Chapter 588 Seeing Right (1)
However, both Wu Shi and Jiang Hongying misjudged He Ziyan and Gao Ying.

Although Gao Ying wanted to rely on He Ziyan, she was polite, but she just gave He Ziyan a few glances, and she didn't say a word if someone might catch him, let alone let He Ziyan get close.

And He Ziyan also became a polite and elegant gentleman. He drove his concubine Jiang Hongying to his mother's carriage, and invited Jiang Hongying to his carriage.He didn't go up by himself, but asked a guard for a horse, and followed the carriage, talking to Gao Ying from time to time.In this way, he smiled and was extremely satisfied.

Wu thought to herself, a girl who has lost her innocence, how can she pretend to be a saint?
The carriage entered the town ahead, and the He family found the largest inn to stay.

Gao Ying washed her hair, took a shower, and changed the water three times. Then she put on the new clothes that He Ziyan sent just now, and went out to thank her.

That night, Mrs. Wu discussed with He Ziyan about Miss Gao.

Now is also an opportunity.Both Wu and He Ziyan turned their attention to Gao Ying.In Wu's view, Gao Ying is clearly not innocent anymore, if He Ziyan can accept Gao Ying as his concubine, the Gao family should also be grateful to them.With the Gao family's help, there is no need to worry about his son's future.

What He Ziyan thought was, if he could marry a girl from the Gao family, he should be able to stay in the capital, right?The only difference now is that He Ziyan wants the Ming Dynasty to marry, but Wu only wants to take concubines.

"Mother, she is a daughter of Duke Zhong's mansion! How can you let her be a concubine?"

Wu sneered and said, "If you lose your temper before marriage, it's good if someone asks for it."

He Ziyan refused: "Mother, Miss Gao is innocent!"

Wu-shi pointed to her son's forehead and cursed in a low voice: "She said yes? Mother helped her change clothes, and she could see clearly. She was covered all over..." Wu-shi was too embarrassed to continue, so she just told her , "You idiot, don't be fooled by her face!"

He Ziyan lowered his head, how could it be possible to say that he didn't mind?But Miss Gao really doesn't look out of character!What dishonest girl doesn't cry bitterly?And seeing Miss Gao running towards me today, she was able to kick the beggar to the ground, which shows that she is very strong, not like the one who was injured just now!

After all, in this matter, He Ziyan is more experienced, and Wu's is too superficial.

In the evening of the next day, Mrs. Wu returned to He's house with her luggage, but He Minglang, He Ziqian and his son were taken aback.Okay, why are you back again?Could it be that something happened?
"By the way, where is Brother Yan?" He Minglang didn't see He Ziyan, and immediately asked with a dark face, "What happened? Did Brother Yan get into trouble again?"

"Master, you misunderstood." Mrs. Wu hurriedly explained what happened to them when they met Miss Gao yesterday evening.

He Minglang was also taken aback.Gao Ying is a good girl from the Zhongguo Duke's Mansion, but it is said that she was raised by Princess Longyu.Who is Princess Longyu?That is the sister of His Highness the Crown Prince!
When He Minglang came back this time, he only made up for one minister of Honglu Temple, so he was naturally filled with resentment. He kept blaming his wife and second son for not listening to him, and doing anything wrong that harmed the official career of their He family, so he sent the two of them away. go home.

But he didn't want God to open his eyes and send another opportunity to him.

If the son married Princess Longyu's sister-in-law, it would naturally improve the relationship between the He family and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

"When the road is rough, draw your swords to help. You have done a good job. Now that you are back, let's stay here for now!" At least we have to wait until the son marries the daughter of the Gao family back.As for whether the woman is innocent or not, what does it matter?As long as the members of the He family and the Gao family don't speak out, who would know?

But this Gao family, Gao Xi is going crazy!
Yesterday, my sister bribed a servant to go out and didn't return all night. He didn't dare to find someone in a big way, for fear that if people knew about his sister and the Gao family's reputation, it would be ruined.But just relying on the servants of the Gao family he brought, how can someone who is not familiar with the place in the capital be able to find them?
Gao Xi thought about it carefully, since he came to the capital, he has not offended anyone. They know the identity of their Gao family, and they will not come to embarrass them.Besides, there are few people in the Gao family who have become officials in recent years, so they should not have offended any big shots.

Then, the only one who could attack my sister is King Xiang.

However, does Gao Xi dare to approach King Xiang directly?Of course he didn't dare.

Just when Gao Xi was in a state of desperation and was about to go to the East Palace to ask the prince for help, He Ziyan brought Gao Ying back.

Seeing that her sister was fine, Gao Xi felt a little relieved, thanked He Ziyan, sent him out gratefully, and then came back to ask Gao Ying what happened.

After asking about the process, Gao Xi said with a dark face, "I told you not to go out during this time, but you actually bribed someone to sneak out!" Gao Xi wanted to scold her very much, and today is all because of your disobedience , But think about it, what's the use of scolding her?

Fortunately, my sister is still innocent.It's just that the He family has to win over her well, otherwise the members of the He family will go out and talk nonsense, and my sister's reputation will be ruined.

Gao Xi rushed to He's house overnight to ask to see He Minglang.

East Palace.

An Ran was still teaching Fei Cui to read poems, Yang Yan came back with a heavy expression on his face.

"Brother, what's wrong?"

"Brother, what's wrong?"

Fei Cui learned a sentence from An Ran, Yang Yan couldn't help laughing, but his expression eased a lot.

"It's okay, don't worry. Someone, take the jade down!" Now the maids in the East Palace are all very winking.Yang Yan went back to the room, and the girls went to wait outside, and went in when they heard the summons.

When Fei Cui heard this, she flapped her wings and shouted, "I won't go! Good luck to the Crown Princess! Good luck to the Crown Princess!"

Maybe it was because of being so rare by the girls, Fei Cui didn't like being taken out to be teased by the maids.Moreover, it is really not a happy thing for a bird to be caught to take a bath every day.Its favorite time of the day is when it is with An Ran, talking and eating.

An Ran sat up slowly, leaned on Yang Yan's arm while holding Yang Yan, and asked lazily: "What's wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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