The lady escaped marriage and became addicted

Chapter 597 I Love You Like This

Chapter 597 I Love You Like This (3)
The previous Gao Ying rejected him because she admired the prince's talent and coveted the vanity of the prince's side concubine. He was not as good as the prince, so she accepted it.But he and Xiaoyue are obviously in love with each other, so why break them up?inappropriate?How did Mrs. Zhan know that they were not suitable?
Yang Jun came to Guozijian on horseback, almost asking about Zhan's house.A few of his followers were unprepared and were soon thrown off by him.

Mr. Zhan was not at home. Mrs. Zhan and Xiaoyue couldn't help being startled when they heard that King Xiang was coming.

The mother and daughter looked at me and I looked at you, with shock in their eyes.What exactly does King Xiang want?
"Xiaoyue, don't come out in the backyard. Mother, go out and tell him clearly that our Zhan family can't climb up to him!"

"No, mother, let my daughter go! Since he's here, I'm afraid he won't stop until he sees his daughter, and he won't stop until he asks clearly..."

"How can this be done? As a boudoir daughter, how can you meet a foreigner? Even if he is a prince, he can't rob a woman from a good family by force, right?"

"Mother, we met each other several times when we were in the East Palace... If my daughter doesn't make it clear to him, I'm afraid he will keep pestering her..."

Mrs. Zhan thought for a while and said: "Then mother, go and try first, if it doesn't work, come out later!"

The mother and daughter went out together, Mrs. Zhan left her daughter in the back hall, and went out alone to meet King Xiang in the front hall. "I don't know that King Xiang is coming, but I am far away to welcome you, and I hope you will forgive me..."

Yang Jun originally wanted to ask Xiaoyue for clarification, but the third sister-in-law said that the second elder of the Zhan family refused to agree, so she decided to ask them first, what's wrong with him, Yang Jun, so they can't see him like this?

"Madam Zhan doesn't need to be so polite. I just want to ask, why are Xiaoyue and I not suitable?"

Mrs. Zhan was amazed that King Xiang's affection for his daughter was asked so directly.She sent the girls away, and after thinking for a while, she said, "Please forgive me, His Royal Highness, Prince Xiang. Our Xiaoyue's appearance is just average, and his temper is straightforward, but His Royal Highness, you are a prince, a prince, and our Xiaoyue is of low status. It's not good enough for you..."

Yang Jun took a deep breath and said, "It doesn't matter, as long as I am worthy of her!"

Mrs. Zhan thought for a while, and wondered: "Please forgive me, His Royal Highness King Xiang, we dare not climb high..."

Yang Jun almost gritted his teeth and said, "I want you to climb!" In Yang Jun's heart, Xiaoyue liked him, and it was because her parents didn't know what to do and insisted on separating them.

Mrs. Zhan was frightened by King Xiang's anger, she couldn't help kneeling down with a plop, kowtowed and pleaded guilty: "His Royal Highness, please calm down, our daughter from a poor family can't stand on the stage, can't be a princess..."

When Zhan Xiaoyue heard this from behind, she couldn't help running out anymore, and while helping her mother up, she shouted at Yang Jun: "Don't make things difficult for my mother, I don't want to!"

When Yang Jun heard this, his expression changed drastically.He stared at Xiaoyue in shock, and asked for a long time: "Why?"

Why, don't want him for one or two?What's wrong with him?Is Yang Jun really that bad?
Seeing him like this, Xiaoyue still felt a little sore and uncomfortable in her heart.She took a deep breath and asked straight to the point: "Let me ask you, is it you who initiated the rumor that a girl was raped by a group of beggars in the Earth Temple outside the city?"

Yang Jun was stunned.He opened his mouth several times, but didn't know how to explain.

"You, who did you listen to?" Who the hell told her?Third brother?impossible!Could it be Cui Yi?But why?Apart from them, who else knew that this matter was initiated by him?

"Why, don't you dare to admit it? Are you going to say that someone lied to me to slander you?" Xiaoyue mocked, "Don't guess, no one lied to me! Because I heard what Fei Cui said!"

"Emerald? It, is it possible?" Yang Jun was shocked again.

Xiaoyue sneered and said: "What's impossible? Fei Cui learned what you and His Highness said so vividly, I could hear it right away!" Then, Xiao Yue repeated what she heard from Fei Cui that day.

Yang Jun was greatly shocked, and couldn't help taking two steps back, his legs touched the chair, and he sat down at once.

Seeing Yang Jun like this, Xiaoyue knew that she had not wronged him.She asked: "Tell me, what kind of hatred does that girl have with you that you want to treat her like this?"

"She, she looks down on me...I, I just threw her out of the city to scare her. I didn't find a beggar to ruin her. It was all accidental..." Yang Yan explained weakly, but found that he seemed to be getting more and more The explanation gets worse.

Xiaoyue let out a long breath when she heard this.She said in relief: "I'm very happy. So you're not really so vicious..."

When Yang Jun heard this, he couldn't help feeling hopeful again: "Xiaoyue, are you willing to forgive me? Xiaoyue, I promise, I will never do such a thing again!"

Xiaoyue shook her head and said: "You said that this incident was an accident, and I would like to believe you. But, just because people look down on you, how can you take revenge on a girl like this? So... I don't I am willing to marry you, even if you are the prince..."

"Xiaoyue..." Yang Jun stood up holding his chest, only feeling that his chest was oppressed and uncomfortable like never before.

Xiaoyue pointed in the direction of the door and said firmly: "You go, just pretend that we have never known each other. I am about to get married, and I don't want my future husband to misunderstand me. Please don't bother me in the future, Your Highness!"

Just because of this incident, Xiaoyue doesn't want him?Even she looks down on him?How can this be?It's all Cui Yi, it's all his idea... No, it's his own fault, if he didn't intend to take revenge on Gao Ying, why would he listen to Cui Yi's words?The third brother and Xiaoyue are right, it is because he is too narrow-minded, it is because he has gone too far...

However, is there really no room for change anymore?

Yang Jun took a deep look at Xiaoyue, and only saw the firmness in her eyes, but she no longer had the joy and shyness of the past. He said with difficulty: "Don't worry, I, Yang Jun, am not such a worthless person! From now on, I will never come to you again! May you be happy..."

Yang Jun ran out like crazy.Then, two people came in from outside the house.

(End of this chapter)

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