The hand of another world covers the sky

Chapter 443 The Light Before Darkness 3

Chapter 443 The Light Before Darkness 3
"Haha... Hou Wuji, it's late! You have no way to stop the demon king from appearing!"

In the darkness, Lin Aotian's extremely triumphant and wild laughter came.

"No! Absolutely impossible!"

Hou Wuji was furious, rushed forward desperately, roared, condensed the spiritual energy of his body, and waved his fingers vigorously, a golden witch weapon several times larger than ordinary ones flew out of the air, and the light around him pierced all the people present. People can hardly keep their eyes open.Jia Chengxian saw the attack of this extremely powerful witch weapon that gathered the spiritual power of all the four ancient witch weapons, and he couldn't hold back anymore. Now, there were no victims for him to use. He couldn't sit still, and his body In a blink of an eye, the primordial spirit has already withdrawn, returned to the physical body, and fled away in a hurry.

"Look! Jia Chengxian has interrupted the soul sacrifice!"

Chu Mengyao shouted excitedly.

How could Hou Wuji let that black-faced old man go, Jia Chengxian's soul had just returned to his body, and Hou Wuji had already stepped out of his footsteps, chasing after the fleeing figure until he was more than ten steps away , There were three golden rays of light shining between the eyebrows, one in front, one left and right, blocking Jia Chengxian firmly.

Jia Chengxian knew that he could not gain any upper hand, and the three extremely powerful high-level witch weapons were released at the same time, cutting off his way in an instant, which made him desperate.I had no choice but to bite the bullet and release a gray-black middle-level dark soul blade, breaking through towards the front.However, it is obvious that this is a futile attempt to hit a stone with an egg. The middle-level witchcraft, which was extremely powerful before, has become vulnerable in front of the spiritual power fusion body of the ancient great witchcraft. With a glance, the three handles that have not touched Hou Wuji have been shocked by the powerful spiritual power, and they have been absorbed away like stone sinking into the sea.


Jia Chengxian's face turned pale with shock, he only said that he was distracted and made a move, and was smashed by Hou Wuji's witch weapon without using all his strength. Like a tree, his painstaking diamond witchcraft is completely worthless in front of the spiritual power of the four great witchcraft... While he was amazed, a black shadow suddenly flashed in front of him, and before he could see clearly, his chest was already buzzing. With a touch of the ground, all the skeletons in his body seemed to be scattered, and his body flew heavily into the air.

With a wow, Jia Chengxian spat out a big mouthful of blood, and rolled on the ground clutching his kicked chest.The dark, thin and ugly old face kept twitching like a half-lived old dog.Not far from him is Lin Aotian who is also in a mess.

Holding the shining seven-star sword in his hand, Hou Wuji walked slowly towards the two seriously injured people on the ground.Now, the master and apprentice are like chickens and ducks waiting to be slaughtered on the chopping board.

"The two of you master and apprentice have committed many evils, harmed the entire Star Continent, slaughtered those who were disobedient in the sects of the rivers and lakes, robbed the treasures of other sects, and today intend to provoke a war between humans and monsters and beasts. There is no reason to die! Today, I, Hou Wuji I will never let you go again!"

The sharp sword in Hou Wuji's hand pointed at the two people on the ground angrily, and shouted coldly.

Sisters Chu Mengli and Zhao Chang also stepped forward, seeing that both Lin Aotian and Jia Chengxian had been beaten to half their lives. These two sinister and cunning enemies, who were always secretly making insidious tricks, were confirmed at this moment. Really lying in front of my eyes, I couldn't help feeling happy for a moment, feeling relieved!Although many sect disciples were sacrificed, after all, they finally won the final victory.

Zhao Chang glanced at Chu Mengyao quickly, and said:

"Miss Chu, this time, you won't plead for your brother from the same sect, will you?"

(End of this chapter)

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