Chapter 392 The Spy 1
Taking advantage of this short opportunity, Hou Wuji immediately squeezed his fingers tightly, concentrated his energy, and used all the spiritual power in his body to slowly gather the outline of the black-gold Dark Soul Blade between his eyebrows.

The sound of howling air flow rang in my ears, like a spring of spiritual energy, and slowly erupting like a volcano.Two feet away from the front of the eyes, on the huge white light witch weapon, white aura finally began to continuously flow into the dark soul blade, which was merged and digested by the black light of its own advanced witch weapon.

Using the dark attribute to swallow the light attribute, the two powerful diametrically opposed spiritual powers in the process of blending, exude a powerful spiritual power space, illuminating the entire inner layer of the demon mound like daylight.

In the inner space of the demon mound, time passed bit by bit, and the light of the suspended white witch weapon finally began to gradually dissipate. After a while, the originally dazzling light witch weapon also began to dim, which means that Hou Wuji The dark soul blade in the body absorbed its remaining spiritual power, and gradually entered a stable state.

At the same time, the effect of the healing halo on the nine-tailed fox also began to weaken. When the last ray of spiritual energy from the white witch weapon in mid-air was sucked away by the dark soul blade, the healing halo on the nine-tailed fox also began to weaken. It disappeared, and on the back, the wound it had bitten out earlier began to flow out thin jasper-colored blood.

Hou Wuji withdrew his fingers violently, a light flashed between his brows, and then his whole body shook, and the absorption of the third light witch tool was also declared complete.This light power and the advanced dark-attribute witchcraft are fused into a whole in the body, forming an extremely powerful magic power. It contains the subtlety of ancient witchcraft, and also combines the essence of the newly refined witchcraft. vitality.The powerful impact in Hou Wuji's body made him feel a strange state of hot and cold all over his body.

Hou Wuji gently closed his eyes, and two huge ancient characters appeared in his consciousness: Sheng Xie!

This is the name of the third magic weapon of light.

After he slowly regained his mental strength, he hurried to the side of the nine-tailed fox to check its injuries.Although the powerful healing ability of Shengxie Witch Artifact saved Nine-Tailed Fox from the danger of his life for a while, but the massive blood loss made him weak at the moment.Hou Wuji mobilized his consciousness and quickly retracted it into his body, making him temporarily calm and recovering.

Two of the four ancient witchcraft were recovered in a row. Now, the source of spiritual power in Hou Wuji's body suddenly became extremely active. After fusing the spiritual power of the two witchcraft, the power of the dark soul blade was greatly enhanced. , A premonition that he was about to break through the confinement slowly rose in his heart, which made him very excited. Now, he can imagine that when all the four witch weapons are subdued, he and the witch weapons he forged will be together. Produce a qualitative leap!Facing the super combination of Jia Chengxian, an intermediate-level wizard, and Lin Aotian, who was only half a step away from stepping into the Star King's Remnant, he, who had no power to fight back before, finally saw the hope of victory in the match.

Hou Wuji packed up his luggage.Fumbled towards the southwest.

There is only the last fourth witch weapon left, and he has not met yet.

In the southwest position, the road is the most remote and rugged in the entire closed demon tomb. Hou Wuji escaped the team of disciples of the Broken Star Sect more than a dozen times along the way.Although now, with his strength, he can easily kill these ordinary high-level fighters on the Star Continent along the way, but if he does that, it will definitely arouse the vigilance and tracking of the Broken Star Sect members in the entire Demon Tomb, Before he got the weapon, he didn't want to be followed by a lot of annoying little characters.

(End of this chapter)

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