The lady escaped marriage and became addicted

Chapter 427 Holy Grace, unprecedented and unprecedented

Chapter 427 Holy Grace, unprecedented and unprecedented (1)
Yang Yan exaggeratedly exclaimed immediately: "The heart of Li Shangshu's devotion to the country really moved me. Originally, my ministers also wanted to persuade my father to cultivate well, but I had no choice. This Sui Dynasty belongs to my Yang family. Since father The lord of the people is not easy to say bitterness. But Li Shangshu is different. How can the country of our Yang family make Li Shangshu so tired? This is too unreasonable. Said that the father is not sympathetic to the veterans."

Li Zhengqian was startled, and was caught by Yang Yan's words.Yang's country deserves no matter how hard it is, if he has to catch up and devote himself to death, why would King Ping say that he has the heart of disobedience?
Li Zhengqian couldn't think of a good argument for a while, and couldn't argue.However, he was very unwilling to be forced to this point by the joint efforts of the emperor and his son. He immediately changed the subject and said: "I am guilty! I didn't investigate for a while, and was deceived by the officials who tried to clean up the officials. I almost made a big mistake. I also ask the emperor to punish me." !” Even when he was about to die, he still wanted to take a back seat.

The emperor hit the iron while it was hot: "When something like this happened in the Ministry of Officials, we need to investigate it carefully! How about it, Prince Ping, you have been lazy for so long, so go to the Ministry of Officials to clean it up for me!"

Just hand over the Ministry of Officials to King Ping?Could it be that the emperor has really made up his mind to pass the throne to King Ping?

Li Zhengqian was shocked, and hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, His Royal Highness An Wang has been in charge of the official department before, and His Highness Wang An is also familiar with the situation of the official department. Now that the matter is urgent, why not let His Royal Highness An Wang take care of you? His Royal Highness Prince An is in charge of the staff. The Ministry, the affairs are complicated, and now he is newly married, the emperor should be sympathetic and let him spend more time with the concubine. His Royal Highness Prince Ping has no heirs, and the empress and empress dowager have always been worried about this."

Nothing was mentioned, but King Tiping had no sons, the emperor was annoyed, and even brought Yang Yan to my eyes.

"The Ministry of Officials was in charge of King An before, and I didn't see him do anything. On the contrary, he even made a mistake in the performance appraisal of disaster relief. How can I rest assured that I will hand over the Ministry of Officials, which is related to the evaluation of the appointment and removal of officials in the world, to him?"

The emperor was in a bad mood, so he was not polite when he spoke. He was still not relieved after talking about King An's meal, and even implied that Li Zhengqian, the minister of the Ministry of officials, was incompetent.

Li Zhengqian couldn't help dripping with cold sweat.If in the court, he had many followers, and each of them defended him with one sentence, he would soon be able to shift the responsibility to his subordinates. Even if the emperor wanted to punish him and resigned from his post, he would still have to consider the thoughts of other ministers.

But now in the Hall of Qinzheng, apart from the emperor, there is only King Ping and Princess Ping, and there is no one who can speak for him.If today's matter is settled like this, the emperor will issue an imperial decree later, that is, if someone mentions it in the court tomorrow morning, if he is not around, naturally he will say anything according to the emperor.If the emperor wants to say that he resigned and raised him, who would dare to question it face to face?
"Your Majesty, I think that King An has never made any mistakes in managing the official department. This time, it is also because His Highness King An has left the official department, and those people below dare to do things so perfunctorily. If His Highness King An returns to the official department again , will definitely be able to urge the Ministry of Officials to seriously handle errands for the emperor..."

Still not giving up?The emperor sneered in his heart, looked at Li Zhengqian sharply, and said in a colder voice: "Aiqing means that with King An in the official department, the people below are honest? I want to ask, is this official department really Is it the official department of King An, or the official department of King An? The people in the official department are all from King An, and they refuse to do things well for me, right? If I leave him, the official department can't control it anymore?"

"No, the emperor calmed down. It was the humble official who said something wrong. Of course, the official department is the emperor's official department. It is the official who made a slip of the tongue..." Li Zhengqian was really frightened this time, and he was so excited that he didn't know what to do for a while. It's good to explain.

"Humph!" the emperor snorted, and said calmly, "It's not the best! Since it's my official department, I don't need Li Shangshu's consent to let King Ping take care of it, right?"

"My minister is panic, it's all because of my slip of the tongue, please forgive me..." Li Zhengqian knelt on the ground and kowtowed heavily, feeling cold all over his body.The emperor's words imply that he has the heart of disobedience!How could the Li family bear such a big crime?

The emperor looked at Li Zhengqian, who was kneeling in front of the imperial case, with his head still on the ground and his buttocks raised high. Thinking about the days of being restrained by the family all these years, he seemed to spit out the bad breath that had been stagnant in his chest all of a sudden. Very comfortable.Come one by one, always slowly pull out the power of the family in the court.

"Li Shangshu has worked hard all these years, go back to your residence and cultivate yourself!" the emperor said coldly.It was clearly a word of approval and consolation, but with such emphasis and under such circumstances, it completely changed the taste.

"My minister leads the decree, my minister thanks the emperor!" Li Zhengqian wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with his sleeve, he didn't dare to say any more, he quickly thanked him, his steps were a little unsteady when he resigned and left the palace.

"Hua En, Li Shangshu is not feeling well, so send someone to take him back."

The emperor gave Hua En a wink, and Hua En immediately sent someone to escort Li Zhengqian back to the Minister's Mansion, and kindly prepared a soft sedan for him, but no one could approach him along the way, let alone talk to him.

Afterwards, the emperor wrote an imperial decree, so that Li Zhengqian arrived home, and before he could tell his family what was going on, the imperial decree was sent to the Shangshu Mansion, allowing him to be raised in the name of sympathizing with his old age and physical discomfort.

At the same time, the emperor had ordered Zhongshu Province to formally issue an order to the various ministries that Li Zhengqian, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, was not in good health, was honored and resigned, and the position of Minister of the Ministry of Officials was temporarily replaced by King Ping.

After finishing all these matters, Emperor Heping remembered that An Ran was still in the palace.After such a long delay, the girl must be bored, right?She saw Li Zhengqian's ugliness, and she was afraid that she would be even more annoyed when she returned home.

Under the reminder of Manager Hua En, the emperor looked sideways and was stunned.I saw An Ran leaning on Duobaoge behind her, dozing off.

Yang Hao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he dared to doze off in the Palace of Qinzheng where the emperor handles government affairs. It is estimated that no one has been so bold throughout the ages.

Yang Yan was busy running on Li Zhengqian with his father just now, but he didn't pay much attention to An Ran.She was standing next to Duobaoge in the main hall again, and in front of her was a big flowerpot in which was planted a Podocarpus pine taller than her, which blocked her figure at all times.He vaguely saw her standing there quietly all the time, how could he have thought that she would doze off in Qinzheng Hall?
(End of this chapter)

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