The lady escaped marriage and became addicted

Chapter 545 Punishment, teasing

Chapter 545 Punishment, teasing (2)
In fact, except for a few people in the front row, everyone behind was in a daze.It is precisely because of the unknown that the officials are even more worried. After the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven, they dare not talk nonsense, for fear of offending the prince and being beheaded directly.

In the past, the officials were more respectful to the prince, admiring his talent and mind, but after today, the officials were more afraid of the prince, afraid of his decisiveness to directly kill the ministers on the altar.

At the moment, many people looked at Zhao Anqi, hoping that he would ask the princess what was going on.

Although An Qi was also very worried, seeing the calm smile on his sister's face, he felt more at ease.Since she didn't want to talk about it, there was a reason for it, so he didn't want to ask.

An Ran still smiled and said: "Master Kong, don't worry, after His Highness returned to the palace, he first went to see his father, and then returned to the East Palace. I believe the emperor's will will come down soon."

The adults were startled for a moment, but then came to their senses.Now that His Highness the Crown Prince has seen the Emperor explain the situation, and the Crown Prince has not been blamed, the Crown Princess would like to ask everyone to rest assured. Doesn’t it mean that the Prince’s beheading of the minister on the altar today is safe and sound?
At this moment, Prince Yang Yan finally arrived.

"See Your Royal Highness!"

All the officials and ministers of the East Palace knelt down to pay their respects, and An Ran stood up from her seat, and bowed down.

Yang Yan went straight to the main seat and sat down. When he passed by An Ran's seat, he gently squeezed her hand, and then said with a smile: "Get up, all dear friends, please sit down!"

In Yang Yan's foreign study, the officials of the East Palace all had seats, and now that several adults from the court came, naturally they would not lose their seats.In the past, the prince had always been very easy-going. In fact, the prince was also very easy-going today, but because of the incident at the altar, they were inevitably a little afraid, and their words and deeds were not as casual as before.

"Your Highness, what happened at the altar today?"

"Your Highness, why did you kill Lord Ouyang?"

"Your Highness, I wonder what Lord Ouyang did?"

Yang Yan raised his hand to prevent everyone from continuing to ask questions, and said in a calm and self-sufficient tone: "My dear friends, you don't need to worry. You don't need to ask more questions about this matter, and you don't need to talk too much, just keep silent."

Is Your Highness really different from before?
Many people are muttering in their hearts.It seems that in the future, you will have to be careful when you talk and do things.

At this moment, a personal guard came in and reported: "His Royal Highness, Cui Yi, the fifth son of Duke Cheng's mansion, is asking to see you!"

Yang Yan was slightly taken aback, then smiled and said, "Master Cui, please come in!"

When the others heard it, they couldn't help being startled.Cui Yi was formerly a member of King Kang, what does it mean to ask to see His Highness the Crown Prince at this time?Could it be that the trouble came?

After a while, Cui Yi was ushered in.He was not surprised to see the officials of the Eastern Palace and the prince's confidantes in the court, but he was a little surprised to see that An Ran was there.It seems that his decision to follow the prince was not wrong, and he was able to meet the princess in the study outside.

"Subordinate Cui Yi, see Your Highness the Crown Prince, see the Crown Princess Concubine!"

"Cui Aiqing, please get up. Come here, bring a chair for Mr. Cui." Yang Yan smiled and pointed to the seat, "Sit down and talk! Are your injuries healed?"

Cui Yi immediately got up and bowed with fists in his hands: "Thank you, Your Highness, for your concern, the injuries on your subordinates are almost healed! Waiting for your Highness's order anytime!"

Except for Ling Yun who knew the truth, everyone looked at Cui Yi strangely.Didn't it mean that His Royal Highness's people beat Cui Yi half to death and sent him back to Duke Cheng's mansion?When did Cui Yi, a wolf, vote for His Highness the Crown Prince?
"Sit down, sit down, you don't need to be too polite, just sit down and talk back. You are not tired, the lonely king looks tired."

It's only been more than a month since he was injured for a hundred days, how can Cui Yi's injuries heal?He came to the East Palace just to show his position, but it inevitably moved Yang Yan's heart.After all, Cui Yi voted for him, and no one knew about it. Even the civil and military officials in the court knew that Cui Yi's injury was caused by his people. If something happened to him and he was really unlucky, the people who followed him would naturally end badly. .

But Cui Yi took the initiative to come to the East Palace at such a sensitive time, calling himself a subordinate, he really deserved the word "righteousness" in his name.

Facing Cui Yi like this, even An Ran was a little shocked.After all, in the past, Cui Yi was always a rascal in front of her. When did he keep the word "faithfulness"?
Just when everyone was guessing, the prince's personal guards came in to report: "His Royal Highness, the emperor has just issued an imperial decree to charge Ouyang Jin, a doctor in the Ministry of Rites, for sabotaging the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven. The imperial decree has been sent to Lord Ouyang's residence." .”

"The emperor really made an order?"

"So fast?"

"The emperor actually directly condemned Ouyang Jin..."

Except for Yang Yan, An Ran and Ling Yun, who was always calm, everyone else was unavoidably shocked.The emperor didn't blame His Highness the Crown Prince at all, but was completely supportive?The emperor's favor and trust in His Royal Highness is really unprecedented!

Even Cui Yi was surprised after being shocked.Following His Royal Highness is really the wisest choice in his life!
"Okay, you can rest assured, you don't need to inquire about this matter again. The lonely king will not keep you when the Chinese New Year is over. Let's all go back to celebrate the festival!"

Yang Yanming chased people away.It was already noon, and he didn't leave these loyal courtiers for lunch, not even his uncle Zhao Anqi.Now that the matter is resolved, it is natural to send these people away quickly, so that he can live with An Ran in a two-person world.

They have been separated for four days. As the saying goes, a little farewell is better than a newlywed!

The husband and wife walked towards the bedroom hand in hand, using the cover of his sleeves, he kept stroking the delicate skin on the back of An Ran's hands with his thumbs.There was a faint blush on An Ran's face, and she also quietly ticked his palm with her little finger.

The two talked while walking, and looked at each other from time to time, the sweetness in their eyes was so thick that it couldn't be melted away.

"My little uncle is back! When will you be free to see me?"

"The day after tomorrow?" Originally, she was free this afternoon, but didn't An Ran say that she couldn't fall asleep when he was not around?He can take a nap with her.

(End of this chapter)

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