Chapter 507
"The princess is really extraordinary!"

"Realist Yunmeng, the third young master of the Gu family, the three masters of poetry, calligraphy and painting, the literati and poets of the past, I am afraid that no one can surpass him!"

"The Crown Princess and His Royal Highness are truly a match made in heaven!"

"I am in the Sui Dynasty, and I will surely usher in a new prosperous age..."

Hundreds of officials arrived one after another, and more people talked about it.People in the prince's party are naturally honored, but those in the king's party inevitably feel a little sour in their hearts.

Especially after King An arrived with the main concubine Dugu and the side concubine Li, seeing the two calligraphy and paintings of the crown prince was so admirable, and the three of them felt bad.

Wang An thought, he could have owned this woman in the first place, but it was a pity that he passed by and was ignored by him, and now she has become an enemy instead.Otherwise, don't all these envious looks today belong to him?Maybe even the crown prince is his.

Dugu Xiangyu and Concubine Li were also feeling uncomfortable.They are all ladies from famous families, and married into the royal family, so they are naturally enviable objects, but unexpectedly, a woman from a poor family steals the limelight and compares them to the dust, how can they not hate it?

The king of Shu came in a low-key way, and he didn't greet people when he arrived, and he didn't show any familiar colleagues for a day.He just quietly looked at the two calligraphy and paintings of his daughter, feeling extremely proud and proud.These are all written and drawn by his daughter!Thinking of the scene in his memory of the little girl in his arms hugging his neck and calling him daddy sweetly, he couldn't help feeling warm in his heart.

At this time, a burst of music sounded, and everyone fell silent immediately, and then heard the shrill voice of the servant singing: "The emperor is here!"

"His Royal Highness, the Crown Princess is here!"

"Empress Hui and Concubine Fang are here!"

"Concubine Shu and Concubine Xian are here!"

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince personally supported the Emperor and walked out from the back hall, followed by the Crown Princess and Concubine Fang supporting Concubine Hui, and the five walked from the back hall to the front hall one after another.Behind them, there are Concubine Xian Shu, the other eight concubines among the nine concubines, and two young princesses.They have been waiting in the side hall, thinking of entering the hall with the emperor and empress.The queen didn't wait, but the emperor arrived first, so they followed in.

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!" Hundreds of officials had already knelt in two rows to welcome the emperor.

"Be flat!" The emperor sat down on the throne, seeing that the empress and queen mother hadn't arrived yet, he couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

The queen mother is a adoptive mother, so it makes sense not to come as an elder.But if the queen's wife doesn't come, it can't be justified.The emperor always knew that she was just pretending to be sick because she was uncomfortable.In this comparison, Concubine Hui, who is contented and happy, is even more valuable.

The emperor was about to pull Concubine Hui to sit next to him, but Concubine Hui hurriedly refused in a low voice: "Your Majesty, I heard that the empress is much better today, so I will definitely come. Even if the empress does not come, this is not my concubine's place." Location."

After that, Concubine Hui retreated behind Concubine Shu, and sat with Concubine Fang.

Just here, just listen to the servant singing again:
"The empress dowager, empress empress, and concubine de concubine are here!"

It turned out that the queen knew that the emperor would come to the Tai Chi Hall with Concubine Hui for lunch at noon, so she felt uncomfortable.She didn't want the officials to see her coming alone, and she didn't bother to be with other concubines, so she simply went to the Queen Mother's place and came with the Queen Mother, so that at least she could show her filial piety.

Concubine De was originally the Empress Dowager's niece, and she always followed the Empress Dowager.

"Your queen mother is here!" The emperor stepped forward and supported the queen mother to sit on his head, and the queen naturally sat on the emperor's lower head.

All the officials sat down at the table after seeing the Empress Dowager.

The emperor saw that the prince was still the same as before, sitting in front of the officials, facing King An, and said to Hua En with a calm face: "You can't even prepare a banquet! The prince is the prince of the country, and he is above the officials. , how can you sit down there? Go, let someone move the crown prince's position to my side!"

The emperor pointed to the location, just below the empress, only one level lower than the emperor's throne.

Then, the emperor let the king of Shu sit in the original position of the prince.In this way, the status of King Shu is half a level higher than that of King An.However, the King of Shu is the uncle of the emperor and an elder, and it is reasonable to be half a level higher than King An.It's just that it's hard to say whether Wang An would think so.

The emperor gave the opening remarks, and the empress dowager also said a few words cheerfully, and it was time for the officials to celebrate their birthdays.

Since it is a birthday celebration, gifts are naturally given, and this is also a good time for officials to gain the emperor's favor.The gifts from the harem have been sent to the emperor's bedroom one after another in the past two days, and the gifts from the prince have also been sent and hung on the hall.

Therefore, the first person to give the gift was the King of Shu.What the king of Shu sent was a pot of Xiangshanzi with mountains and rivers thousands of miles away, with white jade as the base, not to mention the shape of the Xiangshanzi, just such a large piece of white jade base is extremely rare.

The emperor was obviously satisfied with this, he nodded with a smile, and sent it to the Palace of Qinzheng for display.

Then there was a three-foot-high coral tree sent by King An. The base was made of jasper. From a distance, it looked like a green tree with red flowers, and also like a flame gushing on the sea, which made people's eyes shine!
The emperor seemed to like it very much, nodded and said: "King An has a heart."

Then came the fifth prince.What he gave was a Buddhist scripture copied by himself, and a flying dragon carved from black jade.After the canonization of the crown prince, the fifth prince also conferred the title of King Xiang. Although the mansion has been established, they have not yet been married.This was the first time An Ran saw him, and found that King Xiang seemed to be about the same age as himself, and his appearance was similar to that of his mother and concubine Hu Zhaoyi, handsome and shy.

Next is the gift from the ministers. Of course, if it is not too outstanding, it will be quietly sent to the ceremonial office, so that the servants can register it without being rude.Only those gifts that they think can make the emperor smile will be shown.

An Ran has seen them, and they are all things like jade wares, Buddha statues, ancient paintings and books.Precious is precious, but nothing new.

Wang An looked at An Ran's calligraphy and painting hanging on the hall, and suddenly his heart moved, and he pretended to ask, "Why didn't you see the ceremony from His Royal Highness?"

(End of this chapter)

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