The lady escaped marriage and became addicted

Chapter 289 Rescue and self-help

Chapter 289 Rescue and self-help (4)
"Oh, it's a pity that I can't even remember what he looks like. Xiang'er, cousin, does he look good?"

"It looks good! Of course it looks good! Master Biao is a famous handsome man in Chang'an City!" Xiang'er covered her mouth and smiled, no matter how you look at it, she is a girl who is very familiar with her master.

An Ran was full of longing and said: "I really want to see him. By the way, what about the white jade finger ring and jasper gourd my cousin gave me? I want to wear them."

Xiang'er immediately said: "Girl, don't worry, maybe Lan'er put it away, and I will ask her to find it for you later."

An Ran thought for a while with a shy smile on her face, then suddenly asked in a low voice: "Xiang'er, how old am I this year, when will my cousin marry me?"

Xiang'er covered her mouth and smiled, and replied: "Girl, you forgot, your wedding date with Master Biao will be on the sixth day of next month, and my wife has been preparing your dowry for three years!"

"Really? Take me to see it later! Are there many beautiful jewelry? How many ready-made clothes and fabrics? What kind of wood is used for the furniture?" An Ran asked a lot in one breath, as if she was looking forward to the wedding.Xiang'er smiled lightly and said: "Girl, don't worry, when you recover, the slave will lead the girl to see for herself."

Afterwards, An Ran went to clean the room and took a bath again, but after eating, she quickly fell asleep again.

Just after An Ran passed out, Xiang'er asked Lan'er to stay outside the bed, while she went to discuss with her wife.

The lady in her thirties heard Xiang'er report what An Ran said after she woke up today, and she couldn't help but wondered: "Tell me, does she remember or not?"

Xiang'er laughed and said, "My lord, the medicine has never been effective. Although the lord was afraid of making her stupid, he lightened the dose, but with her age and experience, it is enough for her to be confused for a while. We don't care if she remembers it or not." What? Anyway, let's pretend she doesn't remember and coax him to marry the young master."

The lady nodded: "You're right. Whatever she wants, as long as it's not too much, just follow her. Anyway, she doesn't know martial arts, so she can't escape."

Perhaps it was because An Ran was still cooperative. When she woke up again, she stopped drowsy after eating, and her body gradually regained some strength.At the same time, her white jade finger and jade gourd also came back, and they were still hung around her neck with the same red string.

Now that she has strength, she wants to go out to get some air.Xiang'er didn't ask his wife for instructions, and together with Lan'er, they helped her change into the clothes she was going out, and helped her out of this beautifully furnished boudoir.

Finally standing under the sun again, An Ran's mood improved.

The courtyard where she lives is not big, but it is well furnished, with red-painted porch columns, white walls and blue tiles, and a layer of varnish on the wooden floor. I want to take off my shoes and step on it with bare feet.

In mid-May, the weather is already very hot.If in the previous life, she wore a short-sleeved knee-length skirt and stepped on such a log floor with bare feet, she would not know how cool and comfortable it was.It's a pity that she was wearing a fine linen underwear, and she had to put on a silk coat and a long skirt on the outside.But whether it is linen or silk gown is very cool.

There is a century-old wisteria tree in the garden. The lush wisteria covers most of the garden. Under the wisteria, there are swings, small pavilions, and a wooden corridor passing through the garden.An Ran is walking on this long corridor now, along the way there are only dots of light spots cast from among the flowers and leaves of the wisteria, shining on the wooden floor.Walking on the promenade, I can't feel the blazing sun at all, and the sweltering heat wave in May is completely isolated.Huge bouquets of wisteria hang down densely from above, in different shades of color. Under the sunlight, the beauty is like a dream, like a fairyland.Although the wooden floor of the promenade is cleaned several times a day, it is still covered with a layer of purple fallen flowers, which makes it very pleasant to step on.

If not in captivity, An Ran would be fascinated by this wisteria flower.

"This place is really beautiful!" An Ran sighed, "If I can draw it, it must be very beautiful!"

Xiang'er smiled and said: "If you like it, girl, I will prepare it for you later. You used to like to write and draw, especially flowers."

"Really?" An Ran was excited again, did Cui Yi know that she was Master Yunmeng and the third young master of the Gu family?
After strolling in the garden for a while, An Ran not only didn't feel tired, but felt that her strength had recovered a bit.

"By the way, I want to see the jewelry and clothes my mother prepared for me." An Ran did not forget her self-help plan.

I don't know if it was prepared before, or when she was unconscious. In short, when An Ran saw the jewelry and clothes that were said to be her dowry, she was still shocked.

That's a whole room!Can she wear it?

Seeing this, An Ran couldn't help sighing in her heart: Maybe Cui Yi really likes her!Otherwise, it would be impossible to get so much dowry for her to support the scene?
"Girl, what are you thinking?" Xiang'er kept paying attention to An Ran's expression, and seeing that she seemed to be in deep thought, she asked.

An Ran turned her head to look at Xiang'er, with a smile on her face, her eyes were even slightly wet.

"Xiang'er, my mother is too kind to me, so much dowry... Did my mother give me all my family property as a dowry? What about my mother?"

It turned out to be touching, Xiang'er remembered what was said in the information, this girl seems to be from a bad background, maybe she has never seen so many good things, right?
"The girl is the wife's only child. If the wife doesn't give it to you, who else can she give it to? Besides, most of these things were given by the cousin over the years." Xiang'er never forgot to say good things to the cousin.

An Ran was moved to open those jewelry boxes and looked at them, and picked out some beautiful clothes to try on, her face was full of joy.Xiang'er was scornful in her heart, but she had a sweet and lovely smile on her face.

"Girl, look, you look so good in your clothes!"

An Ran smiled and nodded repeatedly.

After that, An Ran went back to take a shower, had some snacks, and then went to the study to write and draw.

An Ran was worried that her handwriting would show her flaws, so she didn't write a single word. She only said that she wanted to design a set of jewelry and a few sets of clothes by herself, and took the smallest brush to draw carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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