The lady escaped marriage and became addicted

Chapter 595 I Love You Like This

Chapter 595 I Love You Like This (1)
At the end of the day, An Ran redressed and changed clothes after taking a nap, and came out a little lazy for a while, so she took a plate of pine nuts and walnuts to tease Jadeite.

An Ran shook her head and recited a poem: "Chun Dawn, Chun Mian does not wake up, I hear birds singing everywhere. The sound of wind and rain at night, how much do you know about flowers falling?"

After reciting, she ate pine nuts and walnuts.Then, she recited it again and ate it again.

Jade's eyes followed An Ran's hand, from the dish of Song Ziren to An Ran's delicious mouth, then to the walnut dish, and then to someone's delicious mouth...

"Auspicious Crown Princess! Auspicious Crown Princess!" Fei Cui looked anxiously, how could she forget me?

An Ran ignored it, repeated the previous action, and then said kindly to Fei Cui: "If Fei Cui can memorize this song Chunxiao, I will give you pine nuts and walnut kernels."

Fei Cui blinked, and excitedly walked a few steps on the horizontal bar of the cage, seeming to understand somewhat, but not quite.

So, An Ran repeated it again: "Chun Xiao, Chun Mian does not know the dawn..." and continued to eat.

Jade seemed to understand, and immediately repeated: "Chunxiao, Chunmian, I don't know, I can hear birds singing, nights, wind and rain, flowers fall, how much do you know..."

Look at this impatient look, without pausing for a breath.

An Ran laughed loudly and said, "Oh, our Jade is so smart! Come, I will reward you." An Ran gave it two pine nuts and a small piece of walnut.

Fei Cui was very happy, shaking her head and began to recite again: "Chun Xiao Chun Mian unconsciously heard birds singing everywhere..." Then she looked at An Ran anxiously and shouted, "Reward! Reward!"

An Ran rolled her eyes, suddenly gave a smirk, and said to Fei Cui: "Our Fei Cui is the smartest parrot, isn't it?"

"Thank you for the compliment!"

"So, you have to study hard. Come on, say it again, memorize it slowly like me. Chun-Xiao-Chun-Mian-No-Jue-Dawn..."

This time, Fei Cui seemed to understand, she followed An Ran and learned to recite slowly while shaking her head.

An Ran immediately praised: "Good! Fei Cui is so smart! It's really good at memorizing!"

Jade immediately flapped her wings and said, "Thank you for the compliment, thank you for the compliment! Reward!"

An Ran simply picked up the two plates and put them in front of Jade, but she couldn't eat them.

"This is pine nuts, and this is walnut kernels. Which one does Jade want?"

"Pine nuts! Walnut kernels!"

"You can only choose one!" An Ran smirked and shook her finger, "Does Fei Cui want to eat pine nuts? Or walnuts?"

When An Ran talked about pine nuts, she put the plate of pine nuts in front of Jade and took away the plate of walnut kernels;

Fei Cui quickly understood, and shouted joyfully, "Pine nuts! Pine nuts! I want pine nuts!"

"Jade is so smart! Come, reward your pine nuts!"

The wicked An Ran finally gave the pine nuts to Jade.

Jade didn't hold grudges at all, and after eating a few of them, she still flattered her and said, "The princess is auspicious!"

Seeing the princess teasing Fei Cui, the girls standing aside couldn't help worrying about Fei Cui, and even couldn't help complaining in their hearts that the Crown Princess was going too far and bullying such a cute bird as Fei Cui.

However, seeing that the princess is so happy and Fei Cui is so smart, they are also happy.

At this time, a little girl suddenly came in to report: "I want to report to the Crown Princess, His Royal Highness King Xiang, please see me!"

"Oh? Looking for me? Ask him to wait for a while, I'll go over right away!" King Xiang is a younger uncle, he came to the sleeping hall to meet people who are not in harmony with etiquette, so An Ran had to go to the Jiade Hall to meet him.

An Ran walked out slowly, feeling that the spring was just right along the way.The afternoon sun shone warmly on her, and the porch was full of flowers and willows, full of vitality.It rained last night, and the fresh air carried a bit of water vapor and the fragrance of flowers, which made An Ran's heart, which had been a little lazy because of her afternoon nap, wake up again.

What did King Xiang want her for?

An Ran guessed, it was probably because of Princess Xiang's affairs, right?The last time I saw King Xiang joking with Xiaoyue, An Ran seriously warned King Xiang that if it was serious, he had to act serious, and if he was not serious, he would not be allowed to see Xiaoyue again.

Later, the two were still meeting each other, and An Ran knew that King Xiang should be serious.

Although she always felt that Xiaoyue and King Xiang were not very suitable, but if the two parties liked it and thought it was suitable, she, as a sister-in-law, would naturally not do such a thing of beating mandarin ducks.

Sure enough, after King Xiang came, he went straight to the point with a few polite words: "Sister-in-law, you said last time that you want to help me intercede with my father, don't you forget?"

An Ran smiled and said, "Have you decided?"

King Xiang nodded cautiously and said, "It's decided!"

"However, her background is not very good, her appearance is only above average, her temper is straight, and she doesn't know how to please others. Are you sure you want to marry her as a princess?"

King Xiang seriously replied: "Sister-in-law San, don't worry. I have seriously considered it."

"What do you like about her? Can you tell me?"

Xiang Wangjun blushed slightly, thought for a while and said: "I just like her straightforward speaking, what to say, and the way she smiles, as if there is sunshine in her eyes..."

An Ran nodded, it seems that Xiao Wu lived too depressed in the palace, that's why he likes such a simple person, there is no need to guard against and guess, it is simple and easy to get along with.

"Since you have made your decision, the third sister-in-law must remind you a few words."

"Sister-in-law three, please tell me."

An Ran said seriously: "Since you like her frank personality and her sunny smile, then you must protect her pure land of heart in the future. Do you know how to do it?"

King Xiang nodded and said, "Sister-in-law San, don't worry, I will protect her well!"

An Ran asked: "Can you guarantee that you will not accept side concubines and concubines in the future?"

King Xiang was taken aback, did protecting Xiaoyue have something to do with not accepting side concubines and concubines?
"I'm a prince, can I not accept concubines and concubines? Even people with a little background have a concubine at home, right?"

An Ran smiled and said: "Several women share one husband and it is inevitable that they will compete for favor. If you have other women, those women will inevitably try to harm her. How can Xiaoyue's innocent temperament be a match for others? If she also learns Fighting with others, is it still the Xiaoyue you like?"

(End of this chapter)

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