The lady escaped marriage and became addicted

Chapter 433 Misunderstanding and adultery

Chapter 433 Misunderstanding and adultery (4)
Yulan secretly raised her head and glanced at Yue Chaocheng, blushing and said: "Mr. Yue cured the concubine, and this servant is very grateful. Now that Mr. has come to Prince Ping's mansion, this servant should help him settle it properly."

So, Yulan is also interested?When did this adultery happen?Why didn't she see it at all?

Although An Ran was puzzled in her heart, the person involved was willing, so she naturally agreed with the flow.An Ran asked Mr. Yue to leave first, and called Yulan into the room to talk. Yulan thought that An Ran was going to ask about her and Mr. Yue, and was thinking about how to answer. She didn't want what An Ran said to have nothing to do with what she thought.

An Ran quietly said to Yulan: "Find a chance to ask Mr. Yue quietly for me, and ask him if it is possible for the scars on the face of His Highness King Shu to fade away. I don't dare to think about anything else. Just tone it down a little bit and make it look less scary."

Yulan has been in the Zhao family for so many years, and she is also familiar with Zhao Shihua's figure and voice. Although An Ran didn't reveal the identity of the King of Shu, she only told her about the King of Shu. If someone asked, she couldn't say a word.But she knew it in her heart, and naturally she could tell the difference, so she nodded cautiously and said: "Princess, don't worry, this servant understands, and will act cautiously."

After dinner, Yulan came back and angrily reported back: "The servant told him quietly, but he only said that he knew. Princess, what do you mean by that? Is he good or not?"

An Ran looked at the furious Yulan with a broken smile, and instead comforted her, "Since Mr. Yue replied like this, he must be somewhat sure. We just need to wait."

That night, Prince Ping's mansion was still full of joy, but the mansion of Mr. Li Zhengqian, who had just retired from the post of Shangshu, was different.When the imperial decree came down at noon, those who got the news in the afternoon kept coming to inquire about the situation. In the evening, officials from Li's party who had come down from the court gathered together to discuss solutions.Although there are many people, there is always a kind of anxiety and panic.

When Wang An got the news in the afternoon, he was shocked and angry, and immediately rushed over with the chief counselor Jiang Shaoli.Knowing that King Ping was playing tricks, he was so angry that he scolded King Ping for a cup of tea on the spot, but the cursing was nothing more than "despicable and shameless, inhumane, and unable to have a son".

Li Zhengqian sighed secretly.It is true that King An is worse than King Ping at 01:30. If he were to choose an heir, he would not be chosen if King Ping Zhuyu was in front of him.If I had known this earlier, I had asked the Queen to raise Prince Ping under my name, but now nothing happened.

It's a pity that the first prince was clever and clever back then, but the queen herself couldn't bear children and was eager to compete for favor, so she raised the second prince under her name.At that time, the third prince was just born, how could he have imagined that there would be today?
It's all like this now, what's the use of cursing Wang An for three days and three nights?It's better to think of some way to turn the situation around.

And Jiang Shaoli is worthy of being King An's number one advisor, he quickly grasped the point and asked: "My lord said that Princess Ping was there when I was in Qinzheng Hall?"

King An finally came to his senses, immediately grasped this point, and said with a little excitement: "Princess Ping, a woman, has actually stayed in the Palace of Qinzheng for so long to listen to the discussions between the emperor and the ministers. Let someone impeach the third child in the hall! What are they going to do as a couple? Could it be that the third child can't do it, and let his daughter-in-law please the father?"

"My lord, be careful!" Li Zhengqian reprimanded severely, and saw that there were no extra people in the lobby, they were all his confidantes, so he breathed a sigh of relief, "Don't say that things can never be like this, even if it is true, You can’t even say it! If the prince wants to attack King Ping, he can do whatever he wants, but he must not take it with the emperor, otherwise..."

Otherwise, Li Zhengqian didn't say anything, but King An also understood.He was too excited just now, in fact, as long as he calms down a little, he can find out that this matter is inappropriate.

"Uncle is right!" King An smiled shyly, but then said firmly, "But this matter must be done in the court of the king!"

In the evening, officials at all levels who served in various ministries arrived, asked each other about the situation, and discussed for an hour, but they couldn't come up with any good solution.

Although everyone knew that the emperor deliberately dismissed Li Shangshu from his position, after all, the emperor had found a good reason on the surface, saying that he was sympathetic to the old minister and his energy was low, so he let him go home and take care of him, which is hard to talk about.If the emperor dismissed Li Shangshu on the grounds of his ineffectiveness, they could still help to intercede. After all, no one is perfect, who can guarantee that he will not be confused once in his life?Seeing that Li Shangshu has been loyal to the country for so many years, it is necessary to persuade the emperor to forgive Li Shangshu online.

"Otherwise, my lord will recruit a concubine with great fanfare in a few days!" Someone suggested.

When everyone heard it, they suddenly realized.yes!The emperor said that Li Shangshu is old, lacks energy, and can't bear the tedious government affairs, so tell the world with facts, Li Shangshu can still take a teenage girl as a concubine, and his health is very good!
Everyone applauded, but Li Zhengqian did not immediately respond.After what happened today, he clearly understood how strong the emperor's determination to seize power was.If he slaps the emperor in the face openly and confronts him, he is afraid that he will not only fail to achieve his wish, but also anger the emperor, which will not help.

Thinking of this, Li Zhengqian shook his head, thinking that this method would not work.Even if you want to use it, you can't use it in such a hurry.At least a year or so later, if he takes a concubine again, it also means that after a year and a half of conditioning, his body has recovered.In order to thank the emperor for his sympathy for the veterans, he is willing to be loyal to the country, share the emperor's worries, and say that he will die and die. When the time comes, their forces in the court will work together.

After making up his mind, Li Zhengqian said, everyone praised him.

Immediately afterwards, King An said again: "Even if uncle can't return to the court for the time being, but the emperor asked the third son to take your place, you must not let him succeed!"

Li Zhengqian nodded and said: "Naturally! We have been operating the Ministry of Officials for so many years, and the emperor wants to wipe us out, it is absolutely impossible! Even if King Ping went to the Ministry of Officials, the old man taught him that he can't sit still!"

When everyone heard this, they immediately laughed again.Over the years, the emperor has arranged many people to go to the official department, but as long as they are not their people, they will soon be kicked out for doing wrong things.The only two or three people left were also the children of the aristocratic family who remained neutral in the prince's fight for the heir. They stayed because of their face, but they also had a tacit understanding with Li Zhengqian that they could not participate in the prince's fight for the heir.

(End of this chapter)

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