The lady escaped marriage and became addicted

Chapter 681 Evil is rewarded with evil, finally arrived in Quanzhou

Chapter 681 Evil is rewarded with evil, finally arrived in Quanzhou (3)
Yang Yan let out a long breath, gently held her face and kissed her, and said with a smile: "You are right if you think so. Don't worry, when Ling Yun comes back, I will ask him to help Mrs. Qi investigate clearly. We can't If you let a bad guy go, you can't implicate the innocent."

An Ran lowered her head slightly, and said with some embarrassment: "Brother, I have caused you trouble..."

"Hey, what's going on today? My family, An Ran, is so sentimental? What is the purpose of a husband? Isn't it just to spoil you, love you, and help you deal with troubles? Could it be that the moon is really to blame?"

"Pfft!" An Ran finally laughed.She leaned on Yang Yan's shoulder, put her arms around his waist, and sighed softly in his ear, "Brother, you are so kind to me... I understand that I am the happiest with my brother. In the past The things that have happened have passed, we came too late, there is no way to change the past, no matter how angry and heartbroken, it is useless. We must look forward and let those who hurt us prostrate at our feet and regret it!"

"Anran, my Anran..." Yang Yan sighed, hugged her with a smile, rubbed her hair again, and asked relaxedly, "Are you sleepy? Let's go back to sleep?"

"Okay! I want my brother to carry me back!"

"Okay, no problem! You and the baby are together, and I can hold my brother!"

Outside the pavilion, Shen Yi and Yan Laosan looked at each other, fell silent for a while, and nodded to each other, which seemed to agree with the Crown Princess' words.

Gu Tingjuan and Gu Tingyu were once again sent to the other courtyard where His Royal Highness temporarily lived, but this time, they failed to enter.Gu Chongfeng asked to see him personally, and waited outside the gate for more than half an hour, even the concierge couldn't enter.

Gu Chongfeng felt a little uneasy.

The two nuns originally sent by the prince and princess to the Gu family went back, but they didn't know what they said.Could it be that His Highness the Crown Prince is not satisfied with the two girls?Or is the princess jealous and won't let the prince accept the concubine?
However, does the crown princess have such a great influence on the crown prince?To or not, at least give me a word!

At this moment, only the sound of horseshoes galloping towards him, Gu Chongfeng turned around and saw a cold-faced young man with a sword on his back and a sword hanging from his waist, leading a group of guards to another courtyard.

Gu Chongfeng was surprised for a moment, and then he recognized it. This one must be His Royal Highness's confidant, Lord Ling Yunling, right?
"Master Ling! You are back, Master Ling! Gu Chongfeng, the patriarch of the Gu Clan, is meeting with Master Ling!"

Ling Yun took a cold look, what's going on?The patriarch of the Gu clan brought several carriages at the door and refused to let them in. Could this be a gift?

Ling Yun stood on his horse, turned over, frowned and said, "What's going on? What is Patriarch Gu trying to do?"

Gu Chongfeng hurriedly stated his future intentions, and then called out a beautiful girl from the carriage, and said to Ling Yun: "I heard that Master Ling is not around, this is my little granddaughter, I will send it to my lord to serve you. "

Ling Yun knew something was wrong as soon as he heard it. How could His Highness the Crown Prince fall in love with a girl from the Gu family, and even fight with the Crown Princess Concubine?These confidantes of them know that the prince has always put the concubine and concubine at the top of his heart.

"You don't need to give it away. I'll ask for you, you wait first!" Ling Yun thought, the prince's move must have his own deep meaning, these days he is not with the prince, although he knows the big things, but such small things I don't know.

"Yes, yes, thank you, Master Ling!" Gu Chongfeng thanked repeatedly.

Ling Yun led people in through the side door, and went straight to see the crown prince to hand over his order.

Yang Yan took back the Tianzi Sword, heard Ling Yun tell him about his stay in Hangzhou, and praised: "Good job!"

Finally, Ling Yun blushed slightly and said: "Subordinate, when this subordinate left Yuhang, he went to Zhou's house and proposed marriage to Miss Zhou..."

"Huh? You and Miss Zhou?" Yang Yan was taken aback, and then smiled gratifiedly, "Okay! You are not young anymore, it's time to start a family. I have missed you all these years! Now you finally I will be relieved to have a family.”

Ling Yun lowered his head, a little embarrassed.Suddenly, he thought of the Patriarch of the Gu Clan outside the gate, and asked: "Just now I saw the Patriarch of the Gu Clan outside and said that he would send someone to serve His Highness. What's the purpose of His Highness asking them to wait outside the door?"

"But give them a little hope, and let them be confused. Let's take the trouble to guess first. In order to prevent them from taking risks in despair, it would be bad if the mastermind ran away." Yang Yan told him the ins and outs of the matter, and then Said the subsequent revenge plan.

After Ling Yun heard this, he frowned and said, "I think His Highness handed this matter over to Mrs. Qi because my subordinate is not here? This subordinate thinks it might be inappropriate to act like this. Your Highness should leave it to your subordinates!"

Yang Yan frowned slightly and said, "Mrs. Qi is also the granddaughter of the Gu family, and she has a deep hatred with the Gu family. This matter was caused by a private matter. Wouldn't it be good to let her handle it? Besides, we don't have evidence, so we can't take action against the Gu family and the Sun family in an open and honest manner." But if you let go of the Gu family and the Sun family because there is no evidence, let alone the Crown Princess, Mrs. Qi and Yun Niang, even I will not agree."

Ling Yun said seriously: "It is precisely because Mrs. Qi has hatred in her heart that the subordinates think she is inappropriate. With hatred in her heart, it is inevitable that she will lose her composure. If you act according to Mrs. Qi's plan, it will be a bit... If you can't handle it well, If there is any mistake, it will have a great impact on His Highness's reputation. Please think twice, Your Highness!"

Ling Yun paused for a moment, and then said: "Besides, this subordinate thinks that the impact of this matter should not be too big, so as not to hurt the innocent. Now that the empress is full of hatred, naturally she can't wait to kill all the members of the Gu family and the Sun family." Well, I'm afraid that when she calms down, she will regret thinking about so many lives. Your Majesty is a kind person, and His Highness shouldn't let the blood stain her sunny heart."

Yang Yan glanced at Ling Yun in surprise, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, she already figured it out last night, and she also specifically explained that she should investigate clearly and not implicate innocent people."

Ling Yun looked at Yang Yan: "What does His Highness mean, does the plan need to be changed?"

Yang Yan shook his head and said: "Madam Qi's revenge plan, in itself, is not wrong. If you do something wrong, you should be punished. Zi said, complain with virtue, why should you repay virtue? I mean, as long as you grasp one Just don't implicate the innocent."

(End of this chapter)

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