Chapter 315 Prediction 1
Murong Feng said:

"According to my ancestors, there are still three ranks above the Star King, and this Star God rank must be one of them, because almost the entire Star Continent has no such characters at all, and I don't know very well."

Hou Wuji and Chu Mengli were stunned when they heard this, they didn't expect that there are still three realms above the star king on the top of the peaks, for Hou Wuji, that is like a fairy-like existence outside the sky up.

Murong Feng saw two surprises, and said again:

"Mr. Hou, don't be too surprised. Although this divine divination tortoise shell is powerful, it has a peculiarity. Its predictive function is limited by the level of the person tested. The higher the level of the person, the more they can The larger the prediction range, the farther the time will be, and over the years, after the experiments of the experts in my clan, it seems that this tortoise shell has a high level requirement."

"So that's how it is..."

Chu Mengli asked again:
"Ordinary disciples of the Broken Star Sect will never know that you have hidden the tortoise shell in Taohuawu. It seems that you must have been instructed by Jia Chengxian again. This person has always been unwilling to hone his cultivation in peace, and only wants to take shortcuts. , so he specializes in heretic ways, and because of this, he knows many secrets that others don't know. But... At this time, he must have planned to snatch the divine divination tortoise shell. Could it be that Jia Chengxian can't do anything?"

When Murong Feng heard this, he was shocked suddenly, and said:
"Miss Chu is right. When the people from the Broken Star Sect came to seize Taohuawu, because they knew that I was a person with no martial arts skills, they relaxed their vigilance towards me. I once overheard them mentioning something... The entrance to the demon mound. Presumably, I want to use the predictive function of the divine divination tortoise shell to find this entrance..."

Hou Wuji was startled when he heard that, only he and Jia Chengxian, who had obtained the secret book of the ghost sect, knew the matter of the demon tomb best.Murong Feng's reminder soon got his own confirmation.good!Jia Chengxian must have gone for the Yaozuo.Since the Battle of the Demon Realm, the only way to the most mysterious and advanced region on the entire Star Continent has been opened.As long as you find the entrance of the monster mound, you can be the first to enter the first place of the monster clan.Trigger a great war that will repeat the race war thousands of years ago.

Hou Wuji immediately told Murong Feng in detail about the recent events between Jia Chengxian, Broken Star Sect, Xuantian Sect, and several major sects on the Star Continent.After hearing this, Murong Feng couldn't help exclaiming:
"It turns out that the traitor Jia Chengxian is responsible for all this! Although I have lived in Taohuawu, East China Sea for many years, I have heard of Jia Chengxian on Star Continent. He has long been a notorious person. Unexpectedly, Now he has returned to the Broken Star Sect, and has taken over the power! No wonder he came straight to the Divine Divination Tortoise Shell as soon as he entered Taohuawu, East China Sea!"

Murong Feng paused, and implored with some eagerness:

"Mr. Hou, I heard that you have the power of another world, and you are in charge of the Xuantian and Jiuyou sects. Now on the Star Continent, the one who can compete with the Broken Star Sect and Jia Chengxian is probably none other than you. Dozens of my Taohuawu people were hijacked by the disciples sent by Jia Chengxian. They wanted to use them to find out the whereabouts of the tortoise shell. Mr. Hou can help to save the Taohuawu people and help us revive the sect. I, Taohuawu, will be very grateful at that time! Donghai Taohuawu is also willing to unite with Xuantian and Jiuyoumen, and listen to Mr. Hou Dispatch, let's fight against the Broken Star Sect together!"

(End of this chapter)

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