The lady escaped marriage and became addicted

Chapter 223 The Family Has a Girl

Chapter 223 The Family Has a Girl (2)
Except for An Qi and An Ran, everyone stared nervously at the painting. Even Wang Jinwen himself, who had seen it many times, was extremely excited.

Finally, the exhibition opened, Wang Jinwen said: "Grandfather, look, this is the real work handed down from generation to generation!"

The old man glanced at the painting, and at first glance, he only felt that the layout and artistic conception of the painting were not bad, but it seemed a bit colder.He was a little puzzled by his grandson's comment on this, but then he saw that there was a poem on the painting, so he took a closer look...

It was this glance that made the old man's eyes light up, and he praised: "Good poetry! There are paintings in the poems, and poems in the paintings. It really deserves to be handed down from generation to generation!"

The old lady and Wang Jingyuan also saw the poems on the painting, and they couldn't help but respect An Ran immediately.

"It really is a good poem! This combination of poetry and painting is worthy of being handed down from generation to generation!" The old lady was born in the Cui family of Qinghe, and she is also a talented woman from a famous family. She is quite accomplished in this poem, calligraphy and painting.

"'Thousands of mountains and birds fly away, ten thousand paths of people disappear. Lonely boat and hat, fishing alone in the cold river and snow.' Oh, this poem and this painting are really perfect! Sister, you must recognize me as a sister, After returning to the capital, you must also visit me. If you have good poems and paintings, you must remember to ask your sister to see them. Don’t worry, if you say that no one will know, my sister will not tell anyone, even your brother-in-law, and neither will I. Say." Wang Jingyuan held An Ran's hand, looked at the paintings on the table, and actually liked them more and more.

An Ran said modestly: "Mrs. Cui has a high reputation, but it is just a painting. Thank you for your liking, that is An Ran's blessing."

Wang Jingyuan secretly praised that this low-key, smart and introverted girl has such an amazing talent. In addition to her calligraphy and paintings, she turned out to be a master of poetry, calligraphy and painting, even the most talented girl in the Sui Dynasty.No wonder she begged them just now not to spread the matter of this poem and painting to the outside world. If people knew about it, given her background, it would inevitably not cause trouble.It seems that it is best to let the grandmother settle the marriage between her and the seventh brother as soon as possible.

The host is enthusiastic about keeping guests, so An Ran and An Qi can only stay and wait for the old lady's birthday before going back.Wang Jinwen asked An Qi to live with him, and Wang Jingyuan dragged An Ran to live with her.Therefore, neither brother nor sister lived in the hospital, and this status was immediately raised.Many people were secretly asking, wondering what the origin of the son and daughter of the Zhao family was.

In the evening, the old lady called Wang Jinwen's aunt over and brought up the marriage between Wang Jinwen and An Ran.

Wang Jinwen's aunt came from the Zheng family in Xingyang, one of the eight great families. He heard that the Zhao family was just a poor family, but there was an elder brother who was a juren. When he realized it, he hesitated: "Mother, is this Miss Zhao's status too low?" Are you tired?"

The old lady said: "Xiaoqi and Mr. Zhao are very good friends. Although that Mrs. Zhao is from a poor background, but I think she is generous and not petty at all. Since Xiaoqi is willing, Just fulfill them!"

Seeing what the old lady had said, Mrs. Zheng wished Wang Jinwen could find a girl from a poor family, so she readily agreed, saying that after the old lady's birthday was over, she would find someone to go to the Zhao family in the capital to propose marriage.

After dinner, Wang Jinwen and Wang Jingyuan accompanied them for a walk in the garden to digest food. Seeing that the two brothers and sisters seemed to have something to say, they found an excuse to leave and created opportunities for them to be alone.

Seeing that her younger sister's expression was not good, An Qi knew that she was annoyed at her self-assertion, so she quickly explained:

"Sister, you also know that my mother has been urging me to find you a suitable family. But although there are many classmates in the Imperial College, there are very few who my brother likes, and there are even fewer people who don't have wives. Brother, it seems that only brother Jinwen can match his younger sister regardless of his character and talent, so his words are a little tentative, and sometimes he deliberately tells him about you. He should have heard it, but he always I didn’t express it, so I didn’t dare to tell you and my mother. He saw your calligraphy and painting that day, so he got this idea, so he wants to leave your landscape painting, so it’s fine if I stop it. Judging from today's situation, he should have already told the old man and the old lady, and it seems that the elders of the Wang family have also agreed, and that Mrs. Cui also likes you very much..."

An Ran looked at her brother sadly, feeling very sad.

"Does my brother want to marry me that much? Am I in the way of your eyes at home? My mother is like this, and my brother is also like this. Why don't you ask me what I mean? No matter how good Wang Jinwen's conditions are, it's people like us Can you climb high? Even if we are barely together, with the lintel of the Wang family, most of the daughter-in-laws in the first branch come from the eight major families, and my daughter-in-law from a poor family is destined to be looked down upon. Besides, the Wang family has great rules and regulations. I don't want to be bound, do you understand? What I want most is freedom! Freedom, brother understand?"

"Sister, I know what you're thinking, but brother knows that the freedom you pursue is not happiness, and it is destined to be impossible to achieve! After all, you are a girl, how can you never marry for the rest of your life? You know that a wayward mother like you will have How sad? What will others think of you? Have you forgotten what those people said about you in Hejiang County? Those spit stars can drown you!"

An Ran said angrily: "I can make money to support myself, and I can live the life I want freely. What's wrong with that? Why can't I be happy? Only I know whether I am happy or not. You have never If you don’t really understand me, how do you know what kind of life can make me happy? I have a heart that yearns for freedom, and I have this ability. Why should I find a man to manage me? Why should I find a family to restrain myself? "

An Qi looked into An Ran's angry eyes, and said deeply: "Because you are a woman, because the man and family who control and restrain you can protect you and shelter you when you are in danger. So, even if you hate me, I will do the same! Sister, hasn’t your father’s death made you see clearly? This society is different from the one in your dream! I want to avenge my father, this road is destined to be extremely difficult, if you can Marrying into the Wang family, not to mention relying on the strength of the Wang family, at least if my brother fails, he doesn't have to worry about hurting you..."

Hearing this, An Ran couldn't help feeling a pain in her heart.It turns out that my brother has always wanted to avenge his father?Could it be that only by marrying her into an aristocratic family can she be protected?Couldn't she live and die with her brother?An Ran understands her brother's painstaking efforts, but cannot accept it.

(End of this chapter)

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