The lady escaped marriage and became addicted

Chapter 501 What a Big Green Hat

Chapter 501 What a Big Green Hat (1)
The more he got in touch with, the more Cui Yi realized the gap between himself and the princess, but the love in his heart was not only unable to be suppressed, but became more and more out of control.

Cui Yi knew that he would never like other women again in this life, because there would be no more outstanding woman than her in this world.Knowing the best, liking the best, his proud heart does not allow him to settle for the best women who are not as good as her.

Forget it, even if you can't get her, let's follow her!It was also a kind of happiness for him to be able to feel her infinite elegance up close.

After a lively meal, Yang Yan brought An Ran back to Prince Ping's Mansion, while Cui Yi honestly let Ling Yun beat him up, and was sent back to Cui Mansion in a coma.

Seeing Cui Yi's bruised nose and swollen face, the people of Cui's residence almost didn't recognize him. Is this really the fifth son of their family?But the person was sent back by His Royal Highness, and although His Royal Highness is not in the same way as their Cui family, he probably wouldn't just fool them with someone.Moreover, since everyone in His Royal Highness knew that it was the fifth son of their family, the person who beat him was probably His Royal Highness.

When Cui Yi's concubines saw each other, they were all tearful and distressed.Although Cui Yi didn't treat them very well, they all knew that Cui Yi was their and their children's support.

The Cui family invited an imperial doctor overnight.After the imperial doctor had seen it, they were reluctantly relieved.The imperial doctor said that although the beating looked severe, fortunately there was no fatal injury, and there should be no disability left in the future, as long as two months of self-cultivation are enough.

As soon as His Royal Highness the Crown Prince came to power, he gave the Cui family such a prestige, which made the Cui family feel angry and scared at the same time.Now that he is only a prince, he can deal such a cruel blow to them. If he really becomes the emperor in the future, will the Cui family still have a way out?Everyone in the world says that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is benevolent, benevolent ass!All cheated!

That night, An Ran was so excited thinking about the New World that she couldn't sleep.She couldn't help thinking about the good things in America that could be brought back, and also wondered whether they could travel to America when the route matured in the future.

"Brother, when our son grows up, let's travel around the world!"

No planes, no modern cruise ships, and travel around the world!This girl is more courageous than him!

Yang Yan blocked her chattering little mouth and kissed for a while, "If you really can't sleep, my brother doesn't mind helping you burn your energy."

Upon hearing this, An Ran obediently buried her head in Yang Yan's arms, closed her eyes and stopped talking.

Yang Yan hugged her warm and fragrant body, touched her soft long hair, and felt that his heart was full of happiness and satisfaction.When their son grows up?Hehe, their son doesn't know who he will look like...

The next day, Yang Yan arrived at the palace on time. All the officials arrived, but the emperor did not come out. Afterwards, Director Hua En came over and said with a serious face: "The emperor said that because the emperor is not feeling well, he will be exempted from court today. The government affairs will be handled by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."


"The emperor is sick?"

"Isn't the emperor all well yesterday?"

The ministers asked each other, not knowing what happened.Since the emperor ascended the throne, the days when he was not in court were few and far between.

"Director Hua En, what happened to Father? Did you see the imperial doctor? Didn't you all be well yesterday? Could it be that you caught a cold last night?" Yang Yan felt a little strange, didn't Father all be well yesterday?

The other civil and military ministers waiting for the early court also pricked up their ears, waiting for the answer from Chief Hua En.

"His Royal Highness King Kang entered the palace yesterday and said a few angry words. The emperor is in a bad mood, but his health is fine. Please follow the old servant to see the emperor. The emperor said that he has something to do."

Manager Hua En naturally couldn't tell the truth. The emperor suddenly found out that he had been wearing a green hat for decades and couldn't accept it for a while, so he fell ill.But King Kang and Concubine Lu Gui will have to deal with it sooner or later, and the ministers must first know what to do. Let the ministers think that King Kang is unfilial and disobedient to the emperor!
The well-informed already knew that Kang Wang entered the palace yesterday and has not yet come out. He was wondering at first, but now he understands after listening to Manager Hua En.It turned out that King Kang disobeyed the emperor for some reason, and the emperor was so angry that he was detained in the palace by the emperor!

Yang Yan followed Chief Hua En to the emperor's bedroom. Yang Yan couldn't help being surprised when he saw the pale father lying on the dragon bed.

"Father, what's wrong with you? Didn't you all be well yesterday?" Yang Yan immediately knelt down on the footboard in front of the bed, took the emperor's hand and felt his pulse.Although Yang Yan is not a doctor, most people who practice martial arts understand the pulse.

Yang Hao slowly opened his eyes, looking at Yang Yan's anxious and shocked face, knowing that Zhao Shihua didn't tell him when he went back, he liked Zhao Shihua a little more in his heart.But thinking about Concubine Lu Gui and King Kang, and thinking about the big green hat on his head, which he has worn for more than 30 years, how can he not be angry?

"Father, what's the matter with you? Didn't the imperial doctor tell you not to get angry last time? Who dares to make you angry, you just let someone beat you up to vent your anger. Why bother to hold back your body? If you have anything to do, you can just go to Erchen, and Erchen will naturally share the worries of the father." After speaking, Yang Yan asked Manager Hua En, "Has the father taken any medicine? Since it happened yesterday, why didn't you inform Gu king?"

The emperor waved his hand and asked Chief Hua En to go outside to watch. He didn't answer Yang Yan's words, but asked, "I heard that you went to Tianxiang Tower to pick up your wife last night without changing your clothes when you returned home? Did you ask someone to take Cui?" The fifth brother, Cui Shouxin, was beaten to death and sent back to the Cui family?"

"Yes. Cui Yi didn't know how to find out about my father-in-law, but he made a wild guess about it. He posted a post threatening An Ran to see him, and wanted to negotiate terms with us, saying that the emperor would Uncle found out why he was lenient. I guess King Kang must have something to do with Uncle Huang, he was afraid that Uncle Huang would find out..."

Yang Yan didn't know, his words reminded Yang Hao of something that Yang Hao deliberately wanted to forget, his face became ugly again, and his chest heaved violently.

(End of this chapter)

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