Chapter 305 Taking refuge 2
Chu Mengyao said:

"Ask me what to do? Hou Wuji, Lin Aotian is your deadly enemy, you are not afraid of him stabbing you in the back, if you have the guts, just accept it! Don't look at me, Chu Mengli."

Having said that, Hou Wuji could already tell from Chu Mengyao's eyes that she actually had a bit of sympathy for Lin Aotian who was so down and down.

Hou Wuji laughed and said:
"In this way, I really want to see the face of you, the right guardian of the Broken Star Sect! What? Miss Chu, as long as you say a word, Lin Aotian will go or stay, and I, Hou Wuji, will obey!"

Chu Mengyao was silent, while Chu Mengli said from the side:

"The two guardians of the Broken Star Sect are all top masters above the middle rank. My Xuantian Sect has been lacking a backbone since the ten elders left. It was originally a good thing. But...the two have the same status, so we don't It’s good to treat one more favorably than another, how about this, if Meng Yao and you can stay with Senior Brother Zun, the two of you can go up to Tongtian Peak with us!”

When Hou Wuji heard Chu Mengli's words, he was overjoyed. Chu Mengli was indeed a smart and wonderful woman. Letting Chu Mengyao also stay on Tongtian Peak would not only reunite their sisters, but also restrain the supervisor Lin Aotian. , so that he did not dare to stir up any storms.Right now, the Broken Star Sect is recruiting troops everywhere, annexing small sects, and its power is becoming stronger and stronger. Instead of letting Lin Aotian drift away, it is a good choice to take it back for use.As the saying goes, the enemy of an enemy is a friend.

Hou Wuji also looked at Chu Mengyao with enthusiastic eyes, hoping that she would agree.It's just that Chu Mengyao's temperament is not as weak as Helan Yuer or Nalan Mingzhu, but as hard and cold as a piece of solid ice.After hesitating for a while, Chu Mengyao said firmly:
"No! When I left Xuantianzong, I made an oath that I would never take a step into Tongtian Peak in my life. You take Lin Aotian in or drive him away, it's up to you, and I, Chu Mengyao, commit myself to entering Xuantian again. Tianzong, that is absolutely impossible!"

Hou Wuji hurriedly said:
"Miss Chu, how could it be commitment? If you can return to Xuantianzong, you will still be like your sister Chu Mengli, and become a prominent person in Xuantianzong who is under one person and above ten thousand..."

Before saying a word, Chu Mengyao sneered and said:

"Same as her? Could it be that you mean to be the wife of Venerable Xuantian like her?"

As soon as these words came out, Chu Mengli and Hou Wuji beside him felt embarrassed.

Seeing the uncomfortable faces of the two, Chu Mengyao laughed crisply:
"My girl was just joking just now, the eldest lady of Xuantianzong next to you, don't worry about it!"

Chu Mengli smiled sweetly, she was already used to her obstructive younger sister, and said softly:

"If Chu Mengyao can be allowed to return to Xuantianzong, what's wrong with my sister's proposal just now? For the future of Xuantianzong, it's nothing for me, Chu Mengli, to make some sacrifices."

Seeing her sincerity, Chu Mengyao couldn't help feeling a little soft-hearted for a moment. After a moment of silence, she cupped her hands to Hou Wuji and said:
"It's impossible to return to Xuantianzong! However, if you intend to take Lin Aotian in for Xuantianzong's use, you don't have to worry. I haven't figured out where to go yet, so I'll stay at the foot of the mountain for a while. Watching the scarred guy for you. That's an act of kindness."

Hou Wuji bowed his hand and returned the salute, and said with a smile:

"Miss Chu is really righteous. If so, thank you very much! Well, since this is the case, then my Xuantian Sect will take in Lin Aotian again, and belong to the ordinary disciples of the inner sect, and live and work with the ordinary disciples. Lin Aotian, do you agree? "

(End of this chapter)

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