The lady escaped marriage and became addicted

Chapter 407 Dugu enters the palace

Chapter 407 Dugu enters the palace (1)
Nowadays, in private in the palace, no one would say that Dugu side concubine is worthy of being a daughter of a noble family from the Dugu family, her demeanor is no more than that of a prince and concubine, and she has already looked up to her unknowingly.

This is why Princess An's Dugu Xiangyu feels dissatisfied with Dugu Xiangyun.There should always be a difference between the concubine and the concubines. Wouldn't those people belittle themselves by exalting Dugu Xiangyun?
When he arrived at the Palace of Compassion, Dugu Xiangyun respectfully knelt down to pay his respects to Queen Mother Dugu.

Empress Dowager Dugu said with a smile, "Get up quickly."

Empress Dowager Dugu has no children of her own, and the emperor is an adopted son. It's hard to say what kind of mother-child relationship it is.When she was young, she was the first emperor, fighting for favor, and trying her best to keep her position as queen. Now that she is older and her position is stable, she likes to be accompanied by people to talk and make fun of.Of course, the premise is that this person is only responsible for pleasing her, not making trouble for her, not saying things that make her unhappy.

There are so many concubines of the emperor in the palace, even the grandchildren Concubine Kang and Concubine An, it's not that they didn't think of following the way of Queen Mother Dugu and tried their best to please her, but none of them did as well as Dugu Xiangyun.

Dugu Xiangyun only showed his filial piety, and never gave a big gift, but he personally made two clothes for the Empress Dowager Dugu, but they were all obscene clothes inside, even if the Empress Dowager Dugu wore them, no one would know.Of course, Queen Mother Dugu knew that the clothes had been rubbed and washed several times, so they were very soft and comfortable to wear next to her body.

Everyone knew that Dugu Xiangyun was not favored by King Ping, but she never cried to Queen Mother Dugu, and only wanted to make Queen Mother happy when she came to the palace.This is what Empress Dowager Dugu likes most about her.

"You child, how many times have you said that you don't have to be so formal when you come to Ai's house."

"Courtesy cannot be discarded." Dugu Xiangyun saluted earnestly before getting up, sat down beside Queen Mother Dugu with a gentle smile on his face, and asked softly, "Queen Mother, Zhou Shangyi said that you have not slept well these few nights? Have you seen the doctor?"

Empress Dowager Dugu immediately waved her hand and said: "It's just a dream at night, how can it be so serious that I need to call an imperial doctor? The Ai family is the most impatient to drink that bitter medicine."

As the saying goes, old children, old children, many old people have a temper like a child.Queen Mother Dugu is like this sometimes, such as refusing to take medicine.

Dugu Xiangyun persuaded softly: "Queen Mother, we don't take medicine. Xiangyun heard that there are some food tonic prescriptions, and the dishes are delicious and good for the body. You can try it."

The Empress Dowager Dugu knew that Dugu Xiangyun's words were for her own benefit, but she responded with some helplessness on her face: "Okay, okay, the Ai family will just listen to you. Let Qin Shangshi go to the imperial doctor for a prescription. "

Dugu Xiangyun just laughed, and said to Queen Mother Dugu: "Didn't Imperial Doctor Cai tell the Queen Mother to go out for a walk every day? You can go out for a walk today?"

Zhou Shangyi replied from the side: "Not yet! How about the side concubine helping the queen mother to walk in the garden?"

Dugu Xiangyun got up and said with a smile: "Isn't that right, the sun is very bright outside today, Queen Mother, you really should go out and have a look. By the way, are the two tea plum plants of Queen Mother blooming? Those tea plants in our palace The plum blossoms are in full bloom! The flowers are big and the color is good, and it makes me happy just looking at them."

Hearing this, Empress Dowager Dugu's heart moved, she said calmly: "There is a happy event in your palace, and the flowers are also full of happiness, right?"

Dugu Xiangyun's complexion changed slightly, but then he smiled brightly and said: "Isn't it? Xiangyun has been looking forward to our prince marrying a concubine, but he has been looking forward to it for a long time. Our prince is not young anymore, and it's time for us to have a little son." .”

Queen Mother Dugu took advantage of the situation and said: "Isn't it? Among the grandchildren of the Ai family, Prince Ping is the most worrying. You said that you are also unlucky. It has been half a year since you entered Prince Ping's mansion. Why is there no news at all?"

Speaking of this, Dugu Xiangyun's eye circles turned red.But she tried her best to bear it, and forced a smile: "Don't worry, queen mother, I believe our princess will have good news soon."

Empress Dowager Dugu figured out a bit of taste from Dugu Xiangyun's words, and reprimanded her pretending to be unhappy: "You child, this is your fault. They are all my royal daughters-in-law, and they will spread branches and leaves for the royal family." It's the princess's responsibility, isn't it also yours? How can you push it all to the concubine?"

Dugu Xiangyun looked at the Queen Mother Dugu, hesitated to speak, and finally couldn't help but shed tears.But then she wiped it off with a handkerchief herself, and repeatedly said: "Xiangyun has nothing to do for a while, please forgive me by the Queen Mother..."

Empress Dowager Dugu pretended to be puzzled and said, "What's the matter? This is it? But the Ai family said it seriously?"

Dugu Xiangyun shook his head again and again, as if he really wanted to hold back, but in the end he couldn't help crying and said: "Queen... Xiangyun, Xiangyun is still a perfect body, how, how can he give birth to a son for the prince? Huh Woooo..."

Hearing this, Queen Mother Dugu was also shocked.Everyone in Chang'an knew that Dugu Xiangyun was not favored because of the strange disease that Dugu Xiangyun had before she got married. Later, it was rumored that King Ping had done it to prevent him from marrying her.In addition, at the banquet in the palace, it was obvious to all that King Ping was indifferent to Concubine Dugu.But no one could have imagined that she was still a virgin after marrying into Prince Ping's mansion for half a year.

King Ping, this is really deceiving people too much!This is tantamount to slapping the Dugu family in the face!Could it be that the daughter of the direct branch of the Dugu family is so disrespectful to King Ping?
Empress Dowager Dugu looked gloomy.She couldn't help thinking that she was pregnant with a child when she was young, but she had a miscarriage inexplicably at five months. Later, various evidences showed that it was her husband and the father of her child who did it automatically.

From then on, she knew that the royal family did not want the blood of the Dugu family!But they forgot that they already have the blood of the Dugu family!
The first emperor secretly tried to get rid of her child, but King Ping was even more ruthless. He actually humiliated the daughter of the Dugu family in this way.After half a year of marriage and still a virgin, she would like to ask where King Ping put their Dugu family?Since they don't want to see their Dugu family so much, why marry the daughter of the Dugu family?Which aristocratic family did their Dugu family's daughter marry into, and she was not the head of the house?Why do you want to marry into the royal family and suffer such humiliation?

"Crack!" The Empress Dowager Dugu slapped the tea table beside her, the teacup trembled slightly, and some tea came out.

(End of this chapter)

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