The lady escaped marriage and became addicted

Chapter 119 The prince's heart, the best mother-in-law

Chapter 119 The prince's heart, the best mother-in-law (2)
Mrs. Wang took it over, and couldn't stop praising her: "It's her second uncle and aunt who loves her, and she won't forget her second uncle and aunt in the future."

Mrs. Wang went back cheerfully, and then went to Zhao Annan's room.Of course she didn't go to see her son, but went to see her daughter-in-law.

Maybe it was because of Qian Ying's background, but Wang never put on airs like a mother-in-law in front of her. Instead, she cared for her as if she loved her own daughter.Qian Ying was moved in her heart, and she also respected Mrs. Wang, giving her something from time to time.Jewelry, clothing, leather, etc., as long as Mrs. Wang praises them, she will give them to her.However, although Mrs. Wang is greedy, she still knows that water will flow forever, and she doesn't ask for things from her daughter-in-law twice in three days, and sometimes even has to give way before accepting them.

For this reason, Qian Ying felt that her eldest brother must have misunderstood her mother-in-law, and even told her to be careful of her mother-in-law, so that she would not let her do stupid things.But these days after being married, she feels that her mother-in-law is really a kind person!
"Mother, you are here! Come in and sit down!" Qian Ying hurriedly helped her mother-in-law to the main seat and sat down, poured tea and handed it to her.

Mrs. Wang put down her teacup, took Qian Ying's hand and kept praising: "We, Brother Nan, are so blessed to have married such a good wife as you. Let's not talk about her background, she is so handsome, and the most rare thing is that she is so gentle and filial. This It's also mother's blessing, you don't know, mother is now going out to see those old sisters, how envious they are of me marrying such a good daughter-in-law as you. I told them that they are envious, but they can't come. Our Brother Nan's daughter-in-law is not only the daughter of an official family, but also beautiful and has a good temper. She treats me like my own mother, and is more caring than my two daughters..."

Qian Ying was praised by Wang, she just felt like drinking honey in her heart.She was also worried when she heard her aunt talk about how her mother-in-law made things difficult for her daughter-in-law. She never thought that she would be so lucky to meet such a good mother-in-law.She has a good relationship with her mother-in-law, and her husband is also happy.Although the two of them haven't consummated their marriage yet, they eat together every day and sometimes read together.At this moment, how grateful she was to her father and brother for finding such a good family for her!

"By the way, what's the matter with your mother coming here? How is the dowry you prepared for the eldest sister?"

"Hey, mother is in trouble. Didn't this come to you to make up your mind! Come on, sit down, sit down!" Wang pulled Qian Ying to sit beside her, "You also know how many mothers and fathers are there?" A month ago, I was still farming in the fields. If we marry a girl in our village with a dowry of three or five taels of silver, it is considered very generous. But now your second uncle won the election, and Brother Nan married you again. The daughter of an official family, your eldest sister is marrying a rich family in the county, so my mother has no idea. I don't know what to marry as a dowry. I am really worried that my sister Shu will be looked down upon and wronged when she marries. "

Qian Ying hurriedly comforted: "Mother, don't worry, just show me the dowry list, and I'll help you see it."

"The dowry list? Is there a list for the dowry? You know, my mother is illiterate, this, alas, is really embarrassing." Wang pretended to cover her face, looking ashamed.

"Mother, don't say that. There are so many illiterate people, what's the shame? Even the wives of many big families are illiterate! Don't be sad, tell me, let me write for you!"

"Then I'll trouble you. Hehe, I'm lucky to have a filial and capable daughter-in-law!" Wang boasted again in a timely manner.

Afterwards, Mrs. Wang said, Qian Ying wrote and discussed it from time to time.

"Mom, what kind of wood are you going to use for this bed?"

"Write this down too?"

"Of course, different woods have different prices."

"Then what do you think is good to use?"

Qian Ying thought for a while and said: "Then the Xu family is the second richest businessman in the county after the Zhou family, and they like to fight for wealth with the Zhou family on weekdays. If the big sister's dowry is not good, I'm afraid it will really make people laugh. I think it's better to use Huanghuali, right?"

"Okay, my daughter-in-law will definitely be good if she says yes. Just do as you say!"

So, Qian Ying wrote about Huanghuali's Babu bed.Thinking of the Babu bed, she couldn't help sighing secretly.It is said that this Babu bed was handed down from the Dou family more than 70 years ago!The Dou family has long been destroyed, but many good things left by Mr. Wuji are still used by the common people.It is said that this imperial examination system was formulated under the auspices of Mr. Wuji.

"Mother, four sets of these clothes are a little short, right? At least six or nine sets are good."

"Then nine sets!"

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law discussed it all afternoon, and finally drew up the dowry list.Qian Ying read the list to Mrs. Wang, but Mrs. Wang was confused, remembering this and forgetting that.In the end, Mrs. Wang was ashamed and looked at Qian Ying expectantly and said: "My good wife, you see that my mother is illiterate, and her memory is not good. Why don't you give me all the money and help your mother buy these things back?" Right! It just so happens that your people are familiar with the county, if you ask your mother to do it, you really don’t know where to buy these things.”

Qian Ying didn't think about anything else. Since her mother-in-law believed in her so much, and it was difficult for her mother-in-law to be unfamiliar with the county town, how could she, a daughter-in-law, not help?So, she nodded without thinking too much.

"Mother, don't worry, the daughter-in-law will definitely help the elder sister arrange the dowry properly."

Mrs. Wang took Qian Ying's hand and kept saying words of gratitude and praise, which made Qian Ying feel a little embarrassed, so she took out the 100 taels of silver note that Gu Wanniang had just given and handed it to Qian Ying, saying: "This It was given by your second aunt just now, you take it first, and you have saved some money in your mother's house, and mother will send it to you later."

Qian Ying accepted the bank note without any thought, and promised once again that she would arrange for her sister's dowry.

Then, Wang went back.

The next day, Qian Ying sent people to the county town to help her sister buy a dowry.Because Xu's family is in the county, there is no need to bring these things back, so Qian Ying asked someone to tell Gu Wanniang to buy them and put them directly in Zhao Shihuadian's yard.

However, after waiting for a few days, Qian Ying did not receive the money that her mother-in-law said she would send.Seeing that the money given by her mother-in-law has been used up, and she has already posted more than 200 taels, she is not in a hurry, her nanny is about to die.

(End of this chapter)

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