to my fairy sect, you!"

"Collaborating with the demons, can shopkeeper Xiao alone be able to decide such a big matter? I think there are quite a few of his accomplices in the Qianyuan Chamber of Commerce!"

If the eyes could really turn into substance, shopkeeper Xiao would have been killed by these eyes at this moment.

However, even if shopkeeper Xiao couldn't be killed with his gaze, shopkeeper Xiao almost drowned the saliva of the monks present.

"No, no, listen to my explanation." Shopkeeper Xiao said hastily.

"What are you explaining, you traitor!"

"That's right, if you weren't a traitor, how could you have agreed to this devil to re-shoot the lot that has already been auctioned?"

"Yes, you are a traitor, and I don't think the Qianyuan Chamber of Commerce is a good thing!"

Young Master Xiao hurriedly said: "No, you guys calm down, my father is not a traitor, he is not!"

Surrounded by demons in the small auction house, the already flustered monks seemed to have found an outlet at this moment.

They don't care whether shopkeeper Xiao is really a traitor or not.

The reactions of the monks hit Yu Qing's heart.

A clearly visible sarcasm flashed in Yu Qing's eyes, he looked at Jiang Xiaoli and said nothing, but Jiang Xiaoli understood the meaning in Yu Qing's eyes.

You see, the so-called fairy gate, the so-called Taoism, is so ridiculous.

Jiang Xiaoli frowned fiercely, and she shouted: "Enough!"

Everyone was surprised, Yu Qing looked at Jiang Xiaoli with interest, he didn't speak, but a demon approached Yu Qing, and when he asked Yu Qing for instructions with his eyes, Yu Qing shook his head.

A trace of puzzlement flashed in the eyes of the magic general, and Yu Qing raised her eyebrows and said, "Aren't you curious, what will the little mouse who is about to die do if he knows he can't see the sun tomorrow?"

The demon general was taken aback for a moment, then he heard Yu Qing say: "Keep guard at the door, don't let a fly fly out."


It's not that Jiang Xiaoli didn't hear Yu Qing's words, but just because he heard it, Jiang Xiaoli felt even more sullen in his heart.

Jiang Xiaoli suddenly yelled so loudly that everyone was stunned by Jiang Xiaoli's yelling, but after reacting, more people looked at Jiang Xiaoli with anger in their eyes.

They were already flustered, but after being yelled at by Jiang Xiaoli, they felt even more uncertain.

"What are you calling, oh, I see, you were brought in by shopkeeper Xiao just now, and you and shopkeeper Xiao probably belong to the same group and are also traitors!"

In fact, the person who said this did not fail to understand that maybe shopkeeper Xiao and Jiang Xiaoli were not traitors at all, but they really needed someone who could let them hate and resent.

Only in this way can they keep themselves from facing the real reality soberly.

"A traitor?" Jiang Xiaoli said, "Maybe there is a traitor among us, but right now, the most important thing is to find out who the traitor is?"

Hearing Jiang Xiaoli's words, everyone fell silent.

Jiang Xiaoli's eyes fell on Yu Qing, she squinted her eyes, and said, "Could it be that the most important thing for us now is how to defeat them and drive them away?"

Yu Qing was happy, he actually understood Jiang Xiaoli's meaning, he swept around lightly, looked at Jiang Xiaoli and said, "I understand what you're thinking, but do you think that with these few little monks, it's really Can you escape from my palm?"

Yu Qing approached Jiang Xiaoli, and said to Jiang Xiaoli with a voice that could be heard by two people: "Do you think that this is Luoyuan, there will be Tantai Yu and they will help you?"

Jiang Xiaoli knew that what Yu Qing said was not unreasonable, and he still remembered that when he was in Luoyuan last time, he almost lost the entire city of Luoyuan in order to push Yu Qing back.

What's worse, the reason why Yu Qing was forced to retreat in Luoyuan last time was not only because of the presence of Tantai Yu, Ming Yun and others, but more importantly, the magic bead was destroyed by Jiang Xiaoli at that time, and Yu Qing was affected. Anxious to go back to recuperate the body.

"Yes, this is not Luoyuan, and there are no gods here." Jiang Xiaoli stared into Yu Qing's eyes without fear, and said, "But even if you are destined to die in your hands today, so what, if you die, I'll bite off a piece of your flesh too."

Yu Qing raised her eyebrows, suddenly thought of something, Yu Qing looked at Jiang Xiaoli's eyes changed, and he said: "I have said more than once, you and I are the same, as long as you want, I can let you I will tell you the method of cultivating both Daoism and Demonism."

Jiang Xiaoli understood what Yu Qing meant.

Jiang Xiaoli looked at Yu Qing mockingly and said, "Is this lunch free?"

Yu Qing's eyes were full of temptation, "Of course, as long as you hand over the fragment in your hand, I can give you the most powerful power in the world."

Dual cultivation of Taoism and magic, truly invincible in the world.

