The lady escaped marriage and became addicted

Chapter 431 Misunderstanding and adultery

Chapter 431 Misunderstanding and adultery (2)
No, An Ran suddenly pleaded and whispered: "Father, what happened today is all a misunderstanding, don't blame Concubine Fang, okay?"

Seeing that An Ran pleaded with Concubine Fang, but kept his voice so low as if he was afraid that Concubine Fang would overhear, the emperor's mood immediately improved.

The reason why he didn't ask Concubine Fang to get up was because he intended to beat her up, and also wanted to see how An Ran would treat Concubine Fang, would he use his hand to suppress Concubine Fang, or would it be smooth sailing?But An Ran's reaction was beyond his expectation, she pleaded for Concubine Fang regardless of the past, and she didn't want Concubine Fang to know.

The emperor also thought about it, maybe An Ran didn't want to completely offend Concubine Fang by doing this, after all, Concubine Fang was very favored in the past two years; or maybe it was to save face for himself, the emperor, and wanted to cover up the matter; it was even possible that he just didn't want to make Concubine Fang Things go wrong.However, no matter what the purpose of An Ran was, the emperor was satisfied.

At least this girl has a heart.In the future, he will definitely not treat his concubines and other children lightly.

"Concubine Fang, get up too!" The emperor ordered lightly.

Seeing that the goal had been achieved, An Ran quietly stood beside Yang Yan and gave him a look like let's go back.

Yang Yan received it, and immediately bid farewell to his father: "Father, my son wants to visit mother and concubine."

The emperor nodded and said: "Well, go! It's rare to enter the palace once, and it's not justified not to visit your mother and concubine."

"My son (daughter-in-law) resigns!"

The husband and wife quickly left Bihuaxuan with their own people and went to Concubine Hui Palace.

However, after Ping Wang and his wife left, the emperor waved his hand lightly and asked Hua En to take everyone out, and then asked Concubine Fang indifferently: "What's going on, tell me!"

Concubine Fang walked over slowly, knelt three steps away from the main seat, bit her lip, looked up at the emperor, her eyes were full of grievances and tears.

Yes, Concubine Fang felt extremely wronged.She always thought that although the emperor was older, he was the supreme emperor and loved herself the most, so she was willing to let go of all the grievances and unwillingness in her heart.But just now, she finally realized that she was just a plaything to the emperor, and she was far from being able to compare with his son.

"Since the emperor believes that the concubine is ignorant and offended Princess Ping, what does the concubine say? Do you admit it?"

The emperor sighed softly, got up and walked over to help her up with his own hands, and looked at her quietly for a long time.

Concubine Fang was confused by the emperor's actions. What is the emperor doing?Why is his gaze so complicated?
The emperor looked at Concubine Fang carefully for a while, and finally spoke, but the first sound was still a sigh.

"Hey! You are always smart, why are you so impulsive and confused this time?"

Concubine Fang seemed to have some pity for herself when she heard what the emperor said, she couldn't help feeling sour, so she quickly lowered her head and wept silently.

The emperor gently hugged her in his arms and sighed, "You are still so young, but I am already old. What will you do in the future? Who will you rely on?"

Hearing this, Concubine Fang finally understood. She couldn't help but hugged the emperor tightly, raised her tear-stained face, and called out "Your Majesty" choked with sobs. Then the tears flowed more fiercely, but her face was covered with tears. Joy and excitement.It turns out that the emperor has used his affection for her so much?

The emperor knew that she had understood, so he patted her on the back and said with a light smile, "Okay, don't cry. Prince Ping is a kind hearted person with love and righteousness. Princess Ping is simple-minded and not so narrow-minded." You should make friends with Concubine Hui more in the future, and if you ask her to send a gift to Prince Ping's mansion, it will be regarded as an apology, just let this matter go. The third couple will not take it to heart."

Concubine Fang suddenly fixed her eyes firmly on the emperor's and said: "Your Majesty, from now on... this concubine will never leave you. Wherever you go, this concubine will follow you!"

The emperor looked at the firmness and seriousness in Concubine Fang's eyes, and he was naturally a little excited, but he quickly restrained his emotions, and smiled softly: "Speaking stupid again... Don't worry, I will make arrangements, and I won't Let you have no one to rely on and be wronged for the rest of your life." Not only Concubine Fang, but he will also arrange for other people.Like the Queen.

When he was young, he wanted to take back the family's influence in the court, so he cruelly cut off the heir of the queen born in the family. Over the years, he has not been very kind to the queen.Now that I am old, I think back to when I was just married, the queen was also a shy little girl who was full of expectations for him, and she was sincere to him.It's just that it was impossible for him at that time to put his mind on a woman, so he ruthlessly shattered her dream, which made her become the sharp and mean look she is now.

He pulled out the influence of the Li family in the court, and passed on the throne as King Ping, and the queen became a lonely family. Even if she became the queen mother in the future, she would not be able to make any troubles.For the sake of the reputation of benevolence and filial piety, King Ping should also treat her kindly.There is only so much he can do for the queen.

Seeing the emperor, Concubine Fang felt a little confused for a while, and didn't know what to think about.Just when he didn't believe what he said, tears couldn't help but fell again, but he couldn't help shaking his head and said: "No, I am serious, I am willing. If there is no emperor, what's the point of living?"

The emperor suddenly remembered An Ran's words in the morning. She said that becoming an immortal is meaningless, and it is better for ordinary people to have real feelings of joy, anger, sorrow, and joy. Concubine Fang's words are actually similar to that girl's words.

He suddenly said: "In the future, I will have the opportunity to spend more time with Princess Ping. I know that you were very talented when you were in the south of the Yangtze River, but Princess Ping...she is the number one talented woman in the Sui Dynasty. You will like her."

Concubine Fang was amazed, she had never seen the emperor praise a person like this.That Concubine Ping came from a poor family, never heard of her talent?The emperor didn't meet her twice, so how did he know that she was worthy of being the number one talented woman in the Sui Dynasty?

But Yang Yan and An Ran invited An to Concubine Hui, saying that they would enter the palace to take a portrait of her in a few days, and seeing that it was getting late, they went out of the palace and returned to the palace.

When they entered the palace, they came in three carriages, one for King Ping and his concubine, one for Shen Yi and two maids, and one for Sun Wang and two of King Ping's relatives.

When Yang Yan and An Ran were together, they didn't like light bulbs, so they never let people ride with them, and they didn't want anyone to wait on them, but when they left the palace, An Ran still called Shen Yi into their carriage.

(End of this chapter)

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