Chapter 260 Enron sees Dugu (3)
Seeing An Ran, she was full of confidence in herself.She secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking of how much the prince loved this girl during this time, she didn't dare to annoy him by slapping him in the face, so she quickly made up her mind.

"Oh, you, who are you? Why is there a man in the backyard?"

An Ran was awakened by a woman's terrified voice, looked sideways, and saw a sixteen or seventeen-year-old beautiful young woman holding her chest and looking at her nervously and horrified, as if she was a big pervert and was about to do something to her next. .

An Ran was startled for a moment, then heard the woman holding a girl's hand, tremblingly said: "What should I do? What should I do? How could there be a man in the garden? If people know about it, will they say that I don't obey women's morals? Will the lord divorce me? Huh huh..."

As soon as An Ran heard it, she knew who it was, so it was Dugu Xiangyun?So, she is so timid?And the two maids behind An Ran saw Dugu Xiangyun for the first time, and they didn't know her details, so they could only whisper to An Ran: "My lord, this is probably the side concubine Dugu."

Immediately afterwards, the two maids bowed their knees to pay respects to Concubine Dugu and said: "My servant Ke'er (Tui'er) pays respects to Concubine Dugu!"

The girl beside Dugu Xiangyun quickly supported her master, then turned her head and stammered and threatened: "You, don't come here! Don't come here! Let me tell you, my girl is the prince's side concubine, although, although... If you dare to disrespect my girl, the prince will punish you! I will definitely punish you!" Then, the girl hurriedly said to her master, "Girl, let's go, no one will see, and the prince will not know. Don't worry, the prince will not divorce you..."

An Ran saw that she had frightened her into such a state, and hurriedly shouted: "Madam, don't worry, I'm not a foreigner, I'm a woman, and I'm just dressing up as a man."

After hearing An Ran's words, Dugu Xiangyun plucked up the courage to look back at An Ran cautiously, then turned his head quickly, took his maid's hand, and asked tremblingly: "You, you are really not a man?"

An Ran laughed and said: "Madam Dugu, listen, I should be able to tell that it's a woman from my voice, right? Besides, why would a foreigner come to the backyard of the palace?"

Dugu Xiangyun thought for a while, then turned around to look at An Ran boldly, and asked with tears in his eyes: "You, since you are a woman, why do you have to dress like a man? Difficult, are you Miss Jing?"

An Ran was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "I am the new guest of the prince, and I often go to the outer study to discuss matters with Master Yuan and Master Yuwen, so the prince made it easier for me to dress up in men's clothing."

"Oh! That's it..." Dugu Xiangyun looked at An Ran several times curiously, then looked at An Ran with joy and admiration, and said, "Can women also serve as patrons to the prince? You are amazing! What do you know? "

Seeing Dugu Xiangyun's innocent appearance, An Ran couldn't help feeling a little pity in her heart.Speaking of it, this woman is also innocent, but a victim of the family.She was wondering how to deal with this woman after she was in trouble, but she didn't expect to be such a timid and weak person.Maybe she can help her find another man to marry, and say that she died of a sudden illness?

Thinking of this, An Ran smiled and said, "My lord said that my handwriting is not bad, and I can draw well. Let me help him draw illustrations for 'The Voice of the Sui Dynasty'!"

"Really? I also like to write and draw!" Dugu Xiangyun was full of surprise, and walked a few steps towards An Ran. "By the way, what is the Voice of Sui? Can you tell me?"

When Mrs. Wen brought Mrs. Li to Zhao's house, An Ran was dealing with a rather difficult matter.

To say it is difficult is not that the matter is complicated, but the matter is actually very simple, it's just that An Ran's identity is not suitable for handling this matter.

It turned out that when his sister-in-law Gu Tingfang came for a small day these days, An Qi lived in the study outside. She didn't want Gu Tingfang's girl to offer her own pillow mat last night, and said that it was the order of the mistress.

Xiuju is Gu Tingfang's dowry girl, she is 17 years old this year.She has been serving Gu Tingfang since she was very young, because she has never done rough work since she was a child, her skin is fair and delicate, her appearance is delicate, and she is at the age of sixteen or seventeen. If it is only about appearance, she is really no better than Gu Tingfang how much difference.This is also the reason why she is confident that she can seduce the young master successfully.

Fortunately, An Qi was brainwashed by An Ran since he was a child, knowing that having an aunt in the family would destroy the stability and unity, so no matter whether he came to the capital after winning the exam or came to the capital, no matter what others said or how to persuade him, he never thought of taking a concubine.Therefore, although he doubted Xiuju's words, he still rejected her sternly.Otherwise, I'm afraid the Zhao family will really need an extra aunt.

An Ran originally wanted to leave this matter to her sister-in-law to handle it herself, but it can be seen that her sister-in-law asked Xiuju to kneel on the ground, beat and scolded her for a long time, but her final opinion was that she wanted to send the girl back home and forget about it.Gu Tingfang said that the girl was born in a family, and her father and mother were the ones her parents needed, so she had to give those two slaves face.

An Ran asked her mother what to do about this matter, and Gu Wanniang didn't know what to do.She felt that since she belonged to Gu Tingfang, and her old lady was working in the Gu family, of course she had to give her some face, and she just sent her back and let her sister-in-law make the decision to assign someone to her.

An Ran knew that her mother was always lacking in assertiveness, so she didn't expect her to do anything.However, she felt that sending Xiuju back like this would be too cheap for her and would not serve as a warning.An Ranrang locked up Xiuju temporarily, and dealt with it after she discussed it with her sister-in-law.

Gu Tingfang heard that An Ran meant that she wanted to make decisions for her, and to kill chickens and monkeys, so she simply found out Xiuju's deed of selling her body and gave it to An Ran, saying: "My sister also knows that my sister-in-law has always been an idea. My sister can do whatever she likes." Let’s do it! Whether it’s beating or killing, my sister-in-law has no objection.”

An Ran squeezed Xiuju's contract of selling herself, and sighed helplessly.As a girl who has not left the cabinet, how can she take care of the affairs of her brother's room?But the sister-in-law is not strong enough, there is no way, it seems that I have to come by myself!

Just like this, it dragged on until the afternoon, when Wang Jingyuan came.

After hearing this, Wang Jingyuan smiled lightly and said: "It's just a trivial matter. In the future, you will be in charge of the palace. There will be countless such things. How did I teach you? Today you dispose of her and show it to my sister to see if you can do it." I have graduated from the teacher. As for the reputation, it depends on your skills. If you have high skills, who is impatient and dares to go out and chew your tongue?"

(End of this chapter)

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