Chapter 542 Bloody Suppression (2)
Soon the emperor understood, and whispered: "Is it artificial?"

Yang Yan nodded, frowned and said: "Ouyang Jin and King An sang together, and wanted to make a big deal out of this matter. In desperation, my son had no choice but to kill Ouyang Jin and suppress the officials with iron and blood. I also ask my father to forgive me. !"

The emperor frowned and pondered for a while before saying: "You handled this matter very well. But whether it is King An, you have to send someone to investigate carefully. Also, you have to be prepared, since King An has the guts to sacrifice to heaven If you play tricks during the ceremony, he will never let you go easily. Today at the altar, he was frightened by your Tianzi sword, and he didn't dare to speak, he was afraid that he would already start planning out of your sight."

Thinking of this, the emperor's face was very ugly.As a father, he still hopes that his sons can live in harmony and share the glory and wealth.But the third child let the second child go again and again, but the second child did not know how to restrain himself, and instead intensified it. How could he open his mouth to plead with the third child.The third child said it last time, and there will never be a next time...

This time, the second child really did it.It's fine to play a little conspiracy and tricks, but can the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven be moved at will?
"Father, don't worry, my son knows it well." Yang Yan said calmly, "At that time, there should have been a dozen people who heard the voice, but the ones who really saw it were no more than the first three or five. Ouyang Jin is dead, and Qin Tianjian Qin The adults have doubts, so they should not speak out; several other officials from the Ministry of Rites and the Qin Tianjian who assisted in presiding over the ceremony have been taken back by the ministers for investigation and interrogation. King Xiang Shu was behind the ministers at that time, and they If you say you haven’t seen it, who dares to say you have seen it?”

Anyway, the censer had already been burned. Although the jade was not afraid of being burned, it was very possible that it would be smashed by other things during the burning process.As long as this kind of thing is not caught on the spot, what to say after it comes down depends entirely on the eloquence of both parties.

The emperor nodded after hearing this, but he couldn't help thinking in his heart, now all the court officials are basically under the control of the third child?Master Qin of Qin Tianjian is also his man?The king of Shu prefers him so he doesn't say, Xiao Wu is also his man?That's right, young people worship heroes the most. Among these young people, isn't the third child an invincible hero with both civil and military skills?

Just when suspicion and displeasure arose in the emperor's heart, which he didn't even notice, Yang Yan said again: "Father, next year you will sacrifice to the heavens, no matter what you say, your ministers will not go, you should go by yourself! Also, when the Lantern Festival is over, you can go to the Qinzheng Hall to govern by yourself. I have an overseas expedition plan, and I will start preparations next year."

"Overseas expedition plan? What to do?" The emperor was quickly attracted to him, but he asked in puzzlement, "Those overseas islands are just some wild places. The sea is stormy and the waves are strong. What's the point of exploring at sea?"

"Father, the Crown Princess told my son that there is a continent overseas, which is about the same size as our mainland China. But this is not the main thing. The main thing is that on that continent, there are species that do not exist in our mainland China. Among them are several kinds of high-yielding grains, if we can bring the seeds back, the people of the Sui Dynasty will never go hungry again!"

"Is this really true? The princess is eccentric, and she never mentioned it to me." The emperor was overjoyed, but then glared at Yang Yan with displeasure.This kind of achievement, the princess wants to leave it to her son, right?It's not surprising that a woman is partial to her husband, but it's clear that the son has no such selfishness.

Yang Yan said with a smile: "This matter cannot be rushed, and it is very dangerous. How dare she mention it to Emperor Yiyi?"

Originally, Yang Yan was somewhat selfish and wanted to start this plan after he took office.Then, the great achievements of finding new continents, bringing back new species, and solving the food and clothing of the people are their own.But ever since this plan was mentioned in Tianxiang Tower years ago, not only Cui Yi was anxious, but even Dugu Kai and Ling Yun were asking about it.

And once he started to prepare, it would be very difficult to hide the truth from his father, so he might as well tell his father honestly, and give half of this achievement to his father.Anyway, he is not bad for this reputation, and the most practical thing is to benefit the common people.

Another one, at present he needs the support of his father more than ever, and he must not be separated from his father.

Hearing that there is a high-yield grain, the emperor's interest in this overseas expedition plan has greatly increased, so he asked Yang Yan to go back, and bring the princess over to talk to him tomorrow.

When Yang Yangao returned to the East Palace, An Ran was already anxiously waiting at the door.

The imperial guards who were in charge of the security guards for the ceremony were all guards belonging to the prince. The prince's left and right guards led two guards to guard the altar.

Although these four Imperial Guards had only been transferred to the East Palace not long ago, and their loyalty was questionable, Dugu Kai had already placed many cronies in, and such trivial matters as delivering news were naturally unimpeded.

Therefore, when something happened during the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven, the news came back immediately.

But An Ran only knew that the crown prince had killed Ouyang Jin, the Lang Zhong of the Ministry of Rites and the Minister of Officials, on the altar, but he didn't know anything about the rest.But thinking that my brother was so angry that he killed people in public, something must have happened!
"Your Highness!" Seeing Yang Yan striding back, An Ran couldn't help trotting to meet Yang Yan, holding up the hem of her skirt, making Shen Yi stomp her feet secretly.It's too immodest for the princess to be like this.

"Anran!" Seeing Anran running towards him so joyfully and eagerly, Yang Yan's always gloomy face finally had a smile.He caught An Ran, hugged her in his arms without hesitation, and hugged her tightly.They haven't seen each other for four days!

"Ahem..." Dugu Kai coughed twice behind Yang Yan, reminding them that they were still outside and they wanted to go back to the room.Moreover, His Royal Highness, there are still important matters to be dealt with today!

An Ran let go of Yang Yan with some embarrassment, lowered her head slightly, but soon raised it up again and looked at Yang Yan carefully.Yang Yan was also wearing a gown for offering sacrifices to heaven, black with dark red trim, and the sun, moon, mountains, rivers, insects and flying dragons, decorated with gemstones and pearls, which looked very majestic and majestic.

What's more, he also wears the hanging crown that only the emperor would wear on his head, which adds a mysterious majesty invisibly.An Ran didn't notice that the crown hanging on Yang Yan's head was three less strings than the one worn by the emperor, she just thought it was a bit annoying, and made her unable to see her brother's eyes clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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