Supreme Space Puppet Master

Chapter 317 Medicine Sect

Chapter 317 Medicine Sect
The night in Wanshulou was very quiet, so quiet that it was hard to breathe.

And far away in the Medicine Sect, there was also a person who did not sleep tonight.

This person is Lian Xi.

The reason why Lian Xi couldn't sleep was not because she was worried about Jiang Xiaoli, Lian Xi was not worried about Jiang Xiaoli.

Why do you say that?
Because although Lian Xi had just left the Holy Capital to go to the Medicine Sect, within a few days, the magic army actually got involved in the grand event in the Holy Capital, and the grand auction held every few years by the Qianyuan Chamber of Commerce. inside.

what's the result?
The result shocked the entire Qianyuan Continent.

The holy capital was completed, but it was actually destroyed in the hands of the magic army.

You know, Shengdu City is one of the few huge main cities in the Qianyuan Continent. No one thought that Shengdu City would be like that tofu dregs in front of the demon army, so easily broken.

Many people don't understand, and Lian Xi is included in this.

But why isn't Lian Xi worried?
It's actually very simple, that's because there is a mysterious contract between Jiang Xiaoli and Lian Xi.

Until now, Jiang Xiaoli and Lian Xi still don't understand what the contract is?
Jiang Xiaoli didn't know, and neither did Lian Xi.

It's just that now Lian Xi feels that the existence of such a contract with Jiang Xiaoli before is not a bad thing so far.

Also because of the existence of such a contract, Lian Xi is not worried about Jiang Xiaoli.

What made Lianxi sleepless tonight was what happened in Yaozong in the past few days.

"Sovereign, it's time to get up."

Outside the house, a ray of morning light slanted in, accompanied by the morning light, someone whispered outside the door.

Before this matter, Lian Xi had already gotten up to practice.

But today, Lian Xi stayed in bed.


The people outside the house did not hear Lian Xi's response, and after a while, they called out again softly.

It's just that this sound was slightly louder than before, but it seemed more cautious.

What are the people outside the house afraid of?
Afraid of Lianxi?

"Crack." With a sound, the door opened.

The little boy outside the door looked at Lian Xi's cold expression, and lowered his head unconsciously, but if he had to say something, the little boy would still say: "Sect Master, the elders of all branches are waiting outside the door."

Lian Xi squinted his eyes, as if it was because of the glare of the morning light, he said, "Are they still determined?"

Xiao Tong couldn't figure out whether Lian Xi was talking to himself or talking to him.

The little boy thought for a while and said, "Yes, suzerain, all the elders still insist on you giving an explanation."


After finishing speaking, Lian Xi laughed slowly, as if he was playing with these two words.

Xiao Tong didn't understand what Lian Xi was laughing at, but Xiao Tong knew that if those elders didn't leave, he wouldn't be able to bear it.

After all, he is not Lian Yao.

He couldn't stop those elders' overt and secret coercion.

Lian Xi glanced at Xiao Tong, he understood what Xiao Tong's slightly begging eyes meant.

Lian Xi didn't make things difficult for the boy, "Let's go."

The boy's eyes lit up, his expression relaxed, and he said, "Sovereign, please come this way."

It's not easy, after so many days, the suzerain finally agreed to meet the elders of each branch.

Xiao Tong only felt that when he heard Lian Xi's words, his tears almost didn't fall.

The little boy ran out, and after a while, the hula-la crowd poured in.

"Sovereign Master, you are so arrogant. After returning to the sect for so long, you can finally show your face."

Lian Xi looked at the speaker with cold eyes when he heard the words.

Lian Xi said, "Uncle Liu."

"Hmph, I don't want to be the uncle of the suzerain, I'm afraid of losing my life." Uncle Liu said coldly, it is not difficult to see from the indignant look that the uncle Liu in Lian Xi's mouth has opinions on Lian Xi Not small.

Lian Xi narrowed her eyes and said, "Uncle Liu, Lian Xi knows that you are not convinced."

"Of course I'm not convinced!"

Lian Xi, Uncle Liu, stared at him, and his beard flew up, "Lian Xi, otherwise, tell Master Uncle, how will Master Uncle get rid of his anger?"

It's hard.

Uncle Liu looked at Lian Xi seriously and said, "Lian Xi, you owe Medicine Sect an explanation."

Lian Xi smiled and said, "Uncle Liu, I'm afraid Lian Xi won't be able to give you the explanation you want."

"You." Uncle Liu said anxiously, "Since you can't give a reasonable explanation, then don't blame me for electing another suzerain."

Lian Xi said, "Anything you want."

After speaking, Lian Xi got up and left.

This Uncle Liu blew his beard and stared angrily, "Lian Xi, stop for me, do you think we really have to rely on you?"

"Lian Xi, come back to me."


