The lady escaped marriage and became addicted

Chapter 214 An Ran Fights Talented Women, Who Comes

Chapter 214 An Ran Fights Talented Women, Who Comes (3)
An Ran laughed again, comparing writing with her?Didn't He Zhiyan tell this woman that her handwriting is not bad?
"Do you want to see it?" An Ran raised her head and asked.

The audience members nodded one after another.

"Girl also write a few words and see."

"I see, girl, you have sharp eyes and articulate words, so you must be able to read and write. Why don't you let us open our eyes too?"

An Ran nodded, reluctantly: "Since everyone wants to see it, I'll write a few words for everyone to see!"

As she spoke, An Ran used the polished ink and Jiang Hongying's used brush, only changed a piece of paper, and wrote two lines of poems... "Walking to the poor water, sit and watch the clouds rise."

An Ran used Xingkai this time, and still wrote vertically from right to left. The two poems were written in one go, making the words between words very smooth and natural, really as chic as flowing clouds and flowing water.But this poem is something that everyone has never seen before. When I read it carefully, I don't think it is full of Buddhist principles. I calmed down for a while, but the more I pondered it, the more I realized the beauty of these two poems.

Jiang Hongying squeezed over to take a look, and immediately turned pale, with cold sweat on her head.Although she has always been proud of herself, she has to admit that, not to mention that the artistic conception of these two poems is tens of millions of times better than hers, she can't match the words alone.

Until then, everyone came to their senses and praised one after another:
"Good! Good poetry! Good words!"

"I can't tell that this girl can write such good characters at such a young age!"

"I don't think I've seen the word 'girl' before. I don't know which master I learned from?"

"These two poems are really good, the more you taste the more wonderful they feel!"

"Yes, yes, the poems are good, and the characters are good! This girl is a great talent, but I don't know which family she is from? I think the girl can be called the most talented woman in Chang'an just because of her poems and books." .”

"Well, yes, yes, I think even the girls from the Eight Great Aristocratic Families may not have the talent of a girl."

An Ran smiled modestly and said: "Everyone is overrated. The little girl mainly studied Wang Youjun's Orchid Pavilion Preface, and later referred to the structure and strokes of Wei Bei. It's just that she has learned a lot, but she is a bit different. What kind of talented woman's name, please respect her. Don't mention it again, the little girl can only write a few words, but she can't be the most talented woman in Chang'an. You must know that Chang'an has a lot of famous nobles, and I don't know how many boudoir daughters are full of talents, but they don't like fame and fortune in public. so unknown.”

After hearing An Ran's words, everyone couldn't help secretly praising her for being humble and indifferent to fame and fortune.Compared with Aunt Jiang, who claims to be the most talented woman in Jiangyang, it is natural to judge her superiorly.

At this time, people passing by were naturally curious when they saw so many people watching in this store.A lot of people squeezed in at once, and they asked each other what was going on.

"Sister Zhao!"

A surprised voice came, but An Ran frowned.Also, since Jiang Hongying is here, he shouldn't be far away.

Seeing He Zhiyan, An Ran was like seeing a fly, it only made her feel sick.

He Zhiyan accompanied Jiang Hongying out to buy jewelry, but Jiang Hongying looked at one after another, and he became impatient, so he agreed to wait at the tea market behind.But he waited for Jiang Hongying for a while and no one came, so he came to look for someone. He didn't expect to see a lot of people in this store, squeezed in and saw An Ran.

"Sister of the Zhao family, when did you come to Chang'an?" He Zhiyan looked at An Ran with surprise, not paying attention to the little concubine and girl standing beside her.But soon, he saw An Ran's writing, and couldn't help rushing over, his eyes lit up and said: "I finally saw my sister's writing again! It turns out that my sister's regular script is also so good! Ah, this poem is Sister wrote it? Sure enough, she is talented in poetry. My father said that I was five points less intelligent than my sister, and he was right. It's a pity that I was arrogant and didn't believe what my father said, and now I regret it..."

An Ran took back her own words, pointed to Jiang Hongying and said, "Second Young Master, where is your woman!"

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but look at He Zhiyan with wide eyes.So, this is the hero in the story?
However, why is he so enthusiastic about Miss Zhao, whom he abandoned, but turn a blind eye to Jiangyang's number one talented woman who "likes him"?Could it be that what Miss Zhao said is true?Is she the one who divorced the second young master?

Following An Ran's fingers, He Zhiyan saw Jiang Hongying and her girl, was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "Are you here too?" But then he realized something was wrong, why was there a word on the table?It seems to be Jiang Hongying's?
At this time, those who liked to watch the excitement told He Zhiyan what happened just now.

He Zhiyan heard that Jiang Hongying insulted An Ran, and immediately scolded: "Who told you that Zhao's sister worshiped her as if she was divorced? We didn't visit at all. It was Zhao's sister who wrote the divorce letter and wanted to divorce me! How dare you return it?" Comparing your talents with the Zhao family sister? Do you think that you are really the number one talented woman in Jiangyang when others praise you? Don’t talk about Zhao family sister’s poetic talent, just say that Zhao family sister’s handwriting is self-contained. It must be a school of masters, can you compare?"

An Ran didn't expect that He Zhiyan would speak up for her, so she immediately smiled and said: "Unexpectedly, the Second Young Master is also a gentleman. Today, I would like to thank the Second Young Master for speaking out, but I would like to ask the Second Young Master not to mention it in the future. rise."

Saying that, An Ran was about to pack up her words and leave.

Jiang Hongying was so annoyed that she almost wanted to kill someone when she saw her husband demeaning her and elevating that girl from the Zhao family, which caused her to suffer a complete defeat.

Jiang Hongying was not a girl from a scholarly family.She was just a noble woman from a brothel, who was trained by a bustard to learn calligraphy and painting since she was a child. Later, she discussed with a lady in the building who wanted to be good, and both of them pretended to be sick to be bought and left the brothel. That Jiang Xiucai took care of himself.The elder sister married Jiang Xiucai as his wife, and she showed off her talents in the name of Jiang Xiucai's daughter, just to climb a high branch and support Jiang Xiucai's family, so that everyone can live a prosperous and prosperous life.

Who would have thought that she would be a concubine in the end, but she was a good concubine anyway, so she accepted it.But she couldn't grasp her husband's heart, but she was extremely unwilling.

(End of this chapter)

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