Chapter 291
An Ran has acted in front of her parents since she was a child, and she is so familiar with it that even Mrs. Qi can't tell the truth from the fake.I just feel that this girl doesn't look like a fake no matter how she looks or sounds, and she acts like a baby to her intimately, no matter how she looks at it, she regards herself as her own mother.

Just now, Mrs. Qi had already seen the word "Gu" in the finger, so she was shocked and excited.She had planned to wait until Cui Yi had finished helping Cui Yi finish the task that her mother had given her before she died, but unexpectedly it would take all the effort.However, after finally finding someone from her uncle's family, she has already ruined her mind. Mother Ruoquan knows, will she blame her?

"Xiang'er, go and cook a bowl of gastrodia custard for the girl. Lan'er, go to Wenzhu and ask for a box of spices for nourishing the spirit." Mrs. Qi sent the two girls away, and then she turned her head and smiled at An Ran, "My mother remembered it wrong. Didn't your uncle give it to you? You insisted that it was given by your cousin, but my mother almost didn't recognize it."

"Mother, Fu'er still has uncle!"

"Of course." Mrs. Qi said with a bit of nostalgia, "Take a closer look at the finger and see if there is a word 'Gu' in it? According to your grandmother, there were three siblings in the Gu family, and your grandmother was the eldest sister. When you left the Gu family, your uncle brought this finger wrench...Look at the patterns on it, this is actually the family crest of the Gu family." In fact, Mrs. Qi has never seen the family crest of the Gu family, but she heard her mother say something about it before. After talking about the shape, Niangqin couldn't draw it by herself.If she hadn't seen the word Gu inside the finger, she wouldn't be sure that the pattern on the finger was the family crest of the Gu family.

An Ran was shocked, unexpectedly, this Mrs. Qi turned out to be the daughter of her grandpa and elder sister, so she was also her cousin?I don't know if she will let her go for grandpa's sake?
"Mother, you said that grandma and uncle left the Gu family. Why did they leave the Gu family? The Gu family even has a family crest. This is the first time my daughter has heard of it." At least my grandfather didn't say that the square on the finger ring The pattern is the family crest of the Gu family.According to An Ran's knowledge, ordinary families do not have family emblems, and only families with a very ancient heritage have family emblems.But the Gu family, is it considered a very old family?How has she never heard of it?
Mrs. Qi sighed: "The ancestors of our Gu family can be traced back to Goujian, king of Yue. In the early Han Dynasty, our ancestors were sealed in Kuaiji. Together with the three surnames of Lu, Zhu, and Zhang, they were called the four surnames of Kuaiji. Your grandmother's branch is the branch of the Gu family in Kuaiji. , because the ancestors entered the court and became officials, the family moved to Chang'an, and then settled down in Chang'an, and did not return to Kuaiji."

An Ran suddenly realized that her grandfather also came from a big family!But if you don't go back to the family, there must be something wrong.

Seeing that Mrs. Qi sent everyone away, An Ran couldn't help but feel a little hesitant.Should she ask this cousin for help?

Before An Ran could make a decision, that Mrs. Qi caressed An Ran's hair, and sighed, "It's getting late, Fu'er should go to bed early. Xiang'er will bring you custard later, you should eat it obediently. That's mind-boosting."

An Ran nodded, and said obediently: "Fu'er understands, thank you mother. Mother, you should also go to bed early."

Mrs. Qi nodded, got up and went back.

An Ran already understood that this Mrs. Qi made stewed Gastrodia elata custard and used spices for nourishing the spirit. She already had a preliminary identification of her identity, so now she had to find a way to fix her brain.

But Mrs. Qi went back to the room, took out An Ran’s information again, and looked carefully, and it was written on it: “Zhao’s An Ran, born in Qi Feng three years. Father, Zhao Shihua, named Sheng Lin, died in Qi Feng 11 year. Mother Gu..."

It turned out that the girl turned out to be the uncle's granddaughter, her niece and aunt.What should she do?
On this day, Cui Yi received a letter from Yang Yan, which said: "Return him within three days. Otherwise, you will die!"

Cui Yi raised his eyebrows, unexpectedly, King Ping also cared about that girl.threaten him?Cui Yi is afraid of threats?snort!

Then, Cui Yi opened the message from Mrs. Qi, knowing that An Ran had accepted her new identity and was looking forward to marrying her "cousin", he couldn't help but smile triumphantly.The woman Cui Yi wants, he will definitely get it!
For the past three days, he has been reluctant to visit that girl, because he is afraid that Prince Ping's people will follow him and rescue the girl.But seeing the good news, he couldn't help it anymore.Just take advantage of the darkness and sneak a look at her from the tunnel!

Should he test that girl?Cui Yi thought about it, but still denied the idea.

Since that girl's mind is confused and she no longer remembers who she is, it's better for him not to let her see him for the time being.Otherwise, if she thinks about it, won't it be troublesome if she argues and refuses to marry him?After she worshiped him and entered the bridal chamber, even if she thought about it, he wasn't afraid anymore.

When Cui Yi arrived at Qi's house, An Ran was asleep.

Xiang'er gently lifted the curtain and let Cui Yi walk in slowly.

An Ran was pretending to be asleep and trying to figure out something, but when she heard voices outside, especially Xiang Er's voice, he let her know that it was Cui Yi who had come.An Ran knew that Cui Yi was good at martial arts, and she probably couldn't fool him by pretending to be asleep, so she decided to startle herself first.

So, when Cui Yi just walked to the bedside, she opened her eyes suspiciously, and when she saw a man, she sat up in shock, clutched the quilt to her chest, and looked at him in panic.

"Ah! You, who are you?" At this moment, An Ran saw Xiang'er standing behind Cui Yi, a look of surprise appeared on her face, then she lowered her head and shyly said, "Xiang'er, he , is he a cousin?"

Cui Yi was taken aback, An Ran's sudden waking up just now also surprised him.He paid attention to her eyes, surprised and puzzled, but not angry, and later became understanding and shy.It looks like she really doesn't remember?
Cui Yi quietly let out a sigh of relief.

Xiang'er immediately said: "Yes, this is Young Master Biao. Young Master Biao heard that the girl had been poisoned and fell down again, so he came here specially to visit the girl."

An Ran let out a light oh, and secretly raised her head to look at Cui Yi, but quickly lowered her head again, and whispered: "Fu'er also thinks that my cousin has a kind face, it seems that I have seen it before..."

(End of this chapter)

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