The lady escaped marriage and became addicted

Chapter 521 Good and Evil Will Be Rewarded

Chapter 521 Good and Evil Will Be Rewarded (6)
Wu said displeased: "Which boy did you bring? Why are you so ignorant? You actually asked the master to wait for him as a slave! Don't wait, mother, let's go now, and let him walk back later!" Now , Mrs. Wu just wanted to get out of here as soon as possible.

"Mother," He Ziqian hurriedly grabbed her and whispered, "It's Linglong."

Upon hearing this, Wu's expression changed drastically.She gave her son a hard look, and said angrily, "Why did you bring her here? Hurry up and find her!"

Gu Shaolin sat on a chair far away drinking tea, and he didn't go to see Wu Shi when he was sent back.He could not care that He Ziqian was from the He family, but he didn't want to talk to such shallow, ignorant and shameless women as Wu's.He had heard from An Qi that the most hated people in the He family were the Wu family and that He Ziyan.

After all, He Ziqian had a brain, and knew that the East Palace was not a place he could wander around, so he took off the jade pendant from his belt, and quietly handed it to a waiter in the waiting room, begging him to help him find someone.

The servant quietly touched the quality of the jade pendant in his hand, and was quite satisfied. After asking about the situation, he said: "So, follow me to the back hall to look for it!"

So, the servant took He Ziqian and Mrs. Wu out to the locker room in the back hall to find someone.Gu Shaolin was worried that if something happened to He Linglong, a young girl's family in the East Palace, the blame would be on An Ran, so he followed.

"Brother Gongjin, let me go with you!"

"Thank you Shang Qiu for that." He Ziqian knew that Gu Shaolin was the cousin of the crown princess and Anqi's eldest brother-in-law. With him around, people in the East Palace would always give him some face.

Mrs. Wu didn't know Gu Shaolin, but seeing that he didn't come to greet her before, she felt uncomfortable, and said to herself: What a boy who doesn't know how to be polite!Now it's time to show your courtesy!

A group of four walked along the corridor to the apse, and saw a series of footprints on the snow going into the garden.

When He Ziqian saw the small footprints, he guessed that they were probably his sister's. He was annoyed that she was disobedient and walked around randomly, but he had to follow the footprints.

Because the concubine said that walking in the snow to find plums is the most artistic conception, the prince ordered that the East Palace does not need to sweep snow except for the main road.The people below will naturally hear these words, aren't they just being lazy?Therefore, this shortcut to the outer study is usually not cleaned until noon.Since His Royal Highness the Crown Prince only goes to the outer study in the evening, most of the adults and gentlemen who will take this shortcut will only pass by in the afternoon.

The snow last night was not too heavy, but it was paved with a thin layer on the small road, but this kind of road is actually the slipperiest.

He Ziqian supported Wu Shi, and said softly: "Mother, why don't you go to the living room and wait, and my son will just go and have a look."

Worried about her daughter, Wu shook her head and said, "Mother, it's okay. Let's go over quickly and have a look, your sister... just don't let anything happen..."

Soon, they turned around a few Podocarpus pine trees, and saw three people walking on the path ahead.There are two tall men in front, and a petite servant in the back.He Ziqian and Gu Shaolin immediately recognized that the boy walking behind was He Linglong.

Seeing this, both He Ziqian and Gu Shaolin heaved a sigh of relief.But I couldn't help muttering in my heart, what did this girl do?
At this moment, He Linglong suddenly jumped on the back of a young man in front from behind.The young man who was walking in front of her turned around in shock when he was thrown to the ground by He Linglong.

Everyone was stunned.

He Ziqian was angry and hated, immediately let go of Wu Shi, strode over, pulled up He Linglong who was still leaning on Zhao Shiming and refused to get up, raised his hand and slapped him across the face, cursing angrily: "No hit!" Useful things! You can fall down every step of the way! It’s fine if you fall by yourself, and you will hurt others! Why don’t you go and help Madam!”

Then, He Ziqian hurriedly helped Zhao Shiming up and said, "My lord, are you alright? It's all bad for the servants below. I may have stepped on the ice and slipped, pushing you down. I don't know your surname? I will definitely come to the door after this afternoon." Sorry!"

He Ziqian wanted to conceal He Linglong's identity, but he didn't know that Zhao Shiming and Ling Yun already knew He Linglong's identity like the back of their hands.

Ling Yun hurriedly backed away when He Linglong and Zhao Shiming fell down just now, and now he walked over pretending to be concerned: "The eldest son is a man, so it shouldn't matter? Miss He is so delicate, I'm afraid Where did she fall? If not, she wouldn't lie on the eldest son and fail to get up."

Speaking of this, Ling Yun disapproved and said to He Ziqian: "Young Master He, how can you beat and scold your own sister like this?"

When Ling Yun made his words clear, everyone's expressions became ugly, only He Linglong, who lowered her head and supported Wu's arm, had a happy expression on her lips.

Ling Yun looked at Zhao Shiming and He Ziqian with a half-smile, and Gu Shaolin also frowned, showing extreme disdain for that Miss He.I have never seen such a shameless woman, she is as shameless as her mother Wu!
Wu Shi was also in a hurry.Just now, so many people watched their daughter throw that young master down, and they were still lying on top of him and refused to get up.Although she was wearing men's clothing, but now that someone has made it clear, her daughter's reputation is naturally gone.If that young master refuses to take responsibility, I'm afraid that his daughter can only become a monk and become a sister-in-law.

No, how can this work?Her daughter was her hope, how could she be ruined like this?Naturally, Wu could also see that her daughter definitely did not "accidentally" wrestle just now.Could it be that the son has some big background?

He Ziqian glared at He Linglong angrily, then looked at Ling Yun and Zhao Shiming, not knowing who they were.From what Ling Yun said just now, it was obvious that he wanted to make things big.

He Ziqian clasped his fists to Ling Yun and bowed first, "Young master, I don't know what to call you?"

Ling Yun slightly raised his eyebrows and said: "I'm at Lingyun, the Prince's Mansion is a recorder and joins the army. Allow me to introduce Mr. He, this Mr.—" Ling Yun looked at Zhao Shiming, who was standing on the side with an extremely unsightly expression, and said, "It's the eldest son of the Zhao family. Young master, the eldest grandson of the Zhao family, Zhao Shiming, whose name is Fengxiang. Miss He is very discerning!"

The front is an introduction, and the last sentence is clearly a slap in the face.

(End of this chapter)

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