Chapter 411 Balrog 2
Hou Wuji smiled helplessly, but he didn't stop walking.Without looking back, he said:
"The witch weapon has no form or form, how can I show it to you, the guardian of Chu? Didn't you see its illusory shadow in the five-element formation just now? Now, I will only tell you its name: Balrog !"

"Balrog? Haha, that name sounds pretty good!"

In the end, the excitement on Chu Mengyao's face quickly disappeared, and turned into a sad face.road:

"It was so difficult to get the first witch weapon, what about the next few? Huh! Now there are only four of us left. You didn't stop that old black monster just now. Didn't he owe you? Favor? Well, this girl is the first to say that if you need to do too much work, I will not do it, have to pay me, and you must have valuable treasures! In addition to the one just now, four That's four wages for Wu Qi, Hou Wuji, you must never renege on your debt!"

While striding forward, Hou Wuji threw down a sentence without looking back:
"Don't bother you! I only have the last witch weapon left. Whether this witch weapon can be used by you, Miss Chu, is still hard to say! You want to ask me for wages, but I won't I must hire you!"

One sentence made Chu Mengli and Zhao Chang, who were walking behind, burst out laughing.

"What? Hou Wuji... aren't you talking big? You have obtained three of the four witch weapons? No wonder you just wanted to get the Balrog just now, regardless of your life!"

Chu Mengyao murmured in surprise.

A group of people quickly groped from the darkness to the final northeast direction. The topography and the decoration of the stone room here were far more majestic and grand than those in other directions. There are also very few debris and statues.

Based on Hou Wuji's previous experience in the ghost sect's secret realm and the demon world, he could already vaguely sense that this place has reached the deepest part of the inner layer of the demon mound.

This also means that the passage between the inner layer of the demon mound and the most perfect area of ​​the demon mound is likely to be nearby.

"Northeast direction, the fourth witch weapon... the end of the inner layer of the demon mound?"

Hou Wuji muttered to himself.

Relying on the memory in the tortoise shell, led by Hou Wuji, a group of people came to an open area. The ground here was very flat and tidy, but it was pitch black without any light.It was like a huge square with lights out.

A group of people stood still in the center of the mausoleum's stone square, surrounded by an empty and dark place. Everyone couldn't help but feel chills running down their spines. They leaned back to back vigilantly, pressed their weapons, and looked around in the darkness.

"Hou Wuji, do you remember correctly? How did you bring me to such a ghostly place!"

Zhao Chang hurriedly made a hissing sound, and said in a low voice:
"Crazy girl, what the hell are you talking about... Could it be that there are not enough demons and goblins in this demon mound?"

Chu Mengyao said as if nothing had happened:

"Since we entered the tomb, it is naturally a ghost place..."

Before finishing a sentence, Hou Wuji murmured:
"Strange...according to the prophecy in the tortoise shell of the god card, the last witch weapon should be nearby, but why can't I even see half of it? Could it has been taken away by the Broken Star Sect?"

Just as he was thinking secretly, Hou Wuji felt that the surroundings were too dark, so he gently stretched out his palm on the hilt of the sword behind him, and slowly drew out the sword body, and the light of seven strange treasures shining faintly appeared one after another in the darkness .

(End of this chapter)

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