Chapter 593 I Can't Climb (1)
As An Ran rushed over, she asked Shen Yi: "How about my aunt's light kung fu?"

Shen Yi said modestly: "Maybe you can give it a try."

An Ran nodded, since her cousin and aunt said so, she should be right.

When they arrived, they saw a few girls looking up at an apricot tree, and Fei Cui was standing on a tall flowering branch.

The arrest operation has not yet started, and several trees have been replaced by Fei Cui. Now the girls are basically still adopting the coaxing policy, and they dare not do anything.They were worried that once they caught it, it would be bad if they didn't catch it, but scared the jade and flew away instead.

So far, Jade has no plans to fly out.

An Ran waved at Fei Cui and smiled, "What are you doing flying so high, Fei Cui? Come and talk to me!"

Fei Cui hesitated for a moment, and shouted: "The Crown Princess is auspicious!"

An Ran smiled and said: "Jade is so good, I reward you with a plate of pine nuts."

As he spoke, the little girl behind him brought up a plate of peeled pine nuts.An Ran held the small plate in her hand, grabbed one and ate it, and said with a look of endless aftertaste: "Ah, this pine nut is really delicious. I don't eat jade, I ate it!"

When Jade saw it, she became a little restless.It paced on the flower branch, staring at the pine nuts in An Ran's hand.However, with so many people below, it didn't want to be caught again.But seeing An Ran eating one after another, the pine nuts in the plate were getting less and less, it couldn't help it.

"My uncle wants to eat pine nuts...Gah, bad guy!"

Poor Fei Cui was caught by Shen Yi just after flying down from the tree.

An Ran put the plate in front of it and said: "Poor Jade, I never lie to birds, eat it! When you come down, I'll give you all to eat..."

After Fei Cui was captured, Yulan, Zhan Xiaoyue and the two little girls who were in charge of taking care of Fei Cui went to An Ran and knelt down to admit their mistakes.

"Miss Xiaoyue, get up, you are a guest in the East Palace, you help take care of Fei Cui, I haven't thanked you yet!"

Zhan Xiaoyue didn't get up, instead she said guiltily: "If you go back to the princess, it's because of Xiaoyue's fault. She suggested to change the jadeite into a silver anklet, which made the jadeite fly away..."

An Ran smiled softly and said: "I already know. Miss Xiaoyue, don't worry, don't you think that Fei Cui has been caught back? Get up quickly!"

Zhan Xiaoyue looked at Yulan and the other two girls who were kneeling on one side, and hesitated for a moment.

"Will the Crown Princess blame Miss Yulan and the others?"

An Ran secretly sighed, smiled softly and said: "Sometimes being the master is a lot of helplessness. Originally, no matter how cute a bird is, it can't compare to the girl who has served me for many years, but the Eastern Palace has the rules of the Eastern Palace. , as the master, I can't let the rules of the Eastern Palace change from day to day."

Zhan Xiaoyue didn't know what to say for a while.An Ran smiled at her, and told Jian Ran: "Help Miss Xiaoyue up, and send her back for now!"

"Thank you for the kindness of the princess, Xiaoyue will leave." Zhan Xiaoyue thought, in fact, the princess still blames her, right?However, she really wanted to go back.

An Ran has never been an official, and she doesn't know how Yulan and the others will convict her, so she just said to Shen Yi: "They have neglected their duties, so they can do whatever they want! However, since the jade has been recovered, they can also use their merits to pay off their crimes. Let it go lightly?"

Shen Yi naturally knew that An Ran was kind-hearted, and that Yulan was different from other girls. The Crown Princess almost regarded her as her sister, so she took the lightest punishment according to the Crown Princess' wishes, and exchanged ten boards for banned girls. Eat for one day, and then withhold the monthly payment for three months.

But when Zhan Xiaoyue returned home, she saw her mother looking at her with both joy and worry.

"Mom, what's wrong with you?"

"Xiaoyue, alas! Mother doesn't even know how to say it."

"Mother, what else do you have to say to your daughter?"

"It's your marriage..."

When Zhan Xiaoyue heard this, she immediately lowered her head.She remembered that King Xiang secretly told her the day before yesterday that he would ask His Royal Highness and Concubine Hui to help him tell the emperor to marry her as his concubine.At that time, she was so excited in her heart, she was both happy and at a loss.But now, the excitement and joy are gone, only being at a loss.

Mrs. Zhan thought she was shy, so she took her hand and sat down, and let the maids go out, then whispered to her: "You have seen that Mr. Gu. Your father asked someone to inquire, and he is still Not bad, but it is said that he has always liked the Crown Princess in his heart. When the Crown Princess was divorced by the He family, he would divorce his wife..."

Zhan Xiaoyue thought, no wonder he looks gentle and modest, but always makes people feel alienated. It turns out that there are already people in his heart, so he will naturally reject others.What's more, since he is so different from the princess, it's no wonder he doesn't like her.

Zhan Xiaoyue nodded and said: "Since he doesn't like my daughter, my daughter doesn't want someone who doesn't like me."

Mrs. Zhan nodded in satisfaction, and said: "Today, someone from Prince Xiang's residence said that His Highness Prince Xiang intends to marry you as his concubine..."

"He sent someone to come to the door?" Zhan Xiaoyue became anxious when she heard it.How so fast?What should she do?If she rejects him, will he treat her like he treated that girl?

Mrs. Zhan saw her daughter so excited, a flash of understanding flashed in her heart, but her expression became more nervous and depressed: "Yes! Mother is worried about this. Tell mother honestly, have you met before? Should you not?" meeting……"

"Mother, we met several times when we were in the East Palace, but nothing happened. Every time we meet, there are other people around."

Thinking of Yang Jun, Zhan Xiaoyue was very conflicted.

She once talked to King Xiang without any scruples, and she didn't know if she liked it.But at least in her heart, King Xiang is an approachable person and treats others well.She doesn't understand what King Xiang likes about her, she is not pretty, her family background is not good, and she can't say nice things to please him...

However, after listening to Fei Cui's words today, she felt very scared.It turns out that King Xiang is also a man of duplicity.That's right, Dad said that those high-ranking officials and dignitaries always act differently in person.King Xiang is a prince, so it should be even more so.Even the princess, she has seen her treat different people with completely different expressions and attitudes.

(End of this chapter)

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