Chapter 135
An Ran shook her head, this place name is very familiar, but she doesn't know where it is.

Zhao Shihua had no choice but to find a map and point it out to her: "Here, it's here. It used to belong to Ailao..."

When An Ran heard the word Ailao, she knew the approximate location of the West City.Ruili, Dehong, and Yudu, she traveled with her brother in her previous life. That was the southwest of Yunnan, which was close to Myanmar, but it was far enough.

"Daddy, what does Uncle He want with the materials for growing brassicas? Does he want to grow brassicas in Xicheng?"

Zhao Shihua nodded and said, "It should be like this!"

An Ran thought for a while and said, "The ethnic minorities in that place... oh, they are barbarians. There are a lot of barbarians. The most important thing is to properly handle ethnic relations, right? If you want to get rich, planting brassicas is actually not good." Anyway, Dad knows Since she had an accident at home last time, she had to stand up and take charge, and she had almost exposed herself.Now An Ran doesn't have to hide her clumsiness in front of her father, she can say whatever she wants, anyway, her father will protect her.

"Oh? You really know this place?" Zhao Shihua became serious when he heard this. "Then tell me, what kind of plant should be planted in that place?"

An Ran recalled the geographical location of Xicheng, and seriously suggested: "The climate in Xicheng is hot. The paddy fields should be able to grow rice three seasons a year. Daddy, let Uncle He try it. In addition, dry land can grow sugarcane, which can be boiled and transported to Dahua. They are sold in the city. In addition, there should be some special fruits that can only grow in the tropics. If they can be shipped out for sale, it should be a good business, and the local people can also have a good income."

Speaking of business, An Ran suddenly thought of the Gu family, so she suggested: "Daddy, why don't you ask uncle to go there and calculate the cost to see if you can do business there. If Uncle He is an official there, you won't be afraid if uncle goes there." Being bullied; for Uncle He, the development of business is conducive to the prosperity of the economy and the prosperity of the people..."

Zhao Shihua nodded, then wrote An Ran's suggestion, and sent someone to find Brother Gu Shengwen and Gu Shengwu to see if they were interested in doing business in such a distant place.

Three days later, when He Minglang's entourage returned with the reply letter, they set off with Gu Shengwu.

In fact, Gu Shengwen is not very in favor of doing business in such a distant place, not only because of the long distance, but also because there are many barbarians at the border, so it is always a bit unsafe.But Gu Shengwu didn't think so, he listened to Zhao Shihua's words, how could he be reconciled if he didn't go and see for himself?In fact, as early as the Han Dynasty, when Zhang Qian traveled to the Western Regions, he had been to that area. Xicheng was also a necessary place on the Southwest Silk Road. In comparison, it was still very prosperous, and the commercial route should not be difficult.

In fact, An Ran really wanted to suggest that he go again in winter.Now go to the west city, isn't it too hot?But she thought about it later, if my little uncle really wanted to go to Xicheng to do business, he had to really understand Xicheng, and the heat is a major feature of Xicheng.

In mid-June, Zhao Shihua received Qian Pengyang's letter. After reading it, he was left with a sigh.

He didn't expect Qian Rui to run away from marriage!Although Qian Pengyang did not mean to criticize in writing this letter, but I think he is not without resentment in his heart.It can only be said that good luck tricks people!Who made that kid born ten years earlier?Even if he was born five years late!Forget it, even though the boy escaped from marriage, his wife has already been married by his brother, and his sister-in-law has also engaged in a marriage.The two children have nothing to do with each other!It's just that the girl from the Li family is pitiful.

Qian Pengyang went to Huzhou to be the magistrate, this time he sent someone to deliver a letter to the Zhao family, and also brought a lot of gifts.Of course, there is also a letter to his daughter and son-in-law.

Annan was still studying at the county school, and Qian Ying was at home serving her mother-in-law Wang.

After receiving her father's letter and knowing that her father had been promoted to the magistrate, Qian Ying was naturally happy.The more powerful her mother's family is, the straighter her waist will be in her in-law's family.

It's just that she didn't expect that when she was sorting out the gifts from her father, she found a thick letter inside, which was handed over to sister Ran by her second brother Qian Ning.

Qian Ying didn't know about Qian Rui and An Ran, but the whole Qian family knew about Qian Ning's liking for Ran.She secretly thought it was funny, and lamented that her younger brother probably didn't know that sister Ran was engaged, so she forwarded the letter to An Ran without thinking too much about it.

An Ran opened the letter, only to find that there were actually two letters inside, one was written by Qian Ning, and the other was written to her by Qian Rui.

It turned out that before Qian Rui left the capital to take up his post in the northwest, he had asked Qian Ning to secretly hide the letter when he gave gifts to the third sister of the Zhao family in the future so that it could be given to An Ran.Although Qian Ning was not happy that his elder brother snatched sister Ran from him before, and he didn't know that sister Ran was engaged, but seeing that his brother had married his sister-in-law, he felt relieved and graciously agreed to hand it over for him.When he got home and really wanted to deliver a letter to his third sister, he remembered his elder brother's entrustment, so he wrote a letter himself and put it in the elder brother's way.

Qian Ning talked a lot, including what he saw and heard on the way back to the capital, what he saw and heard in the capital, and the rumors in the capital, and how he helped his elder brother marry his sister-in-law back when he ran away from marriage. I wrote more than ten pages of what I came to and so on.

Qian Rui wrote very simply. He only said that when he heard the rumors in the capital, he was very worried about the Zhao family and her. Later, when he learned that the Lu family had been deposed, he felt relieved.He also said that he had asked to go to the northwest border to guard, but he didn't mention the fact that he was engaged and finally escaped marriage.

An Ran was actually a little moved in her heart, but she had already been booked out by her father, so what could she do?well!

In August, the eldest sister, An Shu, married into the Wang family.Although the Wang family's family background is average, they are better than the Zhao family before. Wang Moqian is also good to his cousin. When An Shu returned home, she could tell that she was living happily.

In October, little aunt Zhao Yunxing finally gave birth to a son, who was named Wei Sen because of the lack of wood in the five elements.Both Wei Qingyuan and the Liu family were very happy that the Wei family finally had a queen.Zhao Yunxing herself felt relieved. Although her husband and mother-in-law didn't say anything after giving birth to her first daughter, she felt very sorry.It's all right now, after giving birth to her son, she feels that she is worthy of her husband and mother-in-law's kindness to her.

(End of this chapter)

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