Chapter 559 Wenhui, Oiran (1)
He Ziyan answered the riddle correctly, carried a lantern and climbed onto the high platform amidst the cheers and support of the crowd, and sat in the No. 20 nine seats.

"Congratulations to this young master, may I ask the young master's name?"

"He Yanhua in Luzhou!"

Immediately, someone called out: "It's Brother He! I almost didn't recognize him just now. How is Brother He?" Then, this person introduced to everyone, "On the Voice of the Sui Dynasty last July, there was He Where is the poem written by the son! You should still remember it?"

"Oh, I remembered! Luzhou's number one talented person, He Ziyan, He Yanhua!"

"Young Master He, I have admired you for a long time!"

These literati and students are all proud that their poems and essays can be listed in the tone of the Sui Dynasty.I heard that He Ziyan once had a poem on the Voice of the Sui Dynasty, and everyone came to greet him, even the boss of the Zhuangyuan Building gave him a high look.And the people watching the excitement under the high platform became even more excited when they heard this. The talented people who are on the Voice of the Sui Dynasty must be great talents with real talents and real learning.

He Ziyan likes this kind of scene the most. He likes the feeling of being praised and admired by others.

Knowing He Ziyan's identity, Yang Yan couldn't help being stunned for a moment, then smiled wryly and bowed his head to An Ran and said, "Did you recognize him just now? Why didn't you tell me. It's time to hit him! I'll go back to my family and take care of me later!"

"Who does brother think he is? A genius? Huh!" An Ran snorted twice, then suddenly remembered and asked, "By the way, why was his leg broken?"

Mentioning He Ziyan's injury, Yang Yan said ambiguously: "His leg, it seems to have happened in June last year! It is said that he almost revealed your identity in the Imperial College, but when your brother and Jinwen heard about it, they beat you up. Give him a break and warn him."

Then, he added another sentence: "Actually, this person still has some talent. He can't be an official, but he can be a romantic talent, just like Liu Yong."

"Just like him, can he be compared to Liu Yong? Brother, you are too flattering him."

Sure enough, An Ran was led away by the nose by Yang Yan, because he forgot about the beating of He Ziyan in the last sentence.

Although An Ran didn't like He Ziyan's self-righteous appearance very much, and hated him for being too shameless and vicious for trying to ruin her reputation, but she didn't care about it after the incident, and she really didn't think about how to get revenge on him.Looking at it now, she only felt that this person was pitiful and hateful.

Looking at the last remaining seat, the boss of Zhuangyuan Building said to the invited judges: "Wait another quarter of an hour, if no one comes, let's start." Naturally, such a literary meeting cannot last forever of.

Yang Yan had already seen the judges on stage, and two of them were acquaintances.One is Mr. Xizhan, a teacher of the Imperial College.Guozijian's sacrificial wine Master Kong was subdued by him early on, Guozijian can be said to be Yang Yan's sphere of influence, and the teaching inside has seen him.

Another one is Master Chen, the editor of the Imperial Academy, who was the number one scholar a few years ago.This person was also from a poor family, and he was lured over by Wang Jinwen, so he was considered one of his people, and he had only met once not long ago.Now that I think about it, Mr. Chen should have lived in the Zhuangyuan Building back then!

Yang Yan hesitated for a moment, called Ling Yun over, and gave orders.Seeing that Ling Yun quickly turned around, after a while, he turned to the back and got on the high platform, said a few words with the two judges, then jumped off the high platform from behind, and came back after a while.

After going back and forth, Ling Yun didn't attract attention, but the emperor obviously saw it.Although he didn't hear it, he could still think of what Yang Yan asked Ling Yun to say to the two judges.

Yang Yan waited for Ling Yun to say hello before he walked under the last lantern and told the answer.

"Only when you know each other can you make friends. Name a historical figure. The answer should be Empress Lu, the wife of Liu Bang, the founding emperor of the Han Dynasty!"

People around who heard Yang Yan's answer couldn't help asking: "The founding queen of the big man? What's her name?"

Yang Yan replied with a good temper: "Queen Lu, a famous pheasant."

"Lu pheasant?"

"Only when you know each other can you get along with each other... Hey, these two words really are!"

"This young man is really smart!"

At this time, Xiao Er, who was guarding the last lantern, had already taken down the lantern and handed it to Yang Yan, saying, "My lord, congratulations for your answer! My lord, please hold the lantern. Please, please!"

Yang Yan looked down at An Ran, and asked softly, "Go together?"

An Ran nodded and followed Yang Yan to the high platform.

On the high platform, the boss of the Zhuangyuan building and four judges sat in the main seat, and they were lined up in two rows below.Yang Yan arrived at the last vacant seat within a few steps.

The boss of Zhuangyuan Building clasped his fists and said, "Congratulations to this young master! May I ask your honorable name?"

Yang Yan was already prepared when he heard the boss ask He Ziyan earlier, and he clasped his fists and replied: "My surname is Jiang, and my name is An Rui." This is the surname of the concubine mother and his character.

"It turned out to be Mr. Jiang. I have admired you for a long time. Mr. Jiang, please sit down!" Because he had never heard of the name Jiang Anrui, the boss asked him to sit down after a polite sentence.

An Ran secretly laughed, you have never heard of this name, and it has been a long time since you heard it.

And the two judges who knew Yang Yan also acted as if they didn't know him because they got the news in advance, but their eyes still drifted over to look at him from time to time.

The other talented scholars just glanced at Yang Yan and did not regard him as an opponent.

When they saw Yang Yan's handsome appearance and extraordinary bearing, they only regarded him as a young man from a high school who came out to play around. Since he is not well-known, he would not have any real talents.Of course, while many people look down on him in their hearts, they are also faintly jealous.

When everyone was ready, the boss of Zhuangyuan Building announced that tonight's literary meeting had begun.

Gatherings of literati and elegant scholars have always been decorated with beauties, and this time the literary meeting is no exception. The owner of Zhuangyuan Building invited the famous courtesan and courtesan Miss Luo Shi in Chang'an to host it.

Luo Shi was an official prostitute, and the red-card official prostitutes at that time were not just prostitutes like the "Miss" of later generations. She was actually an excellent public relations talent, a real social butterfly, proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

On the contrary, such top girls are not something ordinary people can get their hands on if they have money. Instead, they can choose whether to accept customers or not. Generally, powerful people will not force them too much.

(End of this chapter)

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