"Elder Liu, are we really going to elect a new suzerain?"

Some people hesitate.

Elder Liu snorted coldly, "Hmph, since Lian Xi can't even give an explanation, then even if we have elected a new suzerain, it can't be my fault."

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you. After a while, someone said: "But Lian Xi is the heir chosen by the old suzerain after all. Isn't it good for us to do this?"

"What's wrong?" Someone snorted coldly, "I think Elder Liu is right, Lian Xi is not worthy to be the new suzerain of our Medicine Sect."

"Yeah, even if Lian Xi is the person chosen by the old suzerain, so what, he lost the medicine mountain of our medicine sect, so what qualifications does he have to be the new suzerain of our medicine sect? "

"But if you don't choose Lianxi, who should you choose?"


still you?
Everyone's eyes were a little averted. Obviously, almost none of these people were willing to take over the Medicine Sect.

Lost Yaoshan's Yaozong, even if it seems that there is no difference.

But the elders here are all elders of the Medicine Sect, and they know very well what the Medicine Sect relies on for so many years to surpass all other sects!
"That's right, apart from Lian Xi, there is really no one who can take over the current Yao Yao sect."

The elders of the various branches of the Medicine Sect found out very sadly that under the fame of the Medicine Sect, there was no one who could replace Lian Xi.

Is this because Lian Xi is too dazzling?

Or is it because the Medicine Sect actually fell before the Medicine Mountain disappeared?

Most people don't want to admit it's the latter.

Elder Liu's breathing became rough, "Who said there is no? I think a person is very suitable, much more suitable than that bastard Lian Xi."

"who is it?"

Everyone instantly looked at Elder Liu who was speaking, and Elder Liu said, "Mo Qian."

It's Mo Qian!

Everyone was stunned, and someone thought for a while and said, "No way, Mo Qian's talent in alchemy is not as good as Lian Xi's."

On the level of Guangguang alchemy, Lian Xi has indeed crushed all the younger generations of the Medicine Sect.

"But being the suzerain, the most important thing is not alchemy, but the shoulders of responsibility." Elder Liu said loudly.

After Elder Liu finished speaking, everyone looked at each other, but they couldn't find anything to refute.

The elders here watched Mo Qian and Lian Xi grow up, and everyone knew what Lian Xi and Mo Qian's temperament was.

Let's not talk about Mo Qian and Lian Xi, let's talk about their respective masters first.

Lian Xi's master in Medicine Sect is Elder Baishu, and Elder Baishu is just an ordinary elder, but Mo Qian's master is Elder Mo.

Elder Mo is the monk with the highest level of alchemy in the entire Qianyuan Continent, and the only alchemy king on the Qianyuan Continent was created by Elder Mo.

Over the years, although Elder Mo no longer made a lot of alchemy, his reputation became more and more prosperous.

It's hard to live up to the reputation, it's really hard.

But Elder Mo is the well-deserved No. 1 alchemy in Qianyuan Continent.

Few people mentioned the relationship between Elder Mo and Elder Baishu.

In fact, Elder Mo and Bai Shu are brothers handed over by the same master.

Atractylodes macrocephala is the elder, and Elder Mo is the second.

Elder Bai Shu started more than 100 years earlier than Elder Mo, but in the end his aura was taken away by the younger Elder Mo.

How to convince Baishu?

Later, Bai Shu also realized that he would never be able to catch up with Elder Mo in his life.

Therefore, Bai Shu and Elder Mo compared their apprentices.

This time, Bai Shu did it.

Lian Xi did not disappoint Bai Shu. Not only was he talented in alchemy, but he was also talented in cultivation.

Lian Xi, the only monk in Qianyuan Continent who successfully formed alchemy before the age of 30.

As for the elixir refined by Lian Xi, it is even more difficult to find a elixir.

Many people said that in the future Lian Xi would go further than Elder Mo.

It's not just outsiders who think so, in fact, everyone in the Medicine Sect also thinks so.

Otherwise, Lian Xi would not be the next default suzerain of the Medicine Sect.

This is the default of the Medicine Sect.

It's just that Lian Xi doesn't like being the suzerain of the medicine sect, because it's a very cumbersome thing.

In fact, every suzerain of the Medicine Sect does not like to be the suzerain.

Every time he takes office, the next successor is selected.

When the 100-year term of office expires, you can let go of the heavy responsibilities and concentrate on cultivation.

It's just that the old suzerain of the Medicine School this year is a bit unlucky.

He has been working in the Medicine Sect for 99 years, and he is about to feel at ease soon, but in the last year, Yaoshan disappeared.

Unlike the other sects, when Yaoshan disappeared, there were people from the Yaozong present.

Elder Baishu, the old suzerain, and Lian Xi.

The results of it?
Bai Shu died, the old suzerain was seriously injured, but Lian Xi disappeared.

