Chapter 281 False (4)
The three imperial doctors immediately knelt down and kowtowed continuously: "The emperor forgives the sin! The emperor forgives the sin!"

When Yang Hao saw Yang Yan's injury, his heart ached. Now when he heard the three imperial doctors begging for mercy, he just turned his heartache into anger and vented it on the three imperial doctors.

"How dare you slander my son! You all deserve to die! Someone, drag them out and beat them to death!"

At the emperor's order, the guards outside will come in to pick him up.The three imperial doctors were so frightened that they kept kowtowing and begging for mercy.

When Yang Yan saw it, he sneered in his heart, but he said with a bit of doubt and a bit of shock on his face: "Father, they, what did they do wrong?" As he said, he was about to sit up holding his chest.

Seeing him, Yang Hao quickly supported him and said, "Lie down well, what are you doing up? Those three dog slaves should be damned, they are incompetent themselves, and dare to slander my son as a fake injury to deceive the holy favor."

Yang Yan seemed to be hearing this kind of statement for the first time, so he couldn't help but looked at Yang Hao in surprise, then at the three imperial doctors, and asked in shock: "They, they said that the minister was not injured, is it true?" The one who lied to the royal father?"

"That's not true! Such slaves who don't know the king, I would be very kind if I didn't confiscate their homes." Yang Hao hated the three imperial doctors who falsely accused his son because of his wavering once.

Yang Yan frowned and thought for a while, then he suddenly showed a look of surprise, and then smiled wryly: "Father, don't be angry. Dugu told Erchen last night that in the past two days, the three adults have treated Erchen too. Do your best, otherwise, Erchen might not have woken up so quickly. But Dugu and the others were too careful, and didn't use the golden sore medicine brought by the three adults, and didn't let them see their son's wounds. Maybe there was a misunderstanding. Please, father, see that they have worked hard for no credit, so let them spare their lives!"

The three imperial doctors who were still kowtowing for mercy heard this, and looked up at His Highness Ping Wang who was smiling lightly on the hospital bed. Thinking of those rumors about Ping Wang, they couldn't help being shocked in their hearts. .

The rumors are indeed true, His Highness Prince Ping is really generous and kind to others, and his heart is so broad...

Yang Hao was even more shocked when he heard his son's words.This son is so upright and magnanimous, he can be so magnanimous to these villains, he looks for problems from his own point of view in everything, and never complains about others easily.Only with such a heart can hold the whole world!

"Since King Ping interceded for you, I will spare you the death penalty for the time being! From now on, the three of them will be dismissed from the imperial hospital and will never be hired! They are not allowed to set foot in the capital for the rest of their lives!"

The three imperial doctors narrowly escaped death, couldn't help being grateful to King Ping, kowtowed heavily and said: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness, Your Highness King Ping!"

Yang Yan leaned against Yang Hao's arms, sighing in his heart.I thought the emperor was ruthless, but now it seems that the father still has a loving heart, but the chance of appearing is very small and the position is very small.

He took his father's hand and said gratefully: "My father is able to come out of the palace to see my son, my son is really happy."

Yang Hao smiled and was about to say something when he heard Yang Yan continue: "But father, you are the king of a country, it is too dangerous to leave the palace like this. Let Dugu take you back to the palace later, otherwise My son is worried. Also, my son was injured. I heard that you have dismissed the position of the eldest brother and the second brother. The government affairs are so cumbersome, so don't be too tired alone. As the saying goes, 'Brothers who fight tigers, Father and son in battle', I see that the fifth younger brother is not too young, so he should be able to share your worries, he is the son of the emperor, you should give him a chance to be filial to you!"

Yang Hao's eyes were slightly wet, he nodded with a smile and said: "Okay, I will call Xiao Wu when I return to the palace, I hope he can share the worries of the father like you."

Yang Yan then showed a trace of exhaustion, and comforted Yang Hao: "Father, the imperial doctor said that as long as the son wakes up, he will be fine. This injury looks scary, but it's actually not very important. My son was injured before. During the Yanmen Pass, I have suffered more serious injuries than this one, isn’t it all right? Don’t worry, I will be able to get out of bed and walk around in a few days. Zeyuan said that the sound of the Sui Dynasty has been finalized, and it will be released in the afternoon. After I review it, I can send it to typesetting and printing, and when it is printed, I will personally send it to the palace for you..."

Yang Hao nodded again and again, feeling both moved and uncomfortable.Is it okay to be injured like this?Did you suffer more serious injuries when you were at Yanmen Pass?This son was not valued by him since he was a child, and later he showed outstanding literary talent and was jealous of his two elder brothers, so he had to take the initiative to ask for an order to go to the border to guard the border. For more than ten years, he has really devoted himself to the Great Sui from birth to death.What's even more rare is that he never takes credit and complains, and is always so tolerant and caring. It is really rare for such a son to be born in the royal family.

Yang Hao remembered what Yang Yan had said to him. He knew that his elder brother and second brother would not let him go. Whether it was the assassination or the false accusation by the imperial doctor, the two brothers were inseparable from each other, but he never blamed him. In front of him, he said that the two brothers were wrong.Yang Hao knew very well that the third child and the fifth child were not familiar with each other, and he hadn't met him a few times in these years, but he was able to recommend him so unselfishly to share his father's worries, how much more generous than his two elder brothers?
Thinking of this, Yang Hao saw his son's face was pale again, and tiredness was faintly visible between his brows, so he helped him to lie down to rest, and then went back to the palace.

Hua En has been secretly observing King Ping, and at the end he couldn't help sighing secretly in his heart.When he came, the emperor still had doubts and anger in his heart, but when he went back, he was only touched and loved by King Ping. King Ping really deserves to be a wise and brave King Ping!
After the emperor returned to the palace, An Qi and An Ran hurried back to the Zhao family.

Gu Wanniang waited impatiently, when she saw her son and daughter coming back, she immediately greeted her, pulling her daughter up and down to look at her.

"Mother, my daughter is fine." An Ran smiled lightly, then hugged her mother and kissed her, and happily whispered in her ear, "Mother, Your Highness was awake last night. This morning, the emperor visited the palace! The emperor's hidden guards found out, that's why we came back late, which made you worry."

Gu Wanniang patted her daughter's back lightly and sighed: "As long as you come back safely, mother will be at ease."

(End of this chapter)

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