Chapter 35
Now that he decided to leave Xilin Town and go to the county seat, Zhao Shihua began to make preparations.

He intends to entrust the care of the family house to the second elder, and leave the chickens, ducks, grain fields and so on to the second elder.

It just so happened that the Gu family's business was getting bigger and bigger, and they had decided to move to the county town. The house was bought, so Zhao Shihua asked his uncle to help find a small house to rent, and moved to the county town after the regenerated rice in the field was harvested.

When Zhao Shihua went to Gu's house this time, Gu Shengwen showed him the account of the silver house last month, and gave him more than 60 taels of silver.Zhao Shihua didn't look at the account book, but accepted the money.Now that he needs money, he won't be polite to his brother-in-law, and won't talk about whether the tricks designed by his daughter are really useful.

Zhao Shihua told the elders that he was about to go to the county and wanted to be the master of the county lord, and entrusted the elders to take care of the fields and houses at home.Rong was very happy. In her opinion, even if her son does not take the Juren examination in the future, it would be a very good and honorable thing for his son to be a master of the county lord for the rest of his life.But Zhao Maosheng asked hesitantly: "Is it very busy to be a teacher for the county lord? It won't affect your reading, right?"

Zhao Shihua comforted the two elders with a smile and said, "Father, mother, don't worry. If you are familiar with how to handle government affairs now, it will only be good when you wait for the township examination next year. In fact, the undergraduate exam will have the content of how to handle government affairs."

When the two elders heard this, they both smiled and nodded.Since the son said so, they naturally believed it.

In the evening, the eldest and third sons of the Zhao family also learned the good news, and the family gathered together again to celebrate.It's rare that even Mrs. Wang didn't say any harsh words, but flattered Zhao Shihua all the time, which made Zhao Shihua feel a little uncomfortable.

An Ran, her two cousins, and her two elder brothers sat on the small table, listening to what the adults said, feeling very happy.Their happy life is coming!You must know that although the documents of the county lord have no rank, they are only the private staff of the county lord, but if the county lord trusts him, the real power is also great.In An Ran's previous life, he was equivalent to the secretary of the county magistrate, and he could be regarded as a person if he said it.Of course, what An Ran is happiest about is that Dad is learning how to handle government affairs from now on, and he will definitely be able to pass the imperial examination next year!
Zhao Maosheng wanted to ask Zhao Shihua to bring his nephew, Brother Nan, with him, but he didn't have the face to say that because he thought about how the Wang family treated the second child's family in the past.

Zhao Shihua also thought of Brother Nan.This is his first nephew, he was not married when he was born, so he almost loved him as his own son.Brother Nan taught him to read and write when he could speak, and gave him formal enlightenment at the age of three. No matter how tired he was at work every day, he would spare time to teach his children to read and write.This child was brought up by him alone!It was only after the family split up last year that Wang was ashamed to let Brother Nan go to his house, so Brother Nan was sent to the Mentorship School in the neighboring village to continue his studies.

But it's not enough now, he hasn't gained a firm foothold in the county yet, if something happens, his family will naturally share the same fate, but it would be bad if he delayed his nephew.He thought that if he gained a firm foothold in the county in the spring of next year, he would take brother Nan over and send him to study in the county school, and he could even give him guidance at night.In this way, after two years, brother nan can try it out.

In the future, their Zhao family will need Brother Nan and Brother Qi to support them together.

During the slack season, the children ran wildly outside every day, chasing chickens and dogs so happy.Although Zhao Anqi was a sensible and obedient child, he was still a child, and he naturally felt itchy when he saw other children going out to play.Zhao Shihua and Gu Wanniang are not rigid parents either. They have nothing to do at home and their homework is done, so they let the two children go out to play with the children in the village.

In August, the jujubes are ripe.There are three jujube trees by the small river in the village. They are tall and full of thorns. It is not easy for children to eat a jujube.

In her previous life, An Ran could eat whatever she wanted, and she didn't like jujube very much, but now in this small mountain village, she seldom eats fruit. .Especially after An Ran listed the mountain as a dangerous forbidden area, the two brothers and sisters could only go to the river to find food.Fortunately, there are also sweet potatoes by the river, but they are almost scraped up by the children in the village.Now that the jujube is ripe, it is naturally a temptation that those wild fruits can't match.

In the afternoon of two days before Zhao Yunxing got married, the two brothers and sisters did not go to take a nap after eating, but they ran away after hearing the neighbor's nine-year-old Awang brother from Aunt Wang's family say hello.

When I got to the small river, I saw a group of children surrounded by three jujube trees. Each of them was hitting the tree with a long bamboo pole. When the jujubes fell, they rushed to grab them.For this reason, these children fight a lot, but if you rob me today, I will rob you tomorrow, and the children have fought.It is inevitable that they will be beaten up for grabbing food, but they are still happy, and they are still good friends the next day, and they still play together.

An Qi couldn't bear to let An Ran pass by, what would happen if he accidentally suffered a catastrophe and was beaten?

"You watch outside, and later my brother will call and give you food."

An Ran nodded, and obediently stood far away.

I saw the rather strong Ngawang holding a long bamboo pole in his hand, hitting the tall jujube tree heavily, and the jujubes as big as thumbs fell down one by one.An Qi was fighting with a group of children under the tree, and was pushed and pushed from time to time, which made An Qi feel very distressed.

Because the jujube trees are by the river, some dates fell into the river.The water in that section of the creek was not deep, and the children jumped into the creek without rolling up their trousers.An Ran accidentally saw a jujube floating down the river, immediately had no time to think about it, and jumped into the river after chasing the jujube.At the same time, other children on the shore also saw the jujubes in the river, and rushed towards them in a swarm.

In the panic, she didn't know who pushed An Ran, An Ran slipped her foot and fell into a large pit dug below to store water for washing clothes.

It was a big pit four or five feet deep, and the four-year-old An Ran lost the top as soon as she fell in. The children grabbed the dates and went ashore, but no one noticed.

(End of this chapter)

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