Chapter 737 The Grand Finale (10)
When Li Zhao heard this, he became anxious, and said angrily, "Don't listen to her! How can you believe what she says as a woman? The crown prince is dead, and King Xiang is also dead. His Highness King An will definitely succeed to the throne..."

Seeing that the rebels had already been persuaded by her, An Ran took another deep breath, continued her efforts, and continued: "Who said His Highness the Crown Prince is dead? Let me tell you—His Royal Highness King Xiang is safe, and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is also safe! They just I went to Nanyang, and I will be back next month! The false news of the prince’s death at sea was spread by King An. Think about it, if King An was really the only one left in the Sui royal family, the throne would naturally be His, why would he plot rebellion?"

Although An Ran amplified her voice, she was a woman with no internal strength and no loudspeaker. In fact, only the rebels in the front row under the palace wall could hear her clearly, but she stood tall, and almost all the rebels looked at her. , knowing that she was giving a speech, so they asked each other what the princess concubine had said.In this way, An Ran's words spread one by one, and soon all the rebels knew about it.

Then, the rebels started to panic.Everyone, you look at me and I look at you, but you don't know what to do.What the princess concubine said was right, they rebelled with King An, no matter whether they succeed or not, they will only die!Even if someone is rich and powerful, he is definitely not an ordinary soldier like them.

At this time, Li Zhao, who became angry from embarrassment, took a few cronies to shoot arrows again, intending to shoot and kill the princess.

Zhou Zhihui hurriedly carried An Ran off the box, and An Ran still did not forget to shout loudly: "Li Zhao, are you guilty? Listen to the soldiers below—you will be rewarded for killing the rebels!"

There was a burst of exclamation from below, Ling Yun blocked her from watching, but Dugu Kai reported in time: "The rebels below are in chaos, and some people attacked Li Zhao and his cronies, but unfortunately they failed and were killed instead. However, Li Zhao is no longer able to command this rebel army. Many soldiers have fled!"

At this time, everyone looked at An Ran with different eyes.Unexpectedly, the princess concubine is so bold and courageous!That's right, only such a princess concubine is worthy of the wise and mighty Crown Prince they admire.This scene was really surprising. They originally thought that the Crown Princess was a girl after all, and His Royal Highness...

"Your Majesty, dare I ask, is His Highness the Crown Prince really safe?" At this moment, Xiao Zuo thought of the key.

An Ran looked serious, and raised her hand to swear: "I can swear to you, everything I said before is true! The rumors spread by King An are false, His Royal Highness and King Xiang are still alive! We only need to Hold on for a few days, and the troops of King Qin from all over the place will arrive."

Until now, the Miyagi Imperial Guard, who were still a little panicked and uneasy before, finally settled down.

At this time, someone came over suddenly and quietly reported that the emperor had been poisoned, and asked her to go over quickly.

An Ran was startled, no wonder the father didn't come, it turned out to be poisonous.

Didn't you say that you waited for Mr. Yue to find out the antidote before doing it?Hearing about the action tonight, she thought that Mr. Yue had already found the antidote!

Ling Yun approached An Ran, and whispered: "Mr. Yue said that there is no antidote to that poison. But as long as you carry it a few times, it will be fine."

An Ran hated it so much, King An really deserved to be skinned and cramped to pieces!

She comforted the soldiers of the Forbidden Army, leaving Dugu Kai to help guard the palace gate, and took Ling Yun to visit her father.

At this time, it was still dark, but Wang An forced the palace, who can sleep in the palace?The maids and servants were a little panicked at first, but when they found out that the Crown Princess had returned to the palace, they went to the gate of the palace in person to instigate rebellion and disintegrate the rebels. They also said that His Highness the Crown Prince was fine and would bring troops back soon, and their hearts slowly swelled. settle down.

The emperor was very sad.He locked himself in there alone, had himself tied up, and bit a piece of cork in his mouth, resisting the toxin's damage to his brain with super willpower.

According to Yue Chaocheng's order, Chief Hua En has been talking to the emperor outside.He talked about the tense situation at the palace gate, the speech made by the princess at the palace gate, and that Concubine Hui and Concubine Fang were outside, which made the emperor persevere when he felt that he could not persist.

The reason why the emperor can be an emperor and a promising emperor is that his willpower is naturally extremely strong.The doctor brought by the princess said that the antidote was not actually an antidote, but something that deepened his toxins, so he couldn't take it anymore.And as long as he endured the pain of the poison, the poison would be cured.

He kept thinking of other things to distract himself.

He hates King An, misses the crown prince, Concubine Hui and Concubine Fang, and by the way, his little grandson, Prince Rui Yang Jin...

When the crown princess returned to the palace, the situation quickly reversed, and he really saw hope.He was very excited and pleased.He knew that he was right, this daughter-in-law was not only filial, but also intelligent and brave, unmatched by ordinary women.

He must persevere.In case the crown prince really had an accident at sea, he would have to worry about it for a few more years until his grandson Yang Jin grew up.In this way, he can directly pass the throne to his grandson.I believe that with the upbringing and upbringing of a smart mother like the princess, this grandson must be as smart and capable as his father...

When An Ran arrived, she saw Concubine Hui and Concubine Fang were crying next to each other.

This time King An conspired against him, and the harem was also blocked.They were locked together, unable to leave the palace for several months, and could not get any news from the emperor and the prince.Tonight, the imperial army finally withdrew, but heard that King An led troops to force the palace and was attacking the gate of the palace.

They rushed to see the emperor, only to find out that the emperor was poisoned by that rebellious son of King An, and now he is enduring unimaginable pain due to the poison.

An Ran hurried over to comfort her: "Concubine Mother, Concubine Fang, don't worry, Emperor Father will definitely persevere, and he will get better soon."

Seeing An Ran, Concubine Hui and Concubine Fang seemed to have found a backbone, and hurriedly asked, "What should we do now?"

An Ran smiled reassuringly and said: "Mother Concubine, Concubine Fang, don't worry, the situation outside the palace gate has temporarily stabilized. We only need to hold on for a few days. Ling Yun has sent letters to the troops stationed in various places for help."

Concubine Hui and Concubine Fang felt a little relieved when they heard this.The palace is surrounded, how can they feel at ease? "The emperor..."

(End of this chapter)

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