In this world, can there be such a coincidence?
This makes everyone not suspect that this matter has nothing to do with Lian Xi?
"Why don't you explain?"

Behind Lian Xi, a person appeared.

Lian Xi didn't turn around, but she recognized who this person was.

Lian Xi said, "Explain what?"

Mo Qian said, "Explain, this matter has nothing to do with you."

At this time, Mo Qian had already stood by Lian Xi's side.

Lian Xi squinted his eyes, turned around and looked at Mo Qian, "Isn't this the first time you've been here in the past few months?"

Mo Qian frowned, looked at the empty flat land in front of him, and didn't speak.

But Mo Qian had to admit that Lian Xi was right.

The disappearance of Yaoshan was such a big deal, how could Yaozong not be in a hurry up and down.

Yaozong went crazy.

On the mountain of medicine, there are nine tenths of the elixir that the medicine school has been in for so many years.

Otherwise, Elder Liu, who was nice to Lian Xi before, wouldn't suddenly have such a big opinion on Lian Xi.

That's because, in fact, Elder Liu is the Elder Hushan of Yaoshan.

Yaoshan disappeared, and Elder Liu suffered the most.

Seeing that Mo Qian had stopped talking, Lian Xi said, "You can't find a trace either."

Hearing Lian Xi's words, Mo Qian became even more silent.

Yes ah, the slightest trace can not be found.

Explaining in this case, sometimes there is no benefit at all, and it will only get darker and darker.

"But, it can't be like this, right?" Just let everyone misunderstand yourself like this?
Lian Xi turned around and glanced at Mo Qian, "You, trust me?"

Mo Qian said: "Believe it, I believe it."

In front of him was a small soil bag. Mo Qian put a stick of incense on the small soil bag. He let out a light breath, looked at Mo Qian and said, "Thank you."

I just don't know if what Lian Xi said was thanking Mo Qian for believing in her, or thanking Mo Qian for helping her bury Elder Baishu.

Lian Xi patted Mo Qian's shoulder and said, "Let's go."

Mo Qian frowned fiercely, "You're gone, what will Medicine Sect do?"

Lian Xi said, "The Medicine Sect has you."

"Me?" Mo Qian shook his head and said, "No, I can't."

Lian Xi looked at Mo Qian and said, "Actually, you understand very well that under such circumstances, you are the best candidate for the new suzerain of the Medicine Sect."

Mo Qian's eyes changed slightly, he thought for a while and said, "Then where are you going?"

Mo Qian could tell that Lian Xi did not intend to stay in the Medicine Sect.

Lian Xi smiled and said, "Yaoshan, I will find out who got it."

Although Lian Xi had a fight with the person who stole Yaoshan, because of this, Lian Xi was even disfigured.

Lian Xi chased the black shadow all the way to the Shenlong Tomb, but unfortunately, the black shadow still disappeared.

Later, Lian Xi met Jiang Xiaoli.

Later, Lian Xi was seriously injured by Yu Qing and fell into a coma, and entered Jiang Xiaoli's space. This matter seemed to be delayed.

But Lian Xi never stopped searching.

If not, the Luoxia Tower will not reopen, and if not, Tu Su Tower will not reopen the gate.

Lian Xi's back was getting further and further away, and he looked at Lian Xi with a deep sense of complexity in his eyes.

Mo Qian walked to the grave of Elder Bai Shu and put a stick of incense on Bai Shu, but he opened his mouth but didn't say anything.

The next day, Elder Liu and others gathered together again.

Elder Liu said: "Mo Qian, we are going to discuss something with you."

After all, the Medicine Sect is not an alliance of casual cultivators. Although Lu Yanluo of the alliance of casual cultivators is strong, there are still elders in the alliance.

If some of Lu Yanluo's decisions cannot be passed by the council of elders, then Lu Yanluo will have nothing to do.

At the beginning, it was precisely because Lu Yanluo was too strong that Zhang Si, Elder Yu and Hall Master Xiong joined forces to get Lu Yanluo down.

But it's different in the Medicine Sect, the elders of the Medicine Sect actually don't have much power.

So if Elder Liu and the others want to change the Suzerain to Mo Qian, Mo Qian must agree to cooperate. In fact, what is more important is that Elder Mo standing behind Mo Qian agrees with their actions.

It's just that Mo Qian's face was not very good-looking. He took a deep look at Elder Liu, "Senior brother Lian Xi is gone, are you satisfied now?"

"Let's go, go?" Elder Liu said nah.

Elder Liu suddenly felt like he had punched the cotton with his fist. Elder Liu, who was going to fight a hard battle, suddenly couldn't find the direction to use his strength.

Lian Xi actually left.

Not a word was left.

No, actually Lian Xi stayed, he said, please feel free to...

(End of this chapter)

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