The hand of another world covers the sky

Chapter 441 The Light Before Darkness 1

Chapter 441 The Light Before Darkness 1
The demon king's flag was seized, and Lin Aotian was already in a panic. If it hadn't been for Chu Chu Mengli and his sisters to intervene, he might have been lucky enough to delay for a while, waiting for an opportunity to summon an army of monsters to block Hou Wuji's team for a while, so that Jia Chengxian could kill the demon as soon as possible. Wang Summoned was born, but now that the command flag is lost, he has instantly become a polished commander, and has fallen into the siege of Hou Wuji's people.Lin Aotian's palm grabbed fiercely, sisters Chu Mengli and Zhao Chang felt as if their whole bodies were pulled by a strong thrust, and the three of them fell forward together.Just when he had just stood firm with all his strength, Lin Aotian's scimitar in his hand had already drawn three sword qi, fiercely rushing towards the three of them.

The seven-star sword in Hou Wuji's hand violently intercepted Lin Aotian, but within a short breath, the three sword qi had been swallowed up.

Lin Aotian couldn't make one move, so he pushed out his palm violently, the three sisters Chu Mengli and Zhao Chang lost their balance at the same time, and they all flew backwards.Even the weapon in his hand almost fell out of his hand.Hou Wuji hurriedly used his body skills to meet them, and rescued one by one when the three of them crashed into the surrounding stone walls.

Hou Wuji stood still just now, and secretly marveled in his heart, after Lin Aotian absorbed the power of the Beastmaster's heart, he became really evil, sisters Chu Mengli and Zhao Chang teamed up, and they were no match for him at all.Immediately, he put the black command flag in Chu Mengli's hand, and flew towards the top of the crack in the hall, shouting backwards:

"Senior Sister, trap Lin Aotian with the beast army, and I will stop Jia Chengxian!"

Chu Mengli understood, and lightly waved the black command flag in her hand. Dozens of heavily armored monster legions had already appeared between the flags above the hall, heading straight towards Lin Aotian like an iron wall.

That Lin Aotian held the command flag and commanded the monster beast army to besiege the three opponents in front of him. Now, the situation has been reversed. Seeing a large group of monster beasts roaring like a torrent of steel and rushing towards him, he couldn't help being shocked for a moment. Had to back away again and again.

In the distance, above the cracks in the hall of the demon mound, Jia Chengxian's illusory figure was sitting upright with his eyes closed, while black primordial spirits turned into misty mist and flew into the outline of the majestic temple of the demon king.Hou Wuji has already rushed towards the shadow of the black-faced old man.

"Jia Chengxian! You have done so many unrighteous acts! Today, the Demon Tomb is your grave!"

Hou Wuji yelled, and a long golden light pierced through the air from where he moved his fingers.

Above the hall of the Demon Tomb, the dark-faced old man suddenly opened his eyes, his expression extremely nervous.It can be seen that with his attainments and knowledge in witchcraft, Hou Wuji has just unsheathed the witch, and he already has a premonition of its power, which is completely different from the previous time!
Jia Chengxian has already left his body at this moment, and he is summoning the demon king to appear in the world. The soul can't move even half a point. Therefore, when Hou Wuji's dark soul blade flew close to him, he had already lost the ability to dodge, and he could only use his concentration to release A grey-black attack weapon of the same type intercepted Hou Wuji's golden light.

The two witch weapons, which were also illusory blades, went towards each other, and they collided quickly. To Jia Chengxian's surprise, at this moment, his middle-level dark soul blade had just hit Hou Wuji's. It has been cut into several fine rays of light like a piece of paper in an instant, and scattered around like countless flying crystals without a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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