Chapter 536 Reunion (3)
Gu Shengwu said a few words to Gu Li, then pulled her up and followed An Ran out.I haven't seen each other for nine years, and my brother-in-law died tragically. I don't know how my sister got here all these years.

As soon as the group arrived at the gate of the Jiade Hall, they saw Zhao Anqi and Gu Shaolin rushing over eagerly supporting Gu Wanniang.


"Second brother?"

Gu Shengwu walked past An Ran and excitedly held Gu Wanniang's arm.Both siblings eyed each other eagerly with teary eyes.

"Sister, you already have gray hair..." Gu Shengwu thought of his sister nine years ago, with a gentle and happy face. Looking at her now, he could clearly see the sadness and vicissitudes precipitated by the loss of her husband at a young age.

"Second brother, you're black, but you're stronger than before! long as you're still alive! My sister'll be fine if you're back, it'll be fine if you're back!" Gu Wanniang was excited, and couldn't help crying again Weeping hard.

At this time, An Qi also shouted excitedly: "Little uncle!" Gu Shaolin called: "Second uncle!" The three of them surrounded Gu Shengwu.

An Ran hurried over to persuade: "Don't stand outside, go in and talk!" She helped Gu Wanniang, and persuaded, "Mother, the little uncle is back, this is a happy event, why are you crying? You can't cry, you forgot ?”

After re-entering the warm pavilion, the first thing Gu Shengwu did was to introduce his wife Gu Li to Gu Wanniang.

Gu Li had heard from her husband before, and knew that Gu Wanniang was her husband's older sister, so she saluted Gu Wanniang with Pu people's etiquette and called her sister.

Although Gu Wanniang couldn't understand Gu Li's words, she could guess that he was saluting her.She helped Gu Li up, looked at the husband and wife carefully, then nodded and smiled, "It looks like a capable person!" Then she asked, "How long have you been married? Do you have any children? Has the child come back?" ?”

Gu Shengwu hurriedly said: "Sister, we have been married for seven years. Gu Li gave me two sons, one is six years old and the other is four years old. The children are small and the journey is long and dangerous, so I didn't bring them back this time."

When Gu Wanniang heard that her second brother already had two sons, she even said hello, and the smile on her face deepened.Because she left in a hurry, she didn't prepare a gift, so she took a jasper bracelet from her wrist and put it on Gu Li's wrist.

Gu Li looked at Gu Shengwu suspiciously, and Gu Shengwu explained to her that this was a gift from her sister who liked her.After hearing this, Gu Li babbled to Gu Wanniang again, with a more natural and bright smile on her face.

Then, An Qi and Gu Shaolin hurried forward to meet "aunt" and "aunt".

Gu Shengwu introduced on the side, Gu Li knew that these two were juniors, but it was a pity that today she entered the palace to meet the emperor, and did not bring a suitable gift, so she hurriedly asked her relatives to fetch the prepared gift.

Gu Shengwu stopped her and said: "It's getting late, we're afraid we'll be leaving the palace soon, and it won't be too late to take them to Zhao's house tomorrow."

Gu Li seemed to understand, she thought she would live here tonight!Isn't this the niece's house?Since they are relatives, why do they have to be driven away at night?
Sure enough, Gu Wanniang then pulled Gu Li and said to Gu Shengwu: "Before it's too late, let's go out of the palace quickly, and you all move to live with me! My sister's house is here, how can I let you live?" Post house?"

Seeing Gu Wanniang's enthusiasm, Gu Li felt happy again.

An Ran sent them out reluctantly, and agreed to go back to Zhao's house for a reunion dinner tomorrow, and after she came back, she passed Ling Yun over and told her about it for a long time.

Ling Yun's face was a little heavy. This group of people was a training plan formulated by His Highness, him and Dugu Kai. He personally trained them. They are very disciplined and will never delay sending messages because of injuries.But he has not received the news so far, which shows that most of the two people have been killed.

But, who had the ability to hurt him?Kang Wang's people?Or Wang An's people?Or other forces?
But when He Minglang returned to Beijing, he brought the emperor's reward and returned to the He Mansion beaming with joy. He didn't want to but saw that the people who greeted him at the door looked at him strangely.

"Second uncle? What's the matter?" He Minglang asked He Ying. After all, He Ying is currently the person with the highest position and seniority in the He family.

He Ying glanced at He Minglang with a complicated expression, and sighed: "It would be great if you came back a few days earlier! Oh, go back and ask your wife! You can get a reward from the emperor, no matter what, it is a happy event."

"Fifth Uncle?" He Minglang looked at Fifth Uncle He Sen again.But He Sen glared at him and said: "Your Linglong, you have disgraced our He family! Hmph, if this is my daughter, see if I don't break her leg!"

This is because He Ying and He Sen didn't even know what Linglong said that day. If they knew that Linglong still wanted to slander and damage the reputation of the princess, it would be strange if they couldn't do it and beat her up and kicked her out of the He family!
He Minglang anxiously took his wife and children back to his yard, seeing He Ziyan limping, his heart ached.But at any rate, he got the news before, so he was mentally prepared. He glanced at it, sighed twice in his heart, and then turned his head away.

He Minglang didn't expect his son to be successful at first, but seeing this worthless man fall to this point, it is inevitable that he would be heartbroken as a father.

Sitting down on the main seat in the hall, He Minglang immediately lowered his face and said, "Tell me! What did you do in Beijing?"

Wu looked at He Minglang timidly, not knowing how to speak.

He Ziqian sighed lightly, and briefly described what happened to the He family in the past few months.In the end, his mother made the decision and promised his younger sister to the Zhao family as a concubine. Before he said anything, He Minglang glared at Mrs. Wu angrily and scolded: "It's not enough to succeed, it's more than a failure!" Wu shi saved some face, fearing that the scolding would be even worse.

"Why do you need to go to the Zhao family to make amends in person for the matter between us and the Zhao family? If you are so deliberate, you will make people look down on our family. Originally, the prince would not do anything at all, but you sent him to the door by yourself. Our He family has come to this point!" Thinking of how his annual assessment came about in this way, He Minglang felt very bad.

(End of this chapter)

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