Chapter 552
The old man originally thought that he would not be able to make much money, but An Ran suddenly became generous again, a flower bloomed on his face, and praised repeatedly: "Oh, girl, you are such a good person! You will definitely marry well in the future It’s yours! Miss, which one do you like? The little old man will help you take it off.”

"Help me choose ten good-looking ones!"

"Ten? Good!"

An Ran spoke ten times, and the old man was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear.

He made this mask by himself, and the cost is less than 150 renminbi. Usually, it can be sold for [-] to [-] renminbi.At first, I thought that this girl was too smart and I could only make a few small money, but I didn't think I had a good eye, but after all, this girl was generous, but she really made a lot of money.

The emperor saw him, and after being shocked, he couldn't help shaking his head and laughing secretly. Sometimes this girl is dignified and noble, sometimes she is innocent and charming, and sometimes she is full of immortality. I didn't expect that she would bargain like this.If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, no one would have believed that this girl would have talked about a mask that cost three taels of silver to five hundred yuan each, and she still looked grateful and joyful.

Concubine Hui and Concubine Fang also looked at An Ran with smiles, only felt that the Crown Princess in front of them was completely different from what they usually saw, but more cordial and lovely, no wonder the Crown Prince looked like something precious.

Seeing that An Ran was so ruthless in bargaining, the emperor couldn't help but whispered to Yang Yan: "Did you give your wife pocket money?"

Yang Yan said with a smile: "Father, you don't understand. Bargaining is one of the great joys of shopping for a woman. What she cares about is not the money, but the process of bargaining with the boss. As long as the boss lowers the price, she will She felt as if she had taken advantage of it, and she felt comfortable. In fact, she knew that this thing might not be worth the price."

The emperor nodded with a smile and was taught.

The old man was helping An Ran get the mask, when he heard a girl next to him say, "Boss, how much is that fairy mask for me?"

The old man looked back, and saw a girl dressed as a girl in a green embroidered gown was asking the price, and not far away, there were several gorgeously dressed men and women standing.

The old man pointed at An Ran in embarrassment and said to the girl in green: "I'm sorry, this girl wants this mask. How about choosing another one, girl?"

The old man had already removed nine masks, and this fairy mask happened to be the tenth one, and An Ran also nodded for it, even though An Ran hadn't paid for it, it could be considered An Ran's.

An Ran nodded secretly, the old man knew that first come first come first.

"Old man, how much is this mask, I will give you double the price!"

The green-clothed girl who asked the price saw that An Ran was wearing a veiled hat, and she couldn't see her face clearly, and her clothes couldn't be seen to be gorgeous. Yang Yan, Emperor Huifei and others were standing behind her talking, and they didn't look like they were together, so they went I thought she was just a girl from a small family who went out alone to watch the lights.She was scornful in her heart, and she was not very polite when speaking.

"Girl, this..." The old man hesitated for a moment, but still sighed principledly, "I'm sorry, this girl has already bought this mask." Then, the old man put the fairy mask and the previous nine on Together.

At this time, Shen Yi stepped forward and threw five liang of silver to the old man.

When the girl in green saw it, she thought it was five taels of silver, so she immediately took out ten taels of silver and said, "Ten taels of silver, our girl wants this fairy mask!"

Seeing the ten taels of silver, the old man swallowed his saliva, then shook his head and said, "I'm really sorry, this fairy mask already belongs to this girl. How about you choose another one?"

The girl in green asked: "Do you still have fairy masks? Those ugly girls of our family don't want them!"

The old man shook his head.Every time he goes out to set up a stall, he always wears only one mask of each kind.

The girl in green immediately said to An Ran: "I'll pay you ten taels of silver, you can sell me that fairy mask!" Her tone was rather blunt.

An Ran ignored her, as if she didn't hear her, she turned her head to the emperor and said, "Father, mother, I bought ten, one for each of us."

With that said, An Ran began to distribute.Seeing that An Ran ignored her, the green-clothed girl couldn't help feeling a little annoyed, and stared at An Ran rather unkindly.

It's just a little girl, Emperor Hui Concubine Yang Yan and others can't care about her because of their status, even Shen Yi just glanced at that girl indifferently.But Jianlan frowned and walked over, standing in front of her coldly without saying a word.

The last one was the fairy mask, An Ran handed it to Concubine Fang and said, "Auntie, this is for you."

Most of the old man's masks are wunuo masks, but for chasing the wind, he made a few fairy masks according to the picture on the Great Sui Zhiyin.Therefore, except for this fairy mask, the rest are Nuo masks of various shapes, all of which are extremely vicious, and generally young girls don't like them very much.

The green-clothed girl's sight was blocked by Jianlan, and she also saw that Jianlan seemed to have bad eyesight, so she immediately went back to her girl in desperation.

At this time, those young men and women in gorgeous clothes had already walked over.Seeing that her girl didn't buy the mask she wanted, the woman in the veiled hat and white fox fur cloak was very unhappy. Later, she saw that An Ran gave the only fairy mask to Concubine Fang, and called her For my aunt, she felt even more uncomfortable.

An Ran was distributing the remaining masks, when suddenly she heard a woman's voice not far away: "I've seen someone who flatters my parents, but I haven't seen anyone who flatters my aunt in front of my mother. I don't know what kind of people have Such a miracle? Is an aunt worthy?"

An Ran frowned, why are there so many people who feel particularly good about themselves in this world?If the woman said something to her, she would pretend that she didn't hear it. As a princess, she still has this measure.But that woman looked down on Concubine Fang, if she endured it, Concubine Fang might be unhappy.

"How does this girl talk? What do you have to do with other people's affairs? I can give whoever I want to buy. What's more, my aunt is noble and she is not worthy. Are you worthy of it, girl? I advise this Girl, don't put your eyes on the top of your head, so as not to fall, it will be really embarrassing!" The implication is, what are you, my aunt is much more noble than you.

(End of this chapter)

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