The lady escaped marriage and became addicted

Chapter 577 It's not so easy to be a matchmaker

Chapter 577 It's not so easy to be a matchmaker (1)
Zhao Anqi took Gu Wanniang back to the Zhao family.Because everything was said and there was another year of expectation, Gu Wanniang was always in a good mood, with a smile on her face all the time.

"Mother, please remember, this matter has to be kept secret." An Qi repeatedly urged.

Gu Wanniang nodded and said, "Don't worry, mother understands." Before, her husband had repeatedly told her, and she remembered it all.

Back at Zhao's house, Gu Shengwu saw that his sister was really well, talking and laughing, happy and strange at the same time.He didn't understand what happened when he was watching the lanterns in West Market last night. He only knew that his sister seemed to be separated from his nephew, and then started making trouble when he came back.An Qi didn't let him know, there seemed to be some big secret hidden inside.

However, as long as his sister is well, he will be relieved.It seems that Sister Ran still has a solution, and she doesn't know where she took her sister, but within half a day, she cured her sister's heart disease.

Zhao Shihua quietly returned to the Shu Palace, and decided to thank the emperor tomorrow.

Yang Yan took An Ran back to the East Palace, hugged her and sat on his lap along the way, with a smile on his face all the time, kissing her a few times whenever he thought of it.

"Brother, do you really want a child?"

Yang Yan thought for a while before saying: "I can't say. I didn't think much about it before, but now that I know I'm going to be a father, I'm looking forward to it. By the way, I have to quickly write down the prenatal education knowledge I know. Come down, we will do the same in the future."

An Ran looked at him in surprise: "You still know prenatal education?"

Yang Yan said with a bit of pride: "Although I can't say that I am very proficient, I read a book on pregnancy and childbirth before, and I still remember it. My original plan was to wait for you to graduate from college and get married, and then live together for two years. Having a baby when you're 25 or six..."

An Ran hugged his neck, took the initiative to kiss his face, then leaned into his neck, and said softly: "Brother, you are so kind. If you don't come, what will I do..."

"Silly girl, you are here, why can't brother come?"

The two got bored for a while, then An Ran suddenly thought of it and said: "Brother, my concubine said that she would point out that girl Gao from last night to King Xiang. Do you think it's okay?"

Yang Yan thought for a while before saying: "Xiao Wu is a smart person, it is a good fortune for Miss Gao to marry him."

"Don't you think Miss Gao is not worthy of King Xiang?"

"Silly girl, do you think that King Xiang is like us, and love is paramount? No matter how you look at it, Miss Gao is an excellent candidate for the princess. If Miss Gao really marries Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu will definitely treat her well." .In the future, if Xiao Wu has a woman he likes, he can also marry her back and become a side concubine."

"Sister Huang wants Miss Gao to become a side concubine in the East Palace. I don't want to, so the concubine thinks of King Xiang. You think King Xiang will not be unhappy if he knows this? In fact, seriously, being the concubine of King Xiang is very important." Isn't it much better than the side concubine of the Eastern Palace? Fortunately, King Xiang hasn't married a concubine yet..."

Speaking of Gao Ying, An Ran suddenly thought of Mr. Zhan's daughter last night.

"I like that girl very much. She is straightforward and courageous."

Yang Yan shook his head and said, "With her temper, I'm afraid she won't be able to find a good family. No family with a little background would want such a naive and impulsive girl as the head of the house."

"Why? I think she's pretty good!"

Yang Yan analyzed: "Because she is impulsive enough, but not smart enough. Unless she finds a family with a simple population and does not know how to take concubines. Otherwise, her life will become more and more miserable."

An Ran thought of that girl, she should be about sixteen or seventeen years old, her appearance is not very beautiful, I'm afraid she was a bit out of date, that's why she didn't have anyone until now.

An Ran thought to herself, if she had a chance in the future, she could help that girl. "By the way, my cousin hasn't married yet. Brother, tell me, can I introduce that girl Zhan to my cousin?"

Yang Yan bowed his head and kissed her on the forehead, and said with a smile, "Can you let them fall in love first if you are here? Let's introduce them first."

"Even if it's a blind date, it shouldn't be a big deal, right? But my mother has helped my cousin see a lot of girls, and they seem to be a little too high or too low. I don't know if it's settled now. I'll send someone tomorrow Go back and ask!"

Yang Yan thought about it for a while, then nodded and said: "But if these two people get together, it's pretty reliable. Your cousin should also be clean and self-sufficient, and he doesn't even have a housemate around him. The Gu family has a simple population. Brother doesn't live with uncle and the others. Without mother-in-law, daughter-in-law's life is much easier...Although Mr. Zhan has a low position, he is also a well-known celebrity in the Sui Dynasty, and he can be said to be full of peaches and plums..."

An Ran found something to do, very excited.

"Then I'll post tomorrow asking Miss Zhan to come to the East Palace to accompany me? The Imperial College hasn't started yet, so my brother will bring my cousin to the East Palace, right? I'll find a chance for them to meet...hehe..."

Yang Yan thought that she really lacked friends.Wang Jingyuan went back to her hometown with her husband Cui Yu; Wang Jingyan was still waiting to be married at Wang's house; her cousin Wei Xiuqin married Dugu very soon, but she suffered from severe pregnancy symptoms and could not accompany her...

"Why don't I reinstate Cui Yuguan to his original post? Mrs. Cui will give birth in a few months. After she gives birth, she can visit you in the East Palace from time to time. It's rare that she has given birth to two children and has experience. She is with her." , I am also relieved."

"No!" An Ran hurriedly said, "Don't worry. After she gives birth and rests for a few months, you can let Master Cui return to court in the second half of the year."

"Why? Don't you miss her very much?" Yang Yan touched her hair and small face.Originally, if An Ran hadn't been pregnant, he planned to take her to work on those training plans and sailing ships together.But she is pregnant, the concubine mother will definitely detain her in the East Palace and not let her go out.

Yang Yan was very worried, there were still ten months to go, and An Ran was used to being free, so how would she live the life of raising a baby!

An Ran sighed: "Sister Wang is a month old, the Cui family will definitely not let her return to the capital now. Mr. Cui is reinstated as an official, so naturally he will bring his concubine back to Beijing to serve him. Hmph, Sister Wang has worked so hard for him When it comes to giving birth, he can't go back to Beijing to have fun. Let him take good care of the pregnant woman in his hometown, and let him go back to Beijing after taking care of him."

(End of this chapter)

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