"Oh, really?" Jiang Xiaoli couldn't help but said, "But Yu Qing, is there really a supreme power in this world?"

"Of course!" Yu Qing's tone was firm and seductive.

Jiang Xiaoli raised his eyebrows, "That's good, Yu Qing, you answer me first, how did you get suppressed under the Demon Locking Tower and couldn't get out for tens of thousands of years?"

Jiang Xiaoli said that she was really curious.

Yu Qing's eyes changed, he looked at Jiang Xiaoli dangerously, "You're courting death."

"Are you courting death?" Xiao Li looked at Yu Qing and guessed, "Your strength today is not even [-]% of what you were back then, right?"

Seeing that Yu Qing didn't speak, Jiang Xiaoli continued, "But you, who were at the peak of your strength back then, were still suppressed, so where did you get your confidence from, and what did you use to convince me that in this world, there will really be countless Power from above?"

Yu Qing said bitterly: "That's because of those so-called deceitful tricks!"

Jiang Xiaoli said: "But you lost, that's the truth."

Yu Qing narrowed his eyes dangerously, and soon, Yu Qing smiled again, he looked at Jiang Xiaoli and said with a smile: "Okay, then let me take a good look, do you have such a tooth?"

Yu Qing and Jiang Xiaoli spoke in a very low voice, and the monks couldn't hear what Yu Qing and Jiang Xiaoli were saying before, but everyone could see that the sword between Jiang Xiaoli and Yu Qing was imminent.

Many people understood what Jiang Xiaoli meant.

If you want to rush out from the siege of the magic army, or even drive the magic army out of the holy capital, the only way is to fight!

But is it possible?
The auction is just opposite the Qianyuan Inn, which was originally the most prosperous place in the entire Holy Capital City, but what about now?

The door of the auction venue was wide open, but outside the door was very quiet.

The monks didn't want to think about why this disturbance became so quiet, even a needle could be heard.

They don't want to think about it because they are afraid that the result is not acceptable to them.

However, the pungent smell of blood in the air silently told everyone that Shengdu City, once one of the most prosperous main cities on the Qianyuan Continent, may have become a dead city at this moment. .

Xiao Hui was the first person to respond to Jiang Xiaoli's proposal.

Master Xiao is actually not the person who understands the most, but he does understand the person who must fight.

Because, he is the son of the chief treasurer of the Shengdu branch of the Qianyuan Chamber of Commerce, and he and the Qianyuan Chamber of Commerce are one.

Now Qianyuan Chamber of Commerce and shopkeeper Xiao have been said to be traitors.

Young Master Xiao knew that others might be able to withdraw, but he couldn't.

Because as long as he retreats, he will really be confirmed as the so-called traitor.

Young Master Xiao took a deep look at Jiang Xiaoli.

In fact, he was not familiar with Jiang Xiaoli, he didn't even know where Jiang Xiaoli came from and who he was.

But for some reason, Young Master Xiao felt that there was a reassuring element in Jiang Xiaoli's body.

As for what it was, if Young Master Xiao was asked to express it, he couldn't find the right words. What's more, the current situation didn't allow him to think too much.

Master Xiao said: "Jiang Daoyou is right, fight, we must fight, otherwise, we will only die!"

Xiao Luo also realized that Xiao Luo had presided over more than 1000 large and small auctions, so she could speak well.

At this moment, she also understood that fighting might be their only chance to survive.

Knowing this point, Xiao Luo spared no effort to play the role of her three-inch tongue.

Xiao Luo deserves to be the host.

The monks who had already been yelled at by Jiang Xiaoli to understand that they had to fight, were now encouraged by Xiao Luoyi, and they were full of fighting spirit.

Yu Qing sensed the changes in everyone, and he gave Jiang Xiaoli an interesting look, "It's kind of interesting."

However, Yu Qing still disdains.

After all, this is the site of the Qianyuan Chamber of Commerce. As the big shopkeeper of the Shengdu Branch of the Qianyuan Chamber of Commerce, it is impossible for Shopkeeper Xiao to have no cards at all.

The entire auction venue suddenly went dark.


Everyone only heard Young Master Xiao's exclamation, and the whole venue lit up again. It seemed that the sudden darkness just now was just everyone's illusion.

"Father, how can you!" When Master Xiao said this, his voice seemed to be a little unstable.

At this time, everyone has discovered that the entire venue has changed.

Of course, the person who changed his appearance at the same time as the venue was Shopkeeper Xiao.

Xiao Luo said anxiously: "Brother, Tianluodi Net Array, why did you activate the Tianluodi Net Array!"

It seems that shopkeeper Xiao's complexion has become paler every time since Yu Qing appeared, and this time, shopkeeper Xiao's complexion has become abnormally rosy.

But anyone can see that this is similar to a flashback.

"God, you, you must catch...cough." Shopkeeper Xiao seemed to have a mouthful of blood in his throat, which made him cough a few times, and then said: "...capture the thief and capture the king!"

(End of this chapter)

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