Chapter 202 Regret to Die You (5)
Gu Wanniang breathed a sigh of relief, and asked again: "What does the eldest brother mean, to be a flat wife?"

Gu Shengwen still shook his head, and said softly: "Brother Lin wants to divorce Zhou."

"Ah? Divorce?" Gu Wanniang looked at her brother in shock.Brother Lin wanted to divorce his wife a few years ago, but in the end the eldest brother and sister-in-law didn't agree. Why did the eldest brother take the initiative to mention it to her now? Could it be that the eldest brother and sister-in-law agreed?What happened?If it's just for sister ran, my daughter can't bear the crime.

Gu Shengwen seemed to see what his sister meant, and sighed softly: "Although the ugliness of the family should not be publicized, but Wan Niang, you are my own sister, and the elder brother has nothing to hide from you. You also know that since the Zhou family entered the door, they have been with brother Lin. The relationship was not very good, and later, because she humiliated sister Ran and framed Brother Lin to get him beaten, Brother Lin never entered her door again. In the past two or three years, she has had a hard time, and her temper It's getting worse. Your sister-in-law and I felt a little guilty towards her, and we didn't control her much. Who knows... A few nights ago, Mrs. Zhou committed adultery and was caught by us..."

"Ah!" Gu Wanniang couldn't help exclaiming.She quickly covered her mouth and looked at her elder brother in shock. "How could this happen?" Gu Wanniang couldn't imagine what it would be like for a young Zhou to be caught committing adultery because she couldn't stand her husband's indifference, and what would happen.

Gu Shengwen sighed: "We called people from the Zhou family that night. The Zhou family was wronged, so naturally they couldn't make a fuss. However, in the final analysis, Brother Lin is also responsible for this matter, but the root cause of the problem lies in the Zhou family's framing. Brother Lin caused him to be beaten. And because father's birthday is approaching, our two families discussed it and decided to wait for father's birthday to pass, and then divorce the Zhou family in the name of childlessness, which can also be regarded as saving face for the Zhou family. "

Gu Wanniang couldn't help sighing: "If two people don't get along, they won't be happy if they are tied together." Speaking of this, she suddenly remembered the matter of her daughter and Na He Zhiyan, and couldn't help but feel very lucky.Fortunately, the daughter resigned in time, otherwise, if she married, she would be a widow and be angry with a second wife from a brothel, how would she live?At this moment, Gu Wanniang suddenly felt that even if her daughter was misunderstood and slandered by rumors now, it would be better than marrying into the He family and suffering.She firmly believes that her daughter is so smart and capable, and she will be happy in the future.

Gu Shengwen nodded and said: "My sister is very right. For the past two or three years, seeing Brother Lin like this, we also feel distressed. Brother Lin is also stubborn, but we can't really let him be a monk forever! Brother Lin We all know what Er'er is thinking about Sister Ran, but because they both got engaged early, we can only pretend that we don't know. Fortunately, the two children are polite and sensible, and they get along well on weekdays Now that my sister-in-law has resigned, and the Zhou family has such a thing, I will discuss with your sister-in-law to see if we can fulfill them. Sister, what do you think?"

For a moment, Gu Wanniang felt her mind was in a mess.For a while, she felt that Brother Lin was a good kid, not to mention his future prospects, but most importantly, he was infatuated with his daughter, and he was a good destination.After a while, I thought that if my daughter married Brother Lin, wouldn't she have to stay in Hejiang County for the rest of her life, facing those gossips and being pointed at by others for the rest of her life?So, she hesitated again.

She couldn't figure it out, so she stopped thinking about it for the time being, and said directly: "Brother Lin, I watched him grow up. In my heart, he is just like my own son. I believe he will treat Miss Ran well all his life." The big brother and sister-in-law don't have to worry about anything. But our sister and big brother also know that she has big ideas, and I don't dare to be her master. I have to go back and ask her what she means. "

Gu Shengwen nodded, knowing that his sister was speaking from his heart, he sent her out, and asked Brother Lin to personally send his aunt's family home before returning.

Gu Shaolin looked at An Ran, and couldn't help smiling.

An Ran always felt that her cousin looked at her strangely, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.She intentionally walked over to him two or three times, but he didn't speak, which made An Ran very confused.She has been rumored to be Kefu's abandoned wife, so could there be some happy event?
After returning home, after washing up, An Ran was about to go to bed when Gu Wanniang came.

"Mother, it's so late, why don't you go to sleep?" An Ran was a little surprised, but then she thought that Mother must have something to tell her.

Sure enough, Gu Wanniang took her hand and said, "Mother, let's sleep with you tonight!" Then, Gu Wanniang asked Yulan to go back to her room to sleep, obviously she had something to say.

The last time the mother and daughter were lying on the same bed and talking was the night before An Ran got married a few months ago. Gu Wanniang taught her "the etiquette of the Duke of Zhou". sense of wrong.

It was hot in June, and An Ran slept with the windows open at night, but she covered the windows with a layer of white silk to prevent mosquitoes from flying in, but she could still hear the crickets in the garden outside, which contrasted nicely. The night was more still.

It has been very hot and stuffy during the day today, and it has not cooled down until now.Gu Wanniang asked Yulan to go back to her room to sleep, so she held a cattail fan to cool her daughter.An Ran snatched the cattail leaf fan and gently fanned her mother, and asked curiously, "Mother, what's the matter?"

Gu Wanniang didn't say that Zhou's adultery was caught on the spot, but only said: "You should be clear about your cousin's thoughts about you. Have you ever considered being with him?"

An Ran immediately understood how weird her cousin was today.But……

"Mother, my cousin has a cousin! Although they have a bad relationship, do you still want me to be his concubine?"

Gu Wanniang sighed softly: "In a few days, Mrs. Zhou will be retired."

"Uncle and aunt also agree?" An Ran was puzzled, didn't the Gu family and the Zhou family have a lot of business contacts?Divorcing my cousin, won't it affect the cooperation between the two?Or is it that now that the Gu family is slowly developing, they no longer need the support of the Zhou family?
"This is what your uncle told me. In short, your uncle has already discussed with the Zhou family, and the Zhou family will be dismissed and returned to the Zhou family in a few days. That's why your uncle proposed marriage to me. But sister ,What do you think?"

"Mother, you have already agreed, right?" An Ran was shocked, and the fan stopped.Couldn't it be that she just canceled the marriage that her father had arranged for her, and her mother decided to book another marriage for her, right?

(End of this chapter)

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