The hand of another world covers the sky

Chapter 357 Black Sha Demon Soul 3

Chapter 357 Black Sha Demon Soul 3
Nalan Pearl rejoiced and said:
"The dead soul bell is a sacrificial object of the ghost sect. It has the function of subduing the dead. If it is refined into a witch weapon, it can paralyze a large number of ghost souls..."

Hou Wuji was very pleasantly surprised when he heard this, he was looking for a way to decipher a large number of demon souls in the outer space of the demon mound, and it is obviously difficult to save the emergency by raising the level of witchcraft.Nalan Mingzhu's reminder made Hou Wuji seem to see a glimmer of light in the darkness of the vast demon mound.Immediately, together with Nalan Mingzhu, they went back to Xuantianzong's scripture storage pavilion, and read the records about various powers in the ancient times of Xingchen Continent.

While the two were reading those classics, Hou Wuji prayed in his heart that the method of refining this auxiliary witch tool should not be too difficult, and the materials needed should not be too difficult to obtain, otherwise, he really has no other way now !
Half an hour later, Nalan Mingzhu pointed to a yellowed classic and said to Hou Wuji:
"That's it! The resting bell! An intermediate-level auxiliary witch tool, which can paralyze all spiritual bodies and evil souls within a certain range around the caster. The range of the spell depends on the strength of the caster's spiritual power..."

Hou Wuji hurriedly took the ancient book, looked at it by the light, and sure enough it recorded the method of refining the Anxi bell.It's just that one part of the material just says: It is refined by the dead soul bell.No other material was involved.

Nalan Pearl felt Nalan in her heart, and murmured:

"Why does the ancient book only mention the dead soul bell, but there is no other guiding thing?"

Hou Wuji thought for a moment, and suddenly figured out something, and a confident expression gradually appeared on his face.Close the ancient books in the Sutra Pavilion and pick up the dead soul bell.He quickly ran down the mountain.

When he got down to the mountain gate, he calculated the time. If he didn't delay on the way, he would arrive at the demon mound at midnight, when the yin energy was at its strongest.At that time, the bell of the dead soul absorbed many demon souls in the demon mound, and then tempered with sufficient spiritual fire in the body, the bell of the dead soul could be refined into an auxiliary witch weapon, the bell of rest.

This time, Hou Wuji did not bring Chu Mengli with him, but went alone, because he knew that even with the auxiliary witch weapon in hand, he might not be sure to penetrate into the core area of ​​the demon tomb.More importantly, the news about He Lan Yu'er heard from Nalan Mingzhu further confirmed the ominous premonition in his heart. In the dark, he knew that he seemed to be in the boundless darkness of the demon tomb, There will be a thrilling battle ahead.He just treated the guard disciple outside the mountain gate, and said that if Senior Sister Chu Mengli found him, he would tell the truth.

Hou Wuji rushed back to the demon mound in a hurry, gave instructions to the disciple in a hurry, and the figure disappeared into the mountains.With a shout in his mouth, he summoned Qingyunhe, and now, because only Hou Wuji was on board, Qingyunhe accelerated his speed, and finally entered the border between the demon world and the star continent before sunset.

Hou Wuji jumped off the Qingyun Crane, and slipped back into the territory of the demon world.

All was silent.Fortunately, since leaving with Chu Mengli, no one in the demon world seemed to have been here, and Jia Chengxian's Broken Star Sect group that I was worried about seemed to have not come over for the time being.

Along the way, Hou Wuji performed Tiangong footwork again and again, regardless of the consumption of true energy, and entered the tribe of the demon world at the fastest speed.Under the totem pole.At this time, it was already very late.Hou Wuji found the entrance of the secret path of the monster tribe in the dark, looked around, and after confirming that there was no one around, he stepped into it.

(End of this chapter)

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