The lady escaped marriage and became addicted

Chapter 446 Please establish a prince, embarrassing heirs

Chapter 446 Please establish a prince, embarrassing heirs (2)
Although King Kang's party was dissatisfied with the Ministry of Officials, it was taken back by King An, but it was better than being taken away by King Ping.

On the contrary, King An was dissatisfied with taking back a minister from the Ministry of Officials. He felt that the meat in his mouth was robbed and given to King Ping.

At this time, Li Zhengqian gave him an idea.

"Now that King Ping has no heirs, please the emperor to establish a crown prince as soon as possible!"

When King An heard this, he thought about it for a while, and couldn't help clapping his hands and laughing: "Ping Wang is not the eldest son, and he has no heirs. The position of the crown prince can't fall on him! Even if the emperor likes him no matter how much! As for the boss... He is nothing compared to this king! Well, let our people write a letter to ask for the crown prince tomorrow!"

In the morning of the next day, except for the Turkic Chen Bing city at the border, there was a tendency to knock on the border, and there were no other major events.Under the emperor's signal, Director Hua En was about to say, "If there is something to play, and if there is nothing to leave the court", He Ying, the right servant of the Ministry of Rites, came out and said, "I have this to play!"

Next year is not the year of the scientific examination, and it is still early for the year-end sacrifice, and there is no marriage in the clan recently, so what can the Ministry of Rites do?

The emperor glanced at him in surprise, and said in a deep voice, "He Aiqing has something to do!"

He Ying held the wat board in his hand and bowed to the emperor, saying: "Heaven and Earth Shek, since ancient times, emperors have inherited the heaven and established the pole, and returned the imperial power to the district. The prince is already an adult, and he is good at martial arts and martial arts, I beg the emperor to establish a prince as soon as possible to inherit the society!"

As soon as He Ying's words came out, the entire court was silent for a while, but then they began to discuss in a low voice, and the members of Wang An's party immediately came out to second him: "I think what Master He said is very true, and the inheritance of the clan is a big deal. , and the establishment of a prince early can stabilize people's hearts."

"The minister seconded the proposal, please the emperor to establish the crown prince early!"

"The minister agrees..."

Yang Yan took a deep breath, looked up at his father who was sitting high on the throne, and the only way he could think of was... procrastinate!

Yang Hao was annoyed in his heart, and said coldly: "What? You all think that I am old and dying, don't you?"

As soon as the emperor's words came out, not only the few ministers who came out to ask for the decree broke out in cold sweat and immediately knelt down to plead guilty, but the rest of the ministers in the court also knelt down immediately, saying "fear".

No one can afford the emperor's words.

Seeing that everyone was kneeling down, the emperor got up and walked away without waiting for them to say anything.

Director Hua En waited for the emperor to go out before announcing his resignation, and quietly asked the little eunuch to inform Yang Yan that the emperor announced that he would have an audience at Qinzheng Palace.

When Yang Yan came to Qinzheng Hall, the emperor was angry.

Yang Yan hurriedly said: "Father, please don't be angry, they are only targeting my son. You are in good health, and it will not be a problem to rule the country for decades. My son asked the imperial physician."

Yang Hao let out a long sigh, and finally scolded him again: "You refused to marry me earlier, look, now the ministers are forcing you, and you have no heirs, which is the best excuse for them to criticize you! Even if you have a bastard now! !"

Yang Yan didn't try to defend himself, he just stood there and listened obediently.After his father finished training, he hurriedly coaxed his father to eat again.

Regarding the establishment of the crown prince, once someone initiates the matter, the emperor cannot hide away when he is angry.Since then, the ministers mentioned this matter every morning. Not only the faction of Wang An and Kang Wang, but also many original neutral factions also thought that the emperor could consider establishing a prince.After all, as long as the prince is certain, there will be fewer disputes between the court and China.

The emperor said that the crown prince is the heir apparent, and it is a matter of great importance to the future generations of the Sui Dynasty. Can you be rash?He wants to slowly examine the character and ability of the princes.

In fact, the ministers also knew what the emperor was procrastinating, and those who were considerate would let the emperor procrastinate, but people like An Wang and Kang Wang were eager to make a decision now.If Princess Ping has a child, what hope does their master have?
The emperor procrastinated day by day, hoping that at least until Concubine Ping was pregnant.Therefore, every morning when Yang Yan was having breakfast with the emperor, Yang Hao would ask, did you hear about your daughter-in-law?He also asked the imperial doctor to check the pulse of the two of them every day, recuperate their bodies, and even calculate the best time to have intercourse, which often made Yang Yan want to escape.

Yang Yan is in a dilemma, does he want An Ran to get pregnant right now?
For Prince Ping, who has no heirs, the only thing he lacks in the fight for the crown prince is a child.Under such circumstances, if the concubine is pregnant, although it is not certain whether it is a man or a woman, it can at least prove that his health is fine, which is also a basic condition for him to fight for the reserve.

However, An Ran is only 16 years old!Her body is obviously not fully developed yet, so it's too dangerous to get her pregnant now!

Which is more important, Jiang Shan and An Ran's safety?
After weighing it over and over again, Yang Yan chose the most difficult path.

...The father is still in good health, even if the eldest son and the second son become princes, he still has a chance to pull them down.But his baby, An Ran, has only one.If An Ran had difficulty conceiving because of his young age, what would happen if he became the emperor?
Naturally, An Ran also knew about the situation in the court, and even his elder brother An Qi secretly asked her if she had any news on behalf of others.An Ran could only shake her head.Yang Yan was worried about her body, and he couldn't say anything about preventing her from getting pregnant now.

At night, An Ran lay in Yang Yan's arms, and discussed with him: "Brother, I'm actually not too young now. Even if I'm pregnant now, I will be 17 years old when I give birth next year, which is not too young. Otherwise, let's give birth now... ..."

Yang Yan stroked her hair with a smile, then lowered his head and kissed her face: "Don't worry, brother knows it well. Remember, nothing is more important than your body. We will grow old together forever, An Ran."

An Ran hugged his waist, buried her head in his chest, and soon he felt a burst of wetness on his chest.

Her brother was so kind to her!

"Brother, An Ran will give birth to many children for you in the future!" An Ran choked up.

Yang Yan kissed her on the top of her head, and said softly: "Okay, brother wait! Waiting for my An Ran to give me many children."

The voice of asking for the crown prince in the court is getting louder and louder, and the pressure on the people of King Ping's family is also getting bigger and bigger.Everyone was staring at An Ran's stomach so that she didn't dare to go out, and hid in Prince Ping's Mansion all day long, drawing, writing, and silent novels.

(End of this chapter)

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