The lady escaped marriage and became addicted

Chapter 571 I'm Sorry, I Don't Promise

Chapter 571 I'm Sorry, I Don't Promise (1)
This time, An Ran was in a hurry.

"Don't worry, mother, she just twisted her foot, the rest is not injured... That's right, that's right..." An Qi blushed, and for a moment seemed a bit unspeakable.

"What is it? Are you anxious to kill me?" An Ran stomped her feet anxiously.

"It was His Highness the King of Shu who led me to find my mother, but it was not His Highness the King of Shu who saved her..."

"What's more? Can you finish it all at once? Whoever saved him, as long as the mother is fine?" An Ran answered with one hand, not knowing what her brother was struggling with.

"Little sister, you don't know. The one who saved my mother was a middle-aged spice merchant who lost his wife. After saving my mother, he took her to his spice shop. At that time, my mother sprained her foot, and it was he who hugged her. Kissed me back. After returning, he ignored my mother's obstruction and helped her look at the wound on her foot..."

An Ran finally understood something, but she didn't think it was a big deal.

"Brother, don't you think you can't speak well? You have to say it so startled, do you intend to scare me?"

An Ran gave An Qi a blank look, and continued: "During an emergency, my mother was hugged and looked at her injured foot, what's the big deal? Could it be that because of this, you think my mother is chaste? Lost, lost your face?"

"Little sister, we grew up together, do you think brother and I are such a pedantic person?" An Qi smiled wryly.

Didn't the elder brother dislike the mother?Who is that?

"Could it be that mother can't think about it?" An Ran stared at her brother with wide eyes, it couldn't be like this?Mother, this is too easy to find trouble.

Unexpectedly, my elder brother actually nodded, and continued: "Originally, mother also felt that she had to act in a hurry. Although she was a little embarrassed, she was still grateful for his life-saving grace. Unexpectedly, that man actually fell in love with mother." Darling, knowing that mother is a widow, I immediately asked mother to marry me!"

"It's nothing, right? The man hugged mother, looked at mother's feet, worried that it would damage mother's reputation, so he proposed it on his own initiative. If mother doesn't agree, it's fine? Anyway, no one knows, there is What's the relationship? What's wrong with Mother?" An Ran still couldn't figure out what happened to Mother.

An Qi smiled wryly and said: "It should have been like this! It's just that His Royal Highness the King of Shu arrived at that time, so he overheard his words. He thought his mother had forgotten him, so he couldn't help but say a word , was recognized by my mother..."

An Ran finally understood.However, this is too bloody, right?

An Qi nodded, indicating that my sister, you guessed it right, and this is probably the case.

"In order to prove my innocence, my mother wanted to show her ambition with death. I guarded her all night last night..."

"Then, what about His Highness the King of Shu? How could he misunderstand mother just because of such a sentence? No, I'll find him!"

An Ran said that she was going to find the King of Shu.

"Little sister, listen to me." An Qi stopped her and said, "I talked to him last night. He was always following my mother, but later I saw that my mother and I were separated, and my mother was in danger. He rushed to rescue her, but he was one step too late. When he found his mother, he happened to see the man rubbing her ankle with medicinal wine..."

"I can't misunderstand my mother like this! Just treat it as a doctor? Dad shouldn't be such a pedantic person, right?" In An Ran's heart, Dad has always been the best.How could father misunderstand mother because of this?
"Little sister, you have to know that His Royal Highness the King of Shu is different from his former father after all. I also listened to his words last night, and then I figured it out. He, he was disfigured, and he was actually very inferior. He felt guilty towards his mother for failing to fulfill his responsibilities as a husband and father. Therefore, when he faced his mother, he was very unconfident. When someone stood up to ask his mother for a marriage, he would be stage frightened and shrink back... ..."

An Ran really understood this time.She sat down quietly and thought about it, and she had to sigh that human psychology is really strange and complicated.

How could daddy have such an idea?Isn't it disfigured?Well, this is actually a big deal.But didn't ancient times advocate that women should die from one goal?How could daddy think that mother would remarry when she had her daughter who was a princess?Or maybe it wasn't this that made Dad sad, but was stimulated by the picture of Mother being with other men?
"Have you told mother the truth?" An Ran suddenly asked.

An Qi nodded: "We've reached that point, so I won't let me not say it."

"Then how is mother now? There is no trouble, right?"

"There is no trouble, but she seems to be heartbroken. She doesn't speak or eat. I am so anxious. The little uncle has been asking what's going on, but I dare not tell him... There is no way to do it. , I just wanted to ask you to go back and persuade mother."

An Ran nodded and said: "You go back first, I'll go to Shu Palace to meet father first, ask him what he thinks before going back to Zhao's house." An Ran felt intuitively that things would not be that simple.

An Qi left immediately and went back. Although there were many people in the family, he was the only one who knew the truth, so he didn't feel at ease if he didn't go back and guard him.

An Ran called people in, redressed and changed clothes, and was about to go out when the person sent by Concubine Hui arrived.

Although Concubine Hui said that she would go to the palace "if the princess is healthy", it didn't sound like something urgent.But if she could leave the East Palace and go back to Zhao's house, but didn't enter the palace to go to Concubine Hui, it would be too disrespectful to Concubine Hui, a mother-in-law.

An Ran had no choice but to go to the palace first.Fortunately, living in the East Palace now, it is more convenient to enter the palace than before.

Shen Yi looked at the sky, and suggested: "Your body is different now, why don't you take a shoulder car?"

An Ran thought, didn't she still run and dance on Dongshi Street last night?But with the possibility of pregnancy, you can't even walk?But she thought that she would go to Shu Palace and Zhao's house later, so it would be better to save some energy, so she nodded and agreed.

Sitting on the shoulder chair, An Ran was still thinking about what her brother said.It seems that in order to completely solve the problem of parents, they have to meet and talk openly.She felt that both father and mother must have misunderstood.But without her father's will, she did not dare to take the risk of making them recognize each other.Meeting like last night can be called a chance encounter, but it is already considered an adventure.

(End of this chapter)

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