The hand of another world covers the sky

Chapter 434 Demon King Temple 3

Chapter 434 Demon King Temple 3
"Hmph! Miss Xuantianzong, Chu nothing more than that!"

Lin Aotian's move failed, he sighed angrily, and lightly blew on his fist, showing a look of arrogance.

Although Chu Mengli was angry in her heart, she took it forcibly and did not argue with him.Now, in all fairness, he is no longer Lin Aotian's opponent!
Hou Wuji gently put down the two sisters!Pointing at each other said:
"Lin Aotian, what kind of a man are you to bully two girls! You have the guts to challenge me to Hou Mou!"

Lin Aotian stared at Hou Wuji coldly, and even laughed wickedly!
"Hou Wuji, don't worry, it will be your turn soon! But...not me, after a while, someone will come to clean you up, you, and you..."

Lin Aotian pointed at Hou Wuji, sister Chu Mengli and Zhao Chang one by one.Seems like a winning ticket.

"Miss Xuantianzong... the left guardian of Broken Star Sect... the great elder of Jiuyoumen... hehe! Good! Very good! Hou Wuji, you can be regarded as a hero on the Star Continent, and you have gathered famous people from the entire continent under your command." It’s just that none of you are going to leave here today! Once the four of you die, Xuantianzong, Jiuyoumen, Wujimen, Taohuawu... will all belong to the Broken Star Sect!"

Chu Mengyao looked around, pointed at Lin Aotian angrily and said:

"Lin Aotian, go ahead and make your spring and autumn dream! With me, Chu Mengyao, I will never let you succeed!" Zhao Chang and Chu Mengli were thinking that Chu Mengyao would still die after this step. She was stubborn, but when she heard her change the subject, she suddenly said:
"Aren't you afraid of Hou Wuji's witchcraft?"

Lin Aotian's face was not in a hurry, and he said slowly:
"Hmph! Chu Mengyao, I thought you were so capable! You still have to rely on the power of this kid, Hou Wuji! When I was in the secret realm of Guizong, I already saw that you would hook up with this kid sooner or later. I got it right!"

Lin Aotian looked at Hou Wuji in a blink of an eye, and said coldly:

"What is Hou Wuji's ability, just come!"

After all, put on a fighting posture.

Hou Wuji couldn't hold back anymore, with a wave of his big hand, he was already tightly holding the Qiyao sword behind his back, and was about to draw it out.Suddenly, a strange sound resounded in the middle of the dim hall of the Demon Tomb, as if the ground was cracking.When everyone looked in amazement, they saw that the banners engraved with the totems and runes of the monsters and beasts in the previous hall were all concentrated in the middle of the hall, and the runes on those flags began to flash dazzling golden Light, after a while, all the banners have been connected into one piece, and with a crackling sound, the ground of the demon tomb hall is divided into two, and the shadow of an illusory temple slowly emerges.

"This is……"

Sisters Chu Mengli and Zhao Chang were shocked by the spectacular sight in front of them.

"The Temple of the Demon King!"

Hou Wuji suddenly exclaimed loudly.

On the opposite side of the crowd, the young man Lin Aotian with loose long hair and a long and narrow scar on his face showed a distorted expression due to extreme excitement.

"Hahahaha! Uncle Master succeeded! The space channel between the Demon King Temple and the Demon Tomb Hall has been opened, and soon, the Demon King will come to the world! Hou Wuji, your doomsday is coming!"

Following Lin Aotian's roar, it just fell.The monster summoning banners gathered in one place quickly dispersed and stayed in the eight corners of the hall of the monster tomb.

Hou Wuji suddenly realized something, the three sisters Chu Mengli and Zhao Chang shouted,
"Not good! The demon king's summoning array has been controlled by Jia Chengxian!"

(End of this chapter